Morning Motivator – The Dream Machine

"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil."
-James Allen

Last night, after a full day of learning what overcoming FEAR and realizing what PASSION is (see yesterdays Morning Motivator), I met with a past client of mine to discuss life and the pursuit of PURPOSE in a career. I found the chat to be very INSIGHTFUL as something happened that had not happened before…

The person I was sitting with said, "I want to help you with your dream. Here is what I need you to do." WOW!! Seriously?!? This person, whom has little to no vested interest, is going to ASSIST me in finding the RESOURCES needed to achieve my dream. Why I wonder? What makes this individual WANT to help me achieve this? What drives someone to provide the support that goes beyond a vote of confidence into ACTION?

I believe I know part of the answer – people want to be part of something BIGGER than themselves. Additionally, I BELIEVE that a clarity in your dream allows others to BELIEVE in them and VISUALIZE their participation in them. It has taken me a long time and if you ask me about my dream – I can speak to you in DETAIL about it. Are you able to do the same? What do you tell people when they ask you about your ONE big dream? Are you able to detail it with colors, tastes, smells and touch? Are you able to see it in your mind, just as it were REAL today? Do you think you should?


I, admittedly, am a DREAMER. A person that always FANTASIZES about the future and the great things that I WILL achieve down the road. As a dreamer, be WARY of the common trap – too much dreaming and not enough DOING. (Dreamers are now collectively nodding their heads).

The FIRST key step in achieving your dream is to clearly identify the emotional details of accomplishment. Take time to VISUALIZE what it will appear as, what it will FEEL like, what SCENTS will be around you and what sounds your will HEAR. This process creates the same mental pattern as accomplishment. Your brain is not CAPABLE of separating that reality from what you input and thus your mind will SEEK processes to accomplish those emotions.

As a final step – choose ONE (and only one) simple FIRST STEP to take. It may be to buy a book or call someone. Do the one most SIMPLE tasks, then reassess and repeat. And ALWAYS ask for help – there are plenty of people out there that want to support your dream!


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Morning Motivator - A Lesson in Staying Committed

"D*mnit!! It's times like this that make me realize how much I love doing this."
- Zach Barker, 8:25am, August 14, 2008, Atlanta, Ga.

I just landed in Atlanta, Ga after flying on a single engine prop plane. What an AMAZING experience!! The most defining moment came after the rush of landing...

As we were flying, I spent a good portion of the flight time writing todays Morning Motivator and WOW... it WAS a good one! UNTIL... I hit send and the server failed. Ugh! Seriously!? I have to redo this whole thing? How will I re-write all those ideas?

Here is something to consider and what I REALIZED - how many people are you doing something that they LOVE? What is your daily recharge and fuel to keep you PUSHING on to greater success?

For me, the Morning Motivator has become a test of COMMITMENT and FOLLOW THROUGH. I have forced myself to stay PASSIONATE (even when you hit a roadblock). I KNOW that you have the same passions and commitments also... Do you know that too?

When we FOCUS on what we love and have natural passion for - often we find that we are more DEDICATED and CONSISTENT in our excellence of execution.

Taking time to ANALYZE and IDENTIFY what you are passionate about - work, love and personal growth. Once IDENTIFIED, make a daily commitment to PURSUING that passion in whatever simple way possible.

Once you are able to DRIVE your passions, you will find an ability to translate THAT success to the other areas of your life. Don't let an email crash stop you... Don't let anything stop you!


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Morning Motivator – How Peace Will Improve Your Performance

"When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others."
- Peace Pilgrim

Here is an insight into me. It is my OBSESSIVE nature tends to have me FOCUS on something until I figure it out or learn to accept it – the gift and the curse. As a result of this RESTLESS drive to understand and overcome challenges, I often find myself learning to RATIONALIZE behaviors, decisions and actions.

What I am LEARNING from my perpetual analysis of ALL things – controllable and uncontrollable – is that finding PEACE within yourself is the CRITICAL KEY to success in any project, task, career or relationship. A special girl in my past would always say, "until you are happy with yourself – you can never be happy with anything else." As I am growing up now and understanding the WISDOM of this quote, I wonder how many others are faced with this very challenge.

Are you continually struggling to find PEACE in your career? Do you tend to OVERANALYZE every small detail of every past relationship (yours and others)? Do you find yourself bouncing from job to job or relationship to relationship searching for something MORE satisfying from the "next opportunity?" Do you have CLARITY on what that is?


As you begin to face down some of these questions, you are inclined to potentially LIE to yourself about the true concern within. In order to effectively DETERMINE your needs and challenges which are limiting you from finding the PEACE you are seeking, you MUST be very open about what your desires, passions and needs are in your career, love life and personal relationships.

Start with a blank piece of paper and a pen. Set a timer for 2 minutes. Write the words: WORK, LOVE, HEALTH, MONEY, PERSONAL and RECREATION. Start the clock and begin writing down a paragraph about WORK. It does not need to be grammatically correct – simply dump your brain. Stop at 2 minutes, then repeat with each word.

You will find yourself writing about the POSITIVE or NEGATIVE feelings associated with each and likely will find the areas of concern that are causing the most DISRUPTION in your personal PEACE. Write those in a note pad and carry it with you daily. Look at it as often as possible and think about the ways you can ENHANCE or OVERCOME these areas. In 30 days, you WILL see considerable gains.


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Morning Motivator - Going the Extra Mile

"It's never crowded along the extra mile."
- Wayne Dyer

Currently, I am sitting in a chair at the dentist's office, CONTEMPLATING what to write it in the Morning Motivator. A nice segway to making the efforts of going the "extra mile."

As I consider my lessons from yesterday, I begin to think about what makes certain experiences, discussions and relationships SPECIAL. What is it that makes that client experience GREAT or that special person so very SPECIAL? It is their WILLINGNESS to go the "extra mile."

When we consider at what point we QUIT making effort to see a project through to completion, we are making a DECISION to cease INVESTING into that person or task. How many deals have FAILED to close because the rep didn't want to make that late Friday appointment? How many break ups have ended SADLY because one of the two people would not make the effort to COMPROMISE? Are you an "extra mile" person?

When I consider what the "extra mile" is, I think of REALISTIC actions made to better a situation or relationship.

It is the effort of driving to see a client on a Saturday night because that's the ONLY time they can meet.

It is having that same discussion with a partner in order to ease their FRUSTRATIONS and ANXIETIES about moving forward on a project.

When you consider making the effort of the "extra mile," note that it is a MINDSET of dedication and responsibility. You are RARELY expected to meet clients late on weekends or drive your spouse to work as his/her car is getting repaired - so when you get the CHANCE to do it... OWN IT!


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Morning Motivator – Getting to Happy

"Happiness is what happens to us when we try to make someone else happy."
- unknown

Take a moment and revisit this past weekend. What was the BEST moment of the weekend? Close your eyes and think about the PUREST moment that you experienced. What did it look like? Smell like? Taste like? Feel like? Are you able to RECREATE that moment in your head?

In our culture, we are often so fast-paced that we are unable to remember what GREAT moment we had this past weekend as a result of our HECTIC schedules and INABILITY to relax. Are you able to RELAX? This morning, as I delivered donuts to the administrators and teachers of Metro Schools (East Nashville Area) with my NAJCC President Elect, Jason Denenberg, a discussion about what is IMPORTANT came about. We chatted about the VALUE of leading an organization, the COMMITMENT of its members and their RESPONSIBILITY to make the most of their membership. Interestingly, I believe that this is the same RESPONSIBILITY we have to developing our own HAPPINESS.

Many people dwell daily of the challenges they are facing in the life. NEWS FLASH – we all have them. Get over it. Move on. Don't get me wrong here – I don't intend to be INSENSITIVE, however, your DWELLING on the subject is not improving its effect. Take ACTION in your happiness and make something happen. If you are unhappy with your job – change it. You wish your boyfriend did more to make you feel cared for – ask for it. You are upset that your tummy "pooches" a bit too much – start walking a mile at night. Your HAPPINESS is in your control. It is a CHOICE and a RESPONSIBILITY to yourself to make sure you get what you want. What are you DOING to ensure it?


Every day you have a chance to make a small INVESTMENT into your future happiness. As always, you MUST start with a clear VISION of what you want in your life (and if don't have that – get it first!).

Once you know where you want to be, look at where you are and make the smallest and easiest investment into what you want. If you seek to lose weight, don't get cheese on your salad. If you want your spouse to love you more, kiss them on the lips and tell them you care about them. Seeking to better your results at work, take on the hardest task first – you will make the most progress this way. The KEY TO SUCCESS here is … ACTION! By taking action, even the smallest of steps, you are progressing towards the end goal you have charted for yourself and with enough time you are GUARANTEED a successful accomplishment.

Simply CHOOSE to be happy – yes, it is that dang simple! It is a CHOICE of happiness and a denial of the "victim syndrome" so many of us fall into. ASK for what you want, TAKE what is denied from you and always GIVE to others unselfishly in order to receive fully. Make it a GREAT week!


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