Morning Motivator - Happy Birthday Nancy Pelosi!

"Today is her 70th birthday. Can you believe that?"
- Unknown CNN Anchor

The funny thing about LEADERSHIP is that the decision making process is supposed to BENEFIT others. All too often, our "leaders," make decisions that benefit THEMSELVES.

Ask yourself, "Who should be making DECISIONS that will truly take its 'full effect' 15 years from now?"

As LEADERS, it is our RESPONSIBILITY to engage and involved those that are most affected by our decisions. Would change a policy without asking clients THEIR thoughts? Would buy a new car without CONSULTING your spouse?

While Speaker Pelosi may be "respected" by colleagues, I WONDER how many younger leaders she consulted??

Twenty years from now, Nancy Pelosi will NOT be forced to live with her decisions and actions... YOU WILL!

As you GROW, LEARN and LEAD in your professional career, remember, your ROLE as a leader is to help find a BALANCED solution that meets all needs...

Seek to PREVENT decision making based on EGO, PRIDE or ARROGANCE. Then, maybe on your birthday, I will write a Morning Motivator about what a GREAT leader you are (and how you learned from her).


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Morning Motivator - An Idea about Supply and Demand

"It turns out that the people who make things happen - the champions - are now in short supply and more successful than ever."
- Seth Godin 

Watching politics makes me REALIZE something – our society is in SHORT SUPPLY of real leadership.  I RECOGNIZE that the people in our government have found a way to "lead" enough to get the votes needed to take their elected role, however, how many of them REALLY lead? 

The majority of people I have talked with NEVER heard of their "elected official" prior to their campaign run.  Most don't even know where our PRESIDENT is from.  How is this possible?? 

The REALITY of our country, and human civilization, is that true, UNIQUE thought coupled with LEADERSHIP is at an all time low.  In an era of MSNBC and FOX News, we are spoon fed what to THINK, how to REACT, and what to be PASSIONATE about.  This is self evident by the inability of people to have discussion WITHOUT the regurgitation of rhetoric witnessed each night on television. 

This country will make a DEMAND for "change" – not the kind we were sold on in 2008. 

People will EXPECT that their leaders are both socially aware and fiscally responsible.  The questions becomes… "Who will lead?" 

Knowing that the often the person with the LOUDEST voice, or most "POPULAR" opinion will often drive the behavior of others will we ever see someone stand on their PRINCIPLES? 

Leadership starts by standing up for the BETTERMENT of all, not a select few, not your friends… the GREAT majority.  Should 10% of the people be pissed off – so be it!  Should that mean the top or bottom percent – who cares!? 

One day, a GREAT leader will arise again, the likes of a Teddy Roosevelt, General George Washington or John F. Kennedy.  That person will NOT be wavered by "social pressures" NOR by "special interests," RATHER, stand for the MAJORITY of people whom drive the economy, education and moral values of this country. 

Will you be a part of the SUPPLY… or the DEMAND? 


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Morning Motivator - A Trade Show Mentality

"The best thing about trade shows is you can learn so much with so little pressure."
- TMGMA trade show attendee

Education WITHOUT pressure. What an AMAZING concept!!

BUSINESS people have been given a bad rap by the LOWEST common denominator of salespeople. You know of them - Quick talking, empty promises and aggressive in TELLING you why you need something.

Business PROFESSIONALS take a "Trade Show Mentality." The INITIATE a relationship based on a commonality of understanding. The ENGAGE the potential client with specific and focused QUESTIONS. The EDCUCATE the client with CANDID and DIRECT responses. The FOLLOW UP accordingly, as mutually agreed between the two parties.

To see the above process in ACTION, attend a Trade Show with a polished PROFESSIONAL.

The INTERACTIONS they engage in are fruitful, even if very shallow initially.

For potential clients with questions, a TARGETED discussion takes place and FOLLOW UP arrangements are made.

Commonly, very PRODUCTIVE opportunities come from trade shows... As long you remember that its not about QUANTITY. It is ONLY about QUALITY!!


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Morning Motivator - Are You Afraid to Achieve?

"The price of getting what you want is getting what you once wanted."
- Neil Gaiman, Sandman

I have a PHILOSOPHY on why people don't achieve their goals... They wouldn't know what to DO next.

Every wondered what life would be like if you ATTAINED your highest goals? A few words to detail the feelings come to mind - elated, accomplished, proud, fulfilled. How about DISAPPOINTED, FEARFUL OR DEFALTED?

The FEAR people have with achieving goals is that it REQUIRES you to create NEW ones...

The FUN in achieving goals is not the accomplishment, rather the CONFIDENCE that you CAN achieve your goals...

Why is that IMPORTANT?

If you can achieve that one... Why NOT any goals? What is PREVENTING you from attaining all your dreams?

Set a goal and ACHIEVE it. DISCOVER how easy that was and do it AGAIN! (This time dream BIGGER!)


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Morning Motivator - Socially Responsible?

"... A sharply divided nation."
- The Wall Street Journal

Last night, a HISTORICAL vote took place. Our political leadership passed a Healthcare Reform Bill. Good or bad - it is done.

My question, as a professional, is "was a 'victory' worth the backlash?" Our country, currently, is more DIVIDED with regards to finances, race relations, social beliefs and more. The vote was TOTALLY partisan - pitting liberals against conservatives, driving for "VICTORY!"

Better question... "If half the people in your company were wholly AGAINST a policy, would you DISREGARD their thoughts and move forward?"

Many liberals, today, are CELEBRATING their victory over the GOP. And yet, we ask, "what did they win?"

It is LIKELY that the byproduct of this "VICTORY" will be further dissolve of mutually beneficial relationships, as well as TRUST of one another. A COST we will all pay...

How socially RESPONSIBLE is that?


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