Morning Motivator - Be Mad at Your Mom

"Be careful darling…"
-Your Mom

What was mom REALLY saying to you as a child when she would whisk you on to school with a smile and a "be careful?" Was is that she LOVED you and wanted you to be safe from danger? Was it her way of PROTECTING you from the woes of the world? Not likely...

What your mother WAS doing was protecting HERSELF from the pain of your hurt, injury or disappointment. Think about it... What does that statement REALLY tell you? "Don't take risks, you might get hurt," "Take the CONSERVATIVE path, there is less risk for failure," etc...

I'm not suggesting you go and SCOLD your mother for brainwashing you as a child to be overly CAUTIOS. I'm NOT telling you to bring this up at Thanksgiving dinner either. What I am saying is to consider the WORDS you use and the way you speak to YOURSELF.

Negative self talk is on of the most DETREMENTAL psychological activities you can take part in. Many people PARTICIPATE daily in this type of behavior as well.

You must SHUT OUT the little voice that says, "don't take that risk," "You can't do that," "you are not good enough, smart enough or talented enough."

By learning to IDENTIFY this inner voice of self defeat, you can also learn to change thought processes to be more positive and progressive.

You CONTROL your own attitude - choose SUCCESS and POSITIVITY. The things you seek in life will then be ATTRACTED to you!!


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