Morning Motivator – Get Creative to Win Opportunity

"Reality can be beaten with enough imagination."

"Oh… the world economy is sooo bad!" "What will we ever do? There is so little money in the world." "No one is doing any business because there is no opportunity out there." Sound familiar?

Given, the economy MAY APPEAR to be in a down slide, yet do you BELIEVE that "everyone" is struggling? Do you think someone is out there getting RICH? Likely so...yet, how do they EXCEL during a "downturn" while others barely get by?

CREATIVITY is an amazing solution to hard times. If you have clients that are having CHALLENGES to find the money to buy your services, find the money for them. If you see a client that lacks the ability or SKILL set to accomplish another needed goal, find a way to do the task for them (or better yet, have someone better than you do it... Inexpensively).

Regardless of any situation in the environment, there are ALWAYS ways to get things done!

Whatever challenges your clients, friends, family or personal self are facing are able to be OVERCOME. By seeking new ways of DEFEATING old challenges, you EXPAND your mind, skills and leadership. Additionally, by SOLVING challenges for others in a unique way... You BUILD long lasting credibility and loyalty.

Use your BRILLIANCE and leverage your CREATIVITY... You may even IMPRESS yourself.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

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