Morning Motivator - Mr. Know-it-all

"The client said, 'I know you don't know everything. So, how much of a jackass are you going to be?'"
- Anonymous

This quote almost made me fall out of my chair with laughter!!

The above was voiced in a discussion about EXPERIENCES in conducting business. The discussion centered around the use of CANDOR in negotiations between new and seasoned professionals.

Often, we feel as though we must IMPRESS or VALIDATE ourselves in discussions with others. Especially, if or when you FEEL as though you may be in "over your head."

What do you REALLY achieve by faking your experience, skills or positioning as though you have ALL the answers?? (Hint: very little).

Most "seasoned" professionals UNDERSTAND one thing about business... Nobody KNOWS it all! (And they can see right through those that act like they do).

With that in mind, why not just be UPFRONT all the time?

My EXPERIENCES have proven time and again that CANDID, OPEN discussion always wins! Not having the answers is ACCEPTABLE, as long as you have the DETERMINATION and WILLINGNESS to find them.

Your role is as a PROBLEM SOLVER, not an "on-demand" solutions manual.

Don't fake your way out of INTEGRITY... just be HONEST and get the answers for your clients!


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