"Almost everything you do will seem insignificant, but it is important that you do it."
- Mahatma Gandhi
A personal frustration is the amount of time and energy people EXPEND on meaningless analysis or activities. This is commonly found amongst small groups of people or couples where there is a need for DOMINANCE. These are the conversations about an insignificant detail of a story, offering NO VALUE to the story, yet, it becomes a sticking point between parties. UGH. Shoot me.
I find it is not UNCOMMON for people to become frustrated with me because I tend to leave out small pieces of information in discussions. Why do I? Those tidbits DO NOT MATTER. They do not AFFECT the outcome, the people involved, nor does it even create an inkling of importance in the relevance of the story itself. They are meaningless, moot points.
Who cares if the people met at a pizza shop or coffee shop? It does not matter why someone cannot attend something and will not tell you why, rather, it only matters that they cannot attend. If the client says they need to push the meeting to next week for personal reasons, well, then just move the damn meeting…
Business managers are very GOOD at worrying about the crap that does NOT matter. In sales meetings, they are concerned with the 20 reasons WHY someone pushed a meeting, when the meeting is already rescheduled and confirmed. WHO CARES?! They have their reasons and we are still moving forward. It is over… move on.
When you begin ANALYZING your actions, your follow up systems, and your relationship management, CONSIDER focusing solely on the actions of highest value. If a client wants to change your regularly scheduled monthly meeting and requests a different day, then do it and move on. If they ask to move it and do not reschedule… well, then you have problems. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!
You have a limited amount of energy and mental capacity in a day, week, month, year… do not waste it on garbage that does not matter or is purely emotional in nature offering little logical value. Spend your time FOCUSED on the specific goals you have. Rather than waste time and energy on UNDERSTANDING what you do not have enough information to even get close to understanding, REFOCUS your energy on alternate solutions.
At the end of the day… know cares WHY you did or did not do something. They just care that you did or did not do it!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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