Morning Motivator – Spread Your Virus

"A good idea is talked about.  A great idea spreads like a virus."
- Unknown

Have you ever been to see a speaker that you KNOW ate, slept and drank about what they spoke?  I am talking about the person that is so ENTHUSIASTIC about their idea, product or service that you also find yourself FIRED UP!

I have found that PASSION and ENTHUSIASM are viruses.  They are CONTAGIOUS in ways that no amount of marketing or sales savvy can compete with.  No amount of commercials, posters, promotions or any other "stuff" can compete with the VIRAL effect that an individual can place on others when they are inspired to talk about you.

When you are speaking to potential CLIENTS, FRIENDS or just random STRANGERS about your business, do you find that you are able to CAPTURE them with your enthusiasm or motivate with your PASSION?  Do you find that they are not only ABLE to understand what it is you do, but WANT to help you be successful?

The MISCONCEPTION often perceived by individuals here is that you must be a dynamic, charismatic, outgoing speaker.  This is UNTRUE. 

The loudest, most entertaining speakers are not always the best.  Sure, public speakers do not often shy from spotlight, but that has more to do with their PASSION to share their message, than to do with being a media whore.

Alternatively, your key approach may be to speak to small groups or individuals that are highly INFLUENTIAL.  You do not have to be Anthony Robbins or Dale Carnegie.  You can just be Jason Denenberg… a calm, cool, collected person that speaks when necessary, but with GREAT passion.

The MOST impactful speakers are not the most outgoing, rather the most SINCERE.  Be genuine and do NOT be shy.  Share your message when appropriate and let the VIRUS spread…



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Morning Motivator – Why Dorks Become Superstars

"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."
- Winston Churchill

I must warn you that if you were a DORK in high school, you may take offense to this Morning Motivator.  You have been warned…

I have been thinking about all the GOOFBALLS that I see with hot girls, nice cars, great jobs and by all accounts "success."  I am always AMAZED at how often "Most Likely To Succeed" is a failure, "Most Attractive" is anything but and so on… Yet the BIGGEST DORKS seem to have made it in adult life!

Why?  They have years of EXCEPTIONAL training for the "real world" (no, not that lame MTV show).

In high school and likely earlier, the goofy kids have been "FAILING" at social acceptance, relationships and achieving the prestige they so sought after from their peers.

The cool thing is that school only lasts so long, then, we all become OUTCASTS in our workplace.  Whether we are the new person, the one that has the least experience, or just DO NOT know the politics of how "things work."

We all become the GOOFBALL – like it or not.  The difference being that the "loser" from school already know how to NAVIGATE these seas, while the cool kids flounder, constantly reliving their successes of past days.  (Being cool kind of sucks huh?)

FAILURE is really an ACCOMPLISHMENT.  It builds resilience, creativity and for those that are well skilled at it, it builds EXPERTISE in overcoming.   SUCCESS is the achieved by being able to fail over and over until you ATTAIN your goals.  If you have never lost… how can you really WIN?



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Morning Motivator – The American Dream (in jeans)

"My dream is to make money and wear jeans every day."
- Anonymous

I just had a tremendously PRODUCTIVE meeting with a local business owner.  Most interesting, even beyond I was able to secure even more than I asked for, was his comment that his "American Dream" was to make good money and wear jeans doing it.  Hmmm…

He noted that he wrote his MBA conclusion paper on this idea and received a C.  Oh yeah, he owns 5 businesses now.

When I CONSIDER what the "American Dream" is, I think about what we are TOLD.  Owning a home, going to college, having kids that go to private schools, blah blah blah.

The REAL American Dream is what YOU dream!  Do you have your dream DEFINED enough to know what it is?

SUCCESS begins with the ability to VISUALIZE what success looks like.  You should be able to know how to smell it, taste it, touch it and more.  You need to DEFINE your dream to achieve it.

Society will TELL us what we should do to be happy, and yet, when we do it, we find we are not.  Rather, let us begin doing what WE want.  Make ourselves HAPPY and stop having society or our government define what happiness and success are for us.

Do you know what your DREAM is?  If you don't, how do you know what you are doing today is right..?



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Morning Motivator – Do What You Want To DO!

"Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of."
- Geri Weitzman

What if your company used a BETTER marketing campaign?  What if they PAID your way to go to the events and trade shows you thought were BEST?  What if you could use the PROMOTIONS you think will make your job more effective?

If you BELIEVE in the projects… Do what you want to do!

What do I mean?

Simply put, if you feel so PASSIONATELY that a project or trade show is a good fit for your company, do it!  Take a CHANCE with your own money and execute the plan as you see fit.  Rarely, will a company tell you NOT to do something.  They may say they do not have the BUDGET, but they will not stop you from doing something.

EXCUSES are for LOSERS!   Winners take action, risk (albeit calculated) and ALWAYS bet on themselves!

If you want a certain PROMOTION run – do it.  Take a cut of your commission or budget to do it.  Start small and use a test sample to determine VIABILITY.

If you want to ATTEND or DEMO at a certain trade show – pay for it!  If it works, ask your company to pay you back… which they will.  If it does not, then move on to the NEXT great idea. 

Bet on your own CREATIVITY and SUCCESS.  If necessary, take a risk with your own finances and time.  If you are WAITING for someone else to give you the green light for your SUCCESS, get comfy… it is a very long wait!  Instead, go make it happen for YOU!



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Morning Motivator – Beat Your Enemy

"We have met the enemy and it is us."
- Walt Kelly, Cartoonist

Have you ACHIEVED the goals you sought out this year?  Are you NEARING some of the targets you have set for yourself professionally, personally, financially or other?  What FACTORS are keeping you from attaining your goals?

There are many factors in SUCCESS - hard work, luck, connectivity, flexibility.  There also many ROADBLOCKS on the way – motivation, market conditions, competitors and more.  Identifying the most DIFFICULT roadblocks to overcome is key.

::: NEWS FLASH ::: 
Almost any "market condition or competitor" can be OVERCOME.  The most frequent SABOTEUR of your success is YOU!

I love a good reality check.  This is a BIG ONE:  The reason you have not met your WEIGHT GOALS is you.  The reason you have not met your FINANCIAL GOALS is you.  The reason you have not yet got back into SCHOOL is you. 

It is YOU… YOU … YOU!

You CONTROL all of YOUR actions.  Should you choose to eat the extra piece of cake, EXPECT to gain weight.  HESITANT to make the calls to new business prospects, EXPECT to miss your financial goals.  Go to bed ANGRY at your lover, EXPECT to have relational challenges.

YOU are your own WORST enemy!  Know it, own it, act on it… because you can overcome yourself!



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