"I am willing to do things others are not, even if it is uncomfortable."
- Anonymous
When people ask my advice about the best ways to get ahead, I respond with two comments: "good fortune and sacrifice."
This is not a Morning Motivator about luck, but I do want to point out that "good fortune" is a result of you knowing the right people, at the right time and, more importantly, those people KNOWING you in the right way! SACRIFICE is much simpler: It is a matter of doing the things other complain the most about and doing them consistently.
Why is it that an athlete makes such a huge performance jump over the summer or a student drastically increases their grades mid-semester? It is NOT magic. It IS sacrifice. Rather than going out every night or spending time on FaceBook, they are sacrificing those niceties, for time in the gym or extra time at the library… even though that SUCKS!
Now that we are "all growed up," we have the same opportunities still. We have the unique opportunity to FOCUS and SACRIFICE to rapidly enhance our success cycle.
It may mean that you join a club or recreational sports team, RATHER than comfortably going home to your "safe house" and watching TV all night. It may mean that you spend your lunch hour READING about marketing or sales strategies. Heaven forbid, it may even mean you have to go meet someone you DO NOT KNOW and ask them for an opportunity to educate them about your product or service.
Most people do the BARE MINIMUM to get by and as a result, get the MINIMUM gains. Sure, some people are just plain lucky, but do not worry they will screw it up. As for the rest of us, it will be a measure of our volume of SACRIFICES that will tally up the "wins" in the success column.
The question is "Are you willing to make that sacrifice?"
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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