Morning Motivator – It is a Matter of Sacrifice

"I am willing to do things others are not, even if it is uncomfortable."
- Anonymous

When people ask my advice about the best ways to get ahead, I respond with two comments: "good fortune and sacrifice."

This is not a Morning Motivator about luck, but I do want to point out that "good fortune" is a result of you knowing the right people, at the right time and, more importantly, those people KNOWING you in the right way!  SACRIFICE is much simpler:  It is a matter of doing the things other complain the most about and doing them consistently.

Why is it that an athlete makes such a huge performance jump over the summer or a student drastically increases their grades mid-semester?  It is NOT magic.  It IS sacrifice.  Rather than going out every night or spending time on FaceBook, they are sacrificing those niceties, for time in the gym or extra time at the library… even though that SUCKS!

Now that we are "all growed up," we have the same opportunities still.  We have the unique opportunity to FOCUS and SACRIFICE to rapidly enhance our success cycle.

It may mean that you join a club or recreational sports team, RATHER than comfortably going home to your "safe house" and watching TV all night.  It may mean that you spend your lunch hour READING about marketing or sales strategies.  Heaven forbid, it may even mean you have to go meet someone you DO NOT KNOW and ask them for an opportunity to educate them about your product or service.

Most people do the BARE MINIMUM to get by and as a result, get the MINIMUM gains.  Sure, some people are just plain lucky, but do not worry they will screw it up.  As for the rest of us, it will be a measure of our volume of SACRIFICES that will tally up the "wins" in the success column.

The question is "Are you willing to make that sacrifice?"



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Morning Motivator – What Makes Google Awesome

"…$9 Billion in AdSense Revenue in 2010."
- Fast Company Magazine

What makes Google so damn POWERFUL?  Simplicity.

What have you noticed about Google's landing page that DIFFERS from that of Yahoo!, AOL, and MSN?  Could it be that Google does not include all the MEANINGLESS crap you do not care about, while the others try to overwhelm you with content?  (Hint: the answer is YES).

SIMPLICITY is a very powerful term.  It is even more powerful when practiced in EXECUTION. 

By choosing to minimize the options a person has, you provide them with INHERENT focus. By limiting choices, you force them to assess BASIC needs and SOLE purposes.  Pretty cool huh?  What if you were able to do that for your clients? 

Rather than continuing to provide you clients with the EXCESSIVE amount of products and services you offer, try giving them two options – basic and plus.  In basic they get only what they need from a product and service standpoint.  In plus, they get all the other goodies they "really" want.

The client does not want to pay extra?  Fine.  You get basic.  Now they say they need afterhours service?  They get plus.  It is that simple.

Try SIMPLIFYING your solutions and you will find that it is easier for potential clients to mentally "digest" your offering.  Additionally, while you may think it makes you appear less resourceful, it also shows you are more focused and practical in your execution.  Besides, when you buy something, you only choose ONE ITEM… nobody ever buys EVERY OPTION AVAILABLE.  (so why have 'em?)



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Morning Motivator - How Hard is Impossible?

"Every great achievement was once considered impossible."
- Anonymous

I love when I hear people tell me they CANNOT do something. I always say the same thing... BULL! What you CANNOT do is "NATURALLY"... FLY like a bird, SWIM UNDERWATER like a fish or TELEPORT through time. However, you CAN find ways around those impossibilities (teleporting being my secret one).

Interestingly enough, there was a time when people said FLYING is IMPOSSIBLE. "Hey Wright brothers... you guys are CRAZY! That will never work!" Little did those doubters know, many years later we can book $59 flights to New Orleans online to ride their IMPOSSIBLE invention. Also doubted was the ability to swim underwater for extended periods of time like a fish. "Hey Jacques (Cousteau), you KOOK! You can't swim underwater with fish!" Now, we have scuba classes you can take in college so you are able to dive on VACATION and have that cool flag on the front license plate of your vehicle.

So what is IMPOSSIBLE? Is it impossible for you to fulfill your DREAMS of being HAPPY and well RESPECTED by your peers? Is it impossible to work only 10 hours a week and be SUCCESSFUL financially? Is it impossible to find the purest, truest LOVE in the world? I believe all this is POSSIBLE and more... You have to start by BELIEVING it is, then take ASSUMPTIVE ACTION (an action made with an expectation of results).

The power of SELF BELIEF is amazing in its ability to overcome "IMPOSSIBILITY." When your PASSION and DETERMINATION outweigh the NEGATIVITY and SELF DOUBT that is inherent (and subjected) on you - you are ABLE to accomplish tasks that seem IMPOSSIBLE.

Your mind controls your body, your spirit controls your mind and your passions control your spirit. Chase you PASSIONS and the physical manifestation of your DREAMS will become your reality. Be CLEAR in what you want, PRECISE in what you ask for and DECISIVE in how you approach it. Most importantly... TAKE ACTION!



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Morning Motivator – Yes, I AM a Role Model

"I am not a role model."
- Charles Barkley, famous Nike ad campaign

If you were able to know that what you DID today directly AFFECTED kids in your community tomorrow, how would you treat today?  If your HABITS, SKILLS and ACTIONS were all to be used to teach others how to lead and be successful, would you CHANGE the way you execute your day?

Many people want the "label' of being a LEADER.  The ideas of the prestige, entitlements and praise are OVERWHELMING and ENTRANCING.  There is only one issue…

Few accept that they are to ACCOUNTABLE for all their actions, decisions and, yes, how they serve as a ROLE MODEL.  A leader IS the person that sets the tone for all others, guiding their actions, influencing their interests and directing their focus.  THAT IS A LOT OF PRESSURE!

What makes a LEADER so special? 

They CHOOSE to be the person others look to for advice, instruction and motivation.  They CHOOSE to be accountable to those they lead on a level that those who follow may never expect to be personally.  They CHOOSE to be the focus of potential ridicule, embarrassment, or even public outcast, simply due to an innate feeling of OBLIGATION to those around them.

They CHOOSE to be leaders.  They CHOOSE to be ROLE MODELS.

The question initially posed was, "If you were able to know that what you DID today directly AFFECTED kids in your community tomorrow, how would you treat today?"  In fact, your actions as a role model DO affect those kids in your community, as well as your peers, your political leaders and your business community as a whole.  As a LEADER and ROLE MODEL to others, don't you think you owe it to everyone and yourself to be the BEST you can!?


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Morning Motivator – The Power of Inclusion

"Economic and social inclusion has always been the most powerful agent of change and builder of mutual trust."
- Maurice Greenberg, Chairman and CEO of C.V. Starr & Co. Inc.

Business people, especially marketers, are ALWAYS seeking a way to get people to INTERACT more directly with their brand.  They will set up phone numbers and email addresses for you to "submit your suggestions" and in store displays with cool signs and contests that have a "1 in 1,000,000 chance of winning."  PRETTY LAME GUYS!

One of the most CRITICAL elements in creating INTERACTION with your brand is INCLUSION in the brand itself.  While GM may believe they are "too big" to directly interact with consumers, smaller businesses continually find ways to give their clients/consumers a VOICE… a real voice – the kind actually affects CHANGE in the brand.  Why do service providers, such as attorneys and CPAs, not do the same thing?

In order to CREATE inclusion, you must have a process or system in place that has AUTHENTICITY and ACCOUNTABILITY.  It must provide a direct communication path with someone that has the ABILITY and DESIRE to create change to better suit the clients/consumers.  The person ASKING for "change" must be able to see it CLEARLY and QUICKLY.

It is these very reasons as to why "suggestion boxes" are laughed at, as well as so few people (in percentage) even call the customer service hotline to complain or praise.  Frankly, why does it matter?  NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE.

We know that companies (big and small), have one thing in common – HUGE EGO!  Most believe it is YOUR honor to buy from them, as opposed to what it really is, their DUTY to provide great service or products in order to continually EARN your business. 

Do you want to INCREASE business?  Do you want to create RABIDLY loyal clients?  Create an INCLUSION SYSTEM – a place, process or forum, where the people you serve are able to VOICE their opinion, KNOW it is reviewed by a DECISION MAKER and markedly REALIZE the changes made as a result of their engagement.

If they are building the system they want – how more INCLUSIVE could you be?


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