Morning Motivator - Just Not Feeling It?

"Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing."
-Harriet Braiker

Let's face it - we cannot be GREAT everyday! As miuch as we like to think we can, it is not reasonable to expect the best of ourselves everyday. Even Tiger Woods, now humbled, has had to learn how to have a new "great."

Personally I struggle with this idea much more than many people I know of around me. Maybe I care too much or expect too much. Maybe I am just so damn afraid to be a failure or a disappointment that I do not feel like I am allowed to have an "off" day. I bet some of you do too though...

Here is the deal: just are not feeling it. Occasionally, your A game makes way for your B- game. It happens, you know it, I do what can we do?!

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Well, we must accept that these days are going to happen. Yes, you cannot be on your best all the time. It is a quick way to BURN OUT!

Let us look at out "off day" in a different capacity. Rather than looking at it as getting 80% of your 100% from yesterday, seek to get 100% from your 80% capacity TODAY!

What if you stopped looking at each day as maximizing 100% of your full potential, rather, looked at it as maximizing 100% of TODAY'S potential?

Do not put the pressure to to be perfect in yourself EVERYDAY! Pick and choose your battles. Much like an athlete who knows he or she is weak in one area, seeks to exploit another, or the way a military general examines his comparative advantages in battle, you too must seek to make gains where you can, when you can. On those other days, just do not allow yourself to move backwards...which allows you to move forward tomorrow!



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Morning Motivator - An Email from my Realtor (and best buddy)

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanks as always to my buddy and Realtor, Josh Anderson, for his continued motivation and support. you da man bro!

What you do best... (from Josh Anderson, Keller Williams Real Estate, Nashville, TN)

You can achieve whatever you choose to achieve. The process begins when you truly make the decision and commitment to do it.

The tools are there, and the resources and energy are available. Your main job is to provide the what and the why, the vision and the reason.

Although no significant achievement is easy, whatever you envision is absolutely possible. You owe it to that vision, to yourself and to all of life to transform the possibility into reality.

As each day passes, you must spend your time, your energy and your efforts on one thing or another. Choose then, to invest yourself in something that truly matters.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: You are equipped and inclined and eager to achieve, so focus on a goal that has real meaning, and follow it. Remember that your desire to attain the goal is also a desire to go through the enriching, fulfilling process of reaching that goal.

Achievement is what you do best, so take the opportunity to do it. Fill your days with achievement, and give yourself the meaning and fulfillment you desire and deserve.



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Morning Motivator - Fair & Balanced?

"The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty."
- Zig Ziglar

I am the first to stand up for freedom of speech. I am also for truth in advertising. I believe in the idea "it is what it is" and not in half-truths or hiding your intentions. Here is where we hit a road block with our local paper, The Independent, in Lafayette, LA previously.

Our local "paper" is used as a witch hunter for Republicans, conservatives and even the occasional well intentioned independent. Yet, it serves as a propaganda machine for anyone who is Democratic or liberal by nature.

Personally I do not care if you are liberal or conservative. I know what I believe in and will vote for the person that most closely matches my beliefs, regardless of party affiliation. I believe most people are similar in that rationale. So why do news outlets continue to bash party members, as opposed to looking at the individual? Why is it that every time a DEM screws up it is "typical of a bleeding heart" and when a REP does something bad it was because they are "greedy and dishonest?"

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: When Mr. Obama ran for President, he promised HOPE and CHANGE, yet all I see is an even more vindictive assault on parties - from both sides. Blame this, blame that. You want this, you do that. Seriously... STOP!

LEADERSHIP is about sacrifice and compromise. It is about finding solutions that serve the MAJORITY - regardless of color, creed, etc, etc, etc - in ways that are economical and effective. It is just like a serve the MOST people you can effectively and offer the individuals you cannot serve well an opportunity to work within your business model or direct them to someone who can! ("The business that seeks to serve everyone is able to serve NO ONE.")

So, I suggest this to our local paper. If you do not like Republicans or conservatives, call yourself the "LIBERAL WEEKLY." I will not be mad, on the contrary, you will gain my respect and...maybe even get me to read more often.



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Morning Motivator - Different Is Not Always Better

"Tebow! Tebow! Tebow!"
-.Denver Broncos Fans

For those of you that do not follow football, it is unlikely you have not heard of the heralded Tim Tebow. A college football legend and seemingly all around good guy. While not the greatest Quarterback to ever live, he may be the most sought after.

Why is it that people always think the alternative is the best option? How often have you deviated from something you like very much only to find that the "better" thing really just kinda sucks? What is our fascination with "different?"

Leaders are always faced with new, different ways of doing things. The latest technology, the newest study, the greatest way to find staff and resources. There always seem to be something different that is being touted as "better."

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Personally I love to explore new ideas and new styles of execution. I believe that there are many ways to skin a cat and not all ways are best for you. BUT... while there are many ways, the end goals always seem to stay the same.

Sales, for instance, is a "contact sport." (huh?) Yes, a contact sport. The individual that has the most meaningful contacts (aka relationships) wins! Marketing is a game of motivation, whether that is via FaceBook, a TV ad or just old fashioned soap box barking, it is still about motivating action.

The point is that you still have to do the basics to get results. You may deviate in some of the manners in which you execute, yet, you still must do the basics. If you do not know people, you cannot sell. If you do not understand motivation, you cannot market, If you cannot count, accounting may be tough. Block and tackle is what my mentor Andy Bailey would always say. Winning football, no matter what new offense is around, is still about your ability to block and tackle! (and oh yeah, Tebow is not the answer in Denver - sorry fans)



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Morning Motivator - When is the Deadline?

"My buddy wants to know when is the last day he can sign up."
- Anonymous

Commitment is a "bad word" amongst many people in our society today. I do not hold the people at fault, rather the access to information that they possess. It is our unlimited number of choices and the speed in which we can get them that makes us useless for planning.

We have so much mobility and availability, we no longer make plans to attend the "big event" three months from now. That event may change based on what other events pop up between now and then. In addition, if my friends have a party or someone invites me to a dinner soirée, I might just have to attend that after all. Whew, sorry I cannot commit yet! See how quickly that happened?

Why is it so hard to commit? For which alternatives are people looking? How does that affect us as leaders?

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Business is based on planning. Success is based on successful planning. The best businesses and most successful people have determine the best ways to gain commitment, in advance, to hedge their potential losses or at least make a gain from someone who "bails out."

Now, we are told we must buy tickets in advance to a show or pay an excessive increase in cost at the door. We are offered VIP treatment for early commitment to an event or program. We run the risk of being left out in the cold due to limited seating available. All STRONG ways to drive commitment.

As leaders, we must set a tone for others to follow. If you commit, you show up, like it or not. Additionally, we must lead by holding strong on our commitment to "non-committers"...if they do not commit and you threatened not allowing them into the event, THEN DO NOT LET THEM IN!!

If you seek to be more successful, keep your commitments...and find ways to "help" others keep theirs!



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