Morning Motivator – Your Emotions Are Holding You Back

"… for emotion is the enemy of rational argument.  And as emotions go, one of them – fear – is more potent than the rest."
- Steven D. Levitt, author of Freakonmoics

As noted prior, one of my favorite shows is HOUSE, M.D.  I am attracted to the logic and rationalization of PROBLEM SOLVING in contrast with the supporting characters desire to think emotionally or irrationally link symptoms with causes.

I find that many people are GUILTY of the same "logic crimes" day after day.  We focus on what we BELIEVE to be a cause and irrationally link two things together that do not make sense.  We think because we made 20 cold phone calls a day for a week that the next weeks' sales are related to that effort.  When in fact, it could be that two large deals finally received approval from 12 months ago.

When we argue positions or try to defend actions, we often replace FACTS with EMOTIONS.  We state what we BELIEVE, as opposed to what is true.  We do not want to look at the numbers of documents, simply because it is easier in our mind to defend our feelings.

Think of the last time you were upset with someone – a friend, a spouse, a client – and what the REAL issue was.  Were you mad at them?  Were you upset with the situation?  Were you defending your ego, emotions or those of someone you care for?

One of the more CHALLENGING requirements of leadership is the ability to REMOVE emotion from rational decision-making.  This also requires us to FILTER out the emotions of others rhetoric-latent tactics, as well as our own.  Philosophically, one might suggest, that you need to have the AWARENESS of a third person.  Not an easy task…

Yet, ponder the greater effectiveness and continuity you could achieve if you just decided from the facts… and stopped letting your EMOTIONS hold you back!


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Morning Motivator – It Only Matters If You Are Anxious

"I never got this anxious before sports games."
- Anonymous

Anxiety is natural with any pressure situation, whether being a first date or a major exam.  We may all want to be "as cool as the other side of the pillow," but how often does that happen?

When people take something SERIOUSLY and place great value on its success, an IMMEDIATE anxiety becomes associated with its execution.  The natural POSITIVE PRESSURE that comes with growing, leading and succeeding is inherent.  The ANXIETY that you feel is an INDICATOR of your level of commitment and desire.

Why do other people seem so cool?  Frankly, they just handle it BETTER.  OR… they really do not care that much about the outcome to start with, thus have very little invested and as a result have very little anxiety.  When was the last time you were "worked up" about something that DID NOT matter?

In order to become an EXCEPTIONAL leader, we must seek as many CHALLENGING situations as possible. 

Just as a top producing sales performer REVELS in rejection, knowing that the next sale is just around the "no," the TOP LEADERS know that the valuable growth opportunities are the ones that generate the highest POSITIVE anxiety levels.

Consider this:  Who would you rather serving as a LEADER alongside you?  The person that never challenged their self and thus was always cool under pressure… or… the person that CONTINUALLY seeks was to find anxiety in SERIOUS, FOCUSED challenges of their skills and talents.

Get ANXIOUS… It is GOOD for you!


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Morning Motivator – See the Signs… and ACT!

"I saw it coming.  I just thought I would have more time to do something about it."
- Anonymous

My wife, Nancy, has a favorite television show – The Biggest Loser.  It is an INTERESTING series, which highlights the struggles, growth and re-education of obese individuals, battling to gain their life back through weight loss.

I am fully confident that others, like I, have viewed the program muddling under their breath DISBELIEF that anyone could allow their self to become so lost, in this case gaining so much weight. 

While it may be easy to say, "put down the fork," it may take self-reflection to realize that anyone can become lost.  They may be lost in the debts of living a LIFESTYLE they cannot afford.  They may be lost in RELATIONSHIPS that are not healthy, nor meaningful.  They may be lost in their own obsession with SUCCESS, this alienating those they work with in order to be on top.

For every person that becomes LOST and adopts a self-destructive behavior, there are plethoras of signs warning them of their faulty ways.  So what can you do?

I will use myself as a good example.  I am 32 years old and weigh approximately 235 lbs.  While I stand 6'1" and may not appear overweight, my body is SCREAMING at me after football games with signs of fatigue associated with carrying too much weight.  Mainly is nagging pains within my knees, ankles and back. 

There is a SIMPLE solution.  ACT ON THIS!  I "see" that there are WARNING SIGNS my body is giving me, asking for help so I may continue to enjoy the sports I cherish so dearly.  Thus, it is time to "put down the fork" (or in this case the donut) and pick up the weights.  Will I SUCCEED?  I am confident I will… as long as I stay AWARE of the signs.


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Morning Motivator – Stop Waiting to be Asked

"Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count."
- Dr. Robert Anthony

It would AWESOME to serve on one of the most prestigious boards in town, wouldn't it?  It would be so cool if you could join that new professionals group in town that has so much influence too.  What about finally getting to be a part of the city planning commission?  That would be EPIC!

So… why have you not done those things yet?  Do not think too long…

Here is a BLINDING FLASH OF THE OBVIOUS:  If you are waiting on someone to ask… keep waiting!

The people that are "asked" to be on these boards, committees, groups, etc, are the people that are ACTIVELY sharing their interest with those around them.  They are CONTINUALLY asking people about how to get involved, become engaged, or serve in a new capacity.  These people are "asked" only because the people asking "know" they want to be engaged!

The success step for achieving your goals of getting engaged are very sweet, short and simple:  GO ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT!

If you do not ask, you will not receive.  You must, must, MUST, stop waiting for someone, something, enough money or time, for the kids to get older, to get married or whatever other lame ass excuses you use to rationalize your inability to OVERCOME that small inkling of fear and get engaged!

You want take it.  If you want to see someone that has figured it out… go YouTube the Honey Badger.  He will show you what to do INSTEAD of waiting!!


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Morning Motivator – Shame on You, Australian Gold!

"Another word for creativity is courage."
- George Prince

I must admit that I have a GUILTY PLEASURE… I love "The 'Celebrity' Apprentice."  I love the concept of challenging SUCCESSFUL celebrities to work in groups, forge creativity and execute effectively with one another.  It is like throwing a steak amongst a group of dogs and seeing who comes out on top!

Yet, to Mr. Trump, I do have a CRITIQUE.  Last night, the show FAILED based on its sponsor, Australian Gold tanning lotions.  Their executives asked for CREATIVITY, BRANDING and INTERACTION with a marketing campaign.  One group delivered a beach theme – ho hum – filled with sand and sun concepts (doesn't that SCREAM creativity?!), while the other played off a pirate theme, with the "Gold Booty" being the product (which was a HUGE success with client interaction, aka "sales").

The team that WON was (you guessed it) the creative genius of a… BEACH THEME!  Holy effin cow poop!  You have to be kidding me!!  Creativity is RECREATING someone's tired, traditional, boring expected campaign?!?!  Australian Gold… YOU SUCK!!

As leaders, we often ask for "out of the box" thinking, only to prove ourselves unable to LET GO enough to allow people the capacity to truly be creative. 

When you ask for "creative," you had better have an open mind of what your final GOAL is.  If it is to create increased INTERACTION and an untraditional campaign achieves that with positive review, then it would seem to REASON that you ACHIEVED your goal!  If you do not like the theme, and still achieved your goal, maybe you SHOULD change YOUR attitude about creativity…

Quit being a DICTATOR. Stop being a HYPOCRITE.  If you want creative – allow it to happen.  If you want "YES MEN" to execute your boring, bland ideas, hire more admin staff.  Stop wasting good talent on crap… because the rest of us are ACTUALLY looking for real talent!

Shame on you Australian Gold and your BORING, executive "know-it-all's."  Shame.


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