Morning Motivator - Overcoming "Impossibilities"

"All things seem possible if you have once made up your mind to conquer, and not to allow any temporary disappointments to weaken you resolution."
- Henry Bessemer

It's not a huge secret that I love music...I can't play a lick, but LOVE it all the same. I love all TYPES of music from country to bluegrass, rock to rap. Yesterday, I was listening to a Kanye West record featuring Jay-Z. The following Jay-Z lyric jumped out and slapped me in the face as I was driving down the road: "This ain't a tall order, this is nothing to me, Difficult takes a day, Impossible takes a week."

Difficult takes a day to OVERCOME...Impossible a week? WOW! That's a BOLD statement. Is it really possible? Are people CAPABLE over overcoming supreme challenges in just days? Why not?!

There is a common PSYCHOLOGICAL understanding that the most limiting factor in anyone's capability is their BELIEF system. The concept is that your talents, success, strength, endurance, intelligence, income and more are all LIMITED by your own internal self belief of your value or capabilities. Why is it that Darren Sproles of the San Diego Chargers is a franchise NFL professional and is only 5'3" (if even that)? How many people told him he was too SMALL, too WEAK, or just couldn't SURVIVE the beatings? Better yet... how did he prove them wrong?

When you open your BELIEF system to the possibilities that you are more powerful and capable that anyone around you, you will find that your output begins to reflect that.

Commonly, we call this CONFIDENCE. Confidence is nothing more than tearing down your own self limiting beliefs about what is possible and driving through to the impossible.

They said we would never fly, go to the moon, swim underwater, split atoms, etc... Maybe even one day, travel through time. Impossible? Prove me right... and I'll try to prove you wrong!


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Morning Motivator – The Easy Way to Get Ahead

"There are plenty of ways to get ahead. The first is so basic I'm almost embarrassed to say it: spend less than you earn."
- Paul Clitheroe

I have been ACCUSED of becoming a political activist, possibly with some validity. I do NOT send this as another political rant… this is my SIMPLE way of helping those that "just don't get it."

SUCCESS can be a four letter word if you speak to the right person on the right day. What is SUCCESS? Is it a big house, nice car, fancy clothes and sexy vacations? Is it MODEST living with wealth built and a moderate level of excitement? I am here to tell you that MY success is a house that is just big enough to be roomy with a mortgage I can pay with 1 ½ weeks worth of my income, a vehicle that will last me 7 years and still be "cool" to me and 2 vacations that I can take the person I CARE most about on and spend quality time. With the REMAINDER of my time, I want to help others find THEIR success…

A simple path to success is ECONOMICS. Here is the BIG SECRET… ready… breathe deep… here it comes… spend LESS than you make! REPEAT, SPEND LESS THAN YOU MAKE. If you make $30,000 per year you can have MY definition of success above (I know I did it). If you make $300,000 you can ALSO have it (not quite there…yet). Once you are on a PROPER financial path you FREE your mind, stresses and spirit to do the IMPORTANT things in life… as you DEFINE THEM.

Learning to IMPROVE your life and lives of others is about understanding DISCIPLINE and SACRIFICE. I agree, I would love to drive a sweet Range Rover and live in a high rise condo with a beach home and sweet $3,000 suits. I, as many others, must decide what is IMPORTANT - the luxuries of TODAY or the security of TOMORROW.

Try this next time you are TEMPTED by a non-necessary item: wait 24 hours, think about it thoroughly and if you DETERMINE that you really will BENEFIT from owning it… do it and NEVER look back. If after the 24 hours the "RUSH" has passed, then pass on it… and NEVER look back.

Last point, REMEMBER, your actions today DO affect the generations behind you. Don't make decisions in HASTE that will compromise the people behind you. And as you look at the actions of world leaders today…ask yourself: "Is this to benefit us TODAY or are we thinking about the NEXT generations?"


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Morning Motivator - A Personal Revolution

"Revolution means turning the wheel."
- Igor Stravinsky

In the past months we have heard a great bit about HOPE and CHANGE. What we have yet to hear much of is REVOLUTION.
Don't FREAK OUT... I'm not starting an anti-establishment movement here. What I'm saying is that a REVOLUTION is in order. The type of "CHANGE" that is a shift in behavior. A change in ACTIONS and thus a change in RESULTS.

We have all heard the definition of INSANITY: "Continuing the same actions and expecting different results." So when you look at your government, your business and yourself - what REVOLUTION are you making? And is it a POSITIVE change?

As you seek to get to the next level - what TURNING of the wheel are you making? We are best able to make GAINS through self assessment...

Are you working LONGER hours? Working with BETTER clients? Seeking IMPROVED opportunities to present to prospects?

Or are you still waiting for CHANGE from the same old actions?


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Morning Motivator - Why Valentine's Day is Lame

"Why didn't you send a Valentine's Day Morning Motivator?"
- Multiple readers

I appreciate everyone that FEELS as though I missed the boat on Valentine' Day by not having a SPECIAL Morning Motivator. I RESPECT your willingness to speak up and call me out... Now, let me share with you why I BELIEVE Valentine's Day is lame.

First, the idea that there is a SINGLE day for LOVE is silly. We are not CELEBRATING the birth of the CREATOR of love (that's December 25th). We are not RECOGNIZING the liberation of love from tyranny.

Second, the thought that you need a SPECIFIC day to tell someone you love them or show how much you care is OFFENSIVE! You should be doing that EVERYDAY! We should all have the DESIRE, COMMITMENT and PASSION to express our care to others daily.

Can you imagine what the world would look like if we told more people we CARED for them?

Take February 14th and blow it up! Rather than plan all year for ONE glowing day of caring and romanticism, make a vow to 1 act of caring per day!

A simple email, call, a handshake, a kind word... Anything POSITIVE!

It easy to be sucked into NEGATIVITY and get LAZY about our emotions. Stand up for what's good in this world and share your POSITIVE cares for others... You might just change someone's day.


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Morning Motivator - Communicating S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Expectations

Thank you to Josh Anderson of Keller Williams Real Estate in Nashville for sending me this from Walk the Talk. Your support is TREMENDOUS!

"When people fail to understand what to do next, action will cease."
- unknown

Looking to increase the chances that team members will deliver the performance and results you want? Tell them what you expect! Every instruction you give – or request you make – should include a clear description of the outcome you're looking for. So, how will you know if the expectations you communicate are clear and proper? By making sure they pass the S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Test:

Specific – Have I described the behaviors and deadlines required for good job performance?

Measurable – Can my request be measured? Is there a clearly defined completion point?

Attainable – Is it realistic for this person or team to accomplish the results within the stated guidelines? Are they capable? Do they have the right resources?

Results-oriented – Does this request (or instruction) move us closer to our objective?

Trackable – What milestones will ensure that we are on the right track to accomplish our goals?

Ethical – Is this request (or instruction) legal, moral, and ethical?

Recorded – Is there a record (or a second person who knows about the request) that teams members can turn to for guidance?

Have a request (or instruction) and accompanying desired end-state that doesn't pass S.M.A.R.T.E.R.? Change it! Team members should not be held accountable for meeting poorly thought-out or poorly communicated expectations.

By Henry J. Evans <>

Copyright (C) 2009 The WALK THE TALK® Company All rights reserved.


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