Morning Motivator - A Better Way of Rewarding Achievements

"We spend a lot of time teaching leaders what to do. We don't spend enough time teaching leaders what to stop."
- Peter Drucker

When was the last time you received RECOGNITION for ceasing a poor activity? Who was the last person to be APPLAUDED for quitting a bad habit? Does anyone even care about the INEFFICIENCY in your company?

We all celebrate someone that LOSES 100lbs or quits smoking... As we should! However, we never see the CELEBRATION of a co-worker that has quit being LATE to work or forgetting to turn in paperwork. All are BEHAVIORAL patterns and yet BUSINESSES only CELEBRATE your successes...

Is in not EQUALLY as important to CLOSE the big deal, as to CEASE messing up the paperwork? What if you could ELIMINATE all the poor behaviors that cause hardship in your company? Do you think that would AFFECT the bottom line?

Think in terms of PROCESS and BEHAVIOR management.

What processes in your business can be improved to increase the bottom line? Where is there time and resource WASTE?

How about BEHAVIORS? What "less than desirable" actions could be taken to enhance the company?

Just remember, sometimes the BIGGEST MOVE FORWARD is ceasing to move BACKWARDS.


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Morning Motivator - What Is Enough?

"A man who is unwilling to let go lives in scarcity. The man that gives freely, lives in abundance."
- unknown

How much is "enough"? What is enough Money... Success... Friendship... Education... Religion? When do we DECIDE we have enough and what do we DO then?

I spoke with a gentleman last night about a business need and the discussion TURNED into one of personal PURPOSE. We chatted about PROSPERITY and its definition. About COMMUNITY and its role in our lives. We also spoke of ABUNDANCE and when you have "enough."

Interestingly, we DETERMINED that there is no capability of defining "ENOUGH." One million dollars MAY be enough for you, yet not for another. A PhD may be EXCESSIVE education for some yet, still not enough for other and even yet UNNECESSARY for a select few.

The real question is... Is HAPPINESS enough? And if so, how do YOU define happiness?

Most people will say that in their life, they "just want to be happy." My challenge to them is always DEFINING it.

What will your life look like when you are "happy?" Think about job, family, finances, recreation, religion, etc...

Once you have YOUR purpose and focus for "happy," the definition of "enough" will also be revealed.


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Morning Motivator - What if You Had No Fear?

"What would you do if you were not afraid?"
- excerpt from Who Moved My Cheese

Last night, Mr. Allen McDonald, of Baker, Story, McDonald Properties, presented to Junior Chamber on the book, "Who Moved My Cheese."

One of the CORE points in the review was the discussion of FEAR and ACTION. Specifically... What would you do if you were no longer AFRAID? Consider the POSSIBILITIES...

How many NEW clients would you have? How many new RELATIONSHIPS would you develop? What CAREER would you pursue?

In thinking about the question: "what would you do if you were not afraid?"... I believe the better question is "what WOULDN'T you do if you were not afraid?"

Maybe even the better statement to consider: "what is out there to REALLY be afraid of?!"

Failure, embarrassment, financial loss, etc? Which one is PERMANANT and UNRECOVERABLE?

SERIOUSLY... Which of those are REALLY worth being afraid of?


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Morning Motivator – The Value of a Good Conversation

"It is not so much the content of what one says as the way in which one says it. However important the thing you say, what's the good of it if not heard or, being heard, not felt."
-Sylvia Ashton-Warner

I am feeling somewhat EMOTIONAL today and I want to share with you something that has be REINFORCED by my morning. Since I woke up at 6am, I have learned that LOVE is a choice by two people (and it feels great to choose it), FRIENDSHIP is a commitment to mutual investment with no time restraints, MENTORSHIP is often found in the most casual discussions and TRUST is developed by sharing your feelings with someone you "newly know"… while learning to REALLY know them.

What is the SECRET to growing your business? More sales calls? Better contacts? Better skills? Better products? ALL are good things to have, yet I would CONTEST they are not the most important. Ask yourself – what do people VALUE most? What is most IMPORTANT when deciding who to associate with? All things being equal… what is the FINAL DETERMINANT in someone's decision to purchase something?

If you said FRIENDSHIP, pat yourself on the back. It is the personal RELATIONSHIPS that people share that make the difference between good and great businesses. I am not suggesting you don't need good skills, intelligent people or a great product. What I AM suggesting is that if all those things are at useful… you can WIN with BETTER relationships!

So, now that you know that FRIENDSHIPS are what build a lasting business… how does one attain more?

You could start buying random people doughnuts and dropping them by the office. Seems like a silly way to make friends. How about adding them to your email list and BLASTING prices every few weeks? Now that sounds like a GREAT way to build friendships (sarcasm included). Maybe you could try the way of all SELF PROCLAIMED great sales managers… make more cold calls! Of course those work! Think of all the friends you have gained from being called at INCONVENIENT times, by someone talking ABOUT themselves and PUSHING you to take action on something you aren't even aware of (extra sarcasm included).

REALITY CHECK: To get more, better FRIENDS – have more, better, GOOD conversations. Show your PASSION for KNOWING others. Who they REALLY are. What they LIKE to do (work is not that commonly). What their KIDS like to do. What books they RECOMMEND. Actually KNOW THEM AS A PERSON…

Have more GOOD CONVERSATIONS with real people about real things and you will find that your business (and personal life) will begin to GROW POSITIVELY before your eyes…


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Morning Motivator - Stop Being You...

"In order to BE the one who will have what you want, you must give up BEING the one who doesn't have it."
- Tony Milliken, The Milliken Companies (Nashville, Tn)

I was asked to speak recently to a group. They were seeking CHANGE in the attitudes of their people. Good thought... As long as its a POSITIVE change.

When I asked what I should speak SPECIFICALLY about what the topic should be, the response was "They want to be better and can't seem to breakthrough.". GREAT!!

This is a PERFECT time to make the clear point... You want POSITIVE CHANGE?? Start making positives CHANGES!

This is really quite SIMPLE...

Want to lose WEIGHT?
Change your diet to something more positive and work out more

Want to make more MONEY?
If in sales - make more qualified sales calls. If in management - seek the certifications to make you stand out.

Want to find that SPECIAL someone?
Stop going home after work everyday - go to the gym, join a civic group, do anything to meet people...

BECOMING the person you want is very SIMPLE... Its a DECISION! Make the choice, do the work and I will meet you on the other side of SUCCESS.


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