Morning Motivator - The Pain of Change

"Without the pain, we might not discover the motivation to change."
- Marshall Goldsmith

I once heard someone reference child BIRTH to personal growth. The comment was that "without pain and labor, new life would never be realized." Interesting concept when you take into CONSIDERATION that most of the hardest things in life that you had to work for are the ones you hold DEAREST to your heart.

Why CHANGE? To what ends does making the effort to gain more education, more income, better relationships or better health actually BENEFIT you? If you are doing well now... why not just KEEP DOING?

The simple fact is that we don't USUALLY see the damage we are doing until the PAIN exceeds the APATHY. We eat bad foods until we don't FIT in our jeans anymore. We start leaving work early until one day we get FIRED. We keep telling our spouse we will spend more time TOGETHER once the work is done... and then they leave. Are you ABLE to have the VISION to see the pain before it hurts??

Write on a piece of paper the things you NEVER seek to become. Simple things: Overweight, lonely, broke, etc...

Now, let's REVERSE engineer the actions we need to take. Write next to the ANTI-GOAL, what things CONTRIBUTE to your eventual achievement, such as LACK of exercise or failing to take your spouse's calls.

Once you IDENTIFY the counter-productive action - note ONE activity you can execute weekly to help PREVENT the negative end result. Put that in your calendar as a RECURRING event. Protect it - do it - do not let anything come in its way!

Taking the small step will lead to bigger and better steps. Success is a process... so is failure. You take the steps each day - why not make the for the BEST?!


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Morning Motivator - Increase Your Failures

"Would you like for me to give you a formula for success, it is really quite simple. Double your rate of failure."
- Thomas J Watson, founder of IBM

So you want to be MORE successful? You want to GENERATE more income? You seek to ENHANCE your position in the community? All sounds nice... but HOW?!

Education always helps. Mentors also give an ADVANTAGE. The BEST way to become more successful is to just go out and get "kicked in the teeth" a few times. Not literally of course...

What I'm REFERRING to is the experiencing FAILURE. When you have a greater volume of failures in your experience, by design, you will also have a greater volume of ACCOMPLISHMENTS. As a PERFECTIONIST, I am challenged with failure. On occasion, I can even be PARALYZED by the fear of failure. Sometimes so much that, it causes a "miss" of OPPORTUNITY.

How do you overcome? Simple... Take it in PERSPECTIVE.

In baseball, a 30% lifetime success rate in batting will get you in the Hall of Fame.

Most graduates are "C" students. C grade level is 70% accomplishment.

When you consider that most of the world's BEST ACHIEVERS are at most 70% accomplished, while the PREMIERE athletes of the world are excellent at 30%... Why EXPECT yourself to be 100%??

Just relax... ENJOY the experience and education of FAILURES... They pave the path to your DREAMS!


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Morning Motivator - Driving Down Change Boulevard

"Change is not a one-way street. It involves two parties: the person who's changing and the people who notice it."
- Marshall Goldsmith

I must say that I LOVE the people around me. I truly ENJOY all the Morning Motivator readers. Why this GUSHING show of affection? It spawns from the FEEDBACK I receive from you all. The most CHALLENGING part of making changes in your life, is making sure they are changes others can see.

Interestingly, many people feel very ACCOMPLISHED regarding changes they have made in their life. I APPLAUD those that have made the changes they felt necessary for themselves to be happy. I am CONFUSED sometimes by the people that make changes to please others, yet never receive recognition from others for it. Why is this?

He above quote makes a good REFERENCE to this disconnect. Often, we ASSUME (dangerous word) that they changes we are making are the "right" changes to remedy a solution, improve a relationship or achieve our growth goal. How would we know what needs to OCCUR in order for this positive change to be accepted? Commonly, the CHANGE we are making is to affect the action, feelings or thoughts of someone else. Shouldn't they be INVOLVED in the change too then?

In my studies I have found that 2 fail points commonly occur in CHANGE MANAGEMENT.

One, there is no COMMUNICATION of the REAL challenge that is affecting the relationship. You often make the change without KNOWING what to change. Seems silly to shoot for a goal that you don't have CLEARLY defined, eh?

Secondly, the change maker fails to gain BUY IN/ACCEPTANCE from the person they are seeking to change for. Much like breaking a bad habit of being tardy to work, you must ACHIEVE an awareness and recognition of your focus from the person you are seeking to showcase this change to. If you boss BELIEVES you are late all the time, you change the habit, yet they never knew about your efforts... it's likely the will not come to the REALIZATION of your change on their own. Often, that person has already "written you off."

In order for you to ACHIEVE the RESULTS you seek in making changes - you must clearly IDENTIFY the behavior that needs adjustments and gain AWARE ACCEPTANCE of the change from the people that are affected by your behavior. By establishing the proper platform and audience... your change will affect EVERYONE that is involved!


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Morning Motivator – The Only New Thing…

"The only new thing in the world is the history you don't know."
- Harry S. Truman

Last night, I was honored to have the OPPORTUNITY to view and listen to Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, David McCullough, speak about "Leadership and the History You Don't Know."

He mentioned the above quote and this started my little brain a-chuggin'. I PONDERED the idea that everything we experience has already been EXPERIENCED. That every new REVELATION is nothing more than a forgotten concept - reformed and represented in a new light. That we ARE destined to repeat the sins of our fathers, as we think in the same patterns and lack the KNOWLEDGE of their experience. Better yet… how do we ABSOLVE ourselves from this wicked pattern?

History. Know more history. Interesting concept. I am NOT a history buff. Honestly, next to English, it was the class I DESPISED most! Yet, now I see VALUE in understanding more about what has occurred prior to my being. Consider that "history" is nothing more than a record of past experiences by which you can BETTER your present situation through enhanced UNDERSTANDING. Big words… but seriously, it's just learning from what OTHERS have already been through. Let me give you a different insight…

What is a MENTOR? Someone that you lean on and learn from. How? Through guidance and counseling. What does that REALLY mean? It means – they GIVE you the secrets to their success by sharing past experiences with you! They ARE your real-life history teacher.

It is the history of THEIR success that you seek to mimic. It is the HISTORY of their past programs or processes that you seek to re-create and utilize on your own. You are seeking to LEVERAGE their historical experience for your personal excellence. Interesting…

As someone that HATED history so much in school… it is AMAZING how much I seek to LEVERAGE it now. Maybe I will become a history buff… it seems all the most successful people already are. Are you??


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Morning Motivator- The Power of Self Belief

"This is how humans are: we question all our beliefs, except for the ones we really believe, and those we never think to question."
-Orson Scott Card

Are you FEELING beat down by your job? Has the economic "situation" caused you to THINK you are not as capable of controlling your future success?

Funny thing about people is that we are MOMENTUM creatures. We tend to DRIVE higher from our successes or spiral DOWN with failure. How do we make that TRANSITION? How can we be so HIGH and then in a moment fall so low?

As creatures that feed of off CONFIDENCE, it is imperative that we maintain our self belief. You KNOW you are dynamic, intelligent and professional, yet, on occasion, you allow others to STEAL your "mojo."

The only REAL control you have over yourself is that of your SELF CONFIDENCE.

You have the ABILITY to choose, accept and drive your confidences through actions.

Start by taking a DAILY inventory of your success and blessings. This will help SHAPE your self belief as you see the world for what it REALLY is... A place full of OPPORTUNITY awaiting your SUCCESS IMPACT!

INVEST in yourself... Your RETURNS will be tremendous!!


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