Morning Motivator – A Merry Merry MM

"I wish you all a wonderful, merry Christmas with family, friends and loved ones!"
- Zachary Barker

Please enjoy the below poem and have a wonderful Christmas holiday.  I appreciate all of your support and continued contributions to the Morning Motivator.  Have a GREAT holiday!!

Christmas Is a Time for Love and Fun 

Christmas is a time for love and fun,
A time to reshape souls and roots and skies,
A time to give your heart to everyone 
Freely, like a rich and lavish sun,
Like a burning star to those whose lonely sighs
Show need of such a time for love and fun. 

For children first, whose pain is never done,
Whose bright white fire of anguish never dies,
It's time to give your heart to every one, 

That not one angel fall, to hatred won
For lack of ears to listen to her cries,
Or arms to carry him towards love and fun, 

Or friends to care what happens on the run
To adult life, where joy or sadness lies.
It's time to give your heart to everyone, 

For God loves all, and turns His back on none,
Good or twisted, ignorant or wise.
Christmas is a time for love and fun,
A time to give your heart to everyone. 


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Morning Motivator – Buy Your Self a Gift

"The best gift you can give is the gift of learning."
- Unknown

It is the time of the year for giving gifts throughout the world.  Jews, Christians and all the others are in the spirit of giving to one another.

Since you are out spending (mindlessly); why not get YOURSELF something meaningful?  Why not INVEST a small gift for towards your success and achievement in the upcoming year.  Why not buy yourself a BOOK!

A book, also known as KNOWLEDGE, is a gift that gives in compounding fashion.  It will allow you new INSIGHTS, thought processes and spawn CREATIVITY you may not have been able to access prior.  Short or long, a book will help ENSURE you the future success you are seeking…

The call to ACTION here is simple… go buy a book!  Don't know what to buy?  Let me give you a few suggestions on some good SUCCESS focused books:
- The Four-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
- The Four-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss
- The Art of War by Sun Tzu (I am reading this one now!)
- Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish
- Linchpin by Seth Godin
- The e-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
- Walking Through Illusion by Betty Otter Thompson
- Traction by Gino Wickman
- QBQ: Question Behind the Question by John G. Miller

I am also told the Harry Potter books are good…  and frankly, they inspire creative though, so I wont snub my nose at them.

Spend $25.00 on something that will better your life.  Or do like me and order it on, used, for $1.56 + shipping (i.e. Art of War).


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator – A 3 Day Lesson in Productivity

"I am not able to chat right now.  I have to finish this project by Wednesday at lunch since we are off the rest of the week."
- Anonymous

I LOVE short weeks.  They PROVE everything I believe about what the "new workweek" will become.  They show your ability to meet and exceed expectations when you choose to be LASER FOCUSED.

Nothing CREATES a better model for success than a TIME CRUNCH.  When you are put into an environment that FORCES you to eliminate all wasted activities, you find that you have AMAZING capabilities to excel.  This is the all-too-often case of "pre-vacation" work weeks.

Anytime there is a short workweek, you eliminate the FaceBook time, the idle chat around the office, even the extra 30 minutes at lunch.  You FOCUS solely on what needs to be accomplished – nothing more, nothing less.  AMAZING!

I wonder... if business owners would be ENCOURAGED to test the idea that a shorter workweek creates higher PRODUCTIVITY.  One that REWARDS efficiency and effectiveness, as opposed to measuring 40 hours as an acceptably arbitrary value of work hours.

I admit, this does not likely work in retails, more in work roles that are project based or production based, HOWEVER, what if you measured individuals ability to achieve AHEAD of schedule with a set tolerance for errors.

Quite possibly, business owners might find that they would get more, in LESS TIME, if they allowed workers to "leave" once the works goals were done.  For those that struggle, let them work Monday through Friday for 70 hours.  The rest of us will be out SPURRING the economy!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

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