Morning Motivator – The Lesson from USA Soccer

"Who has confidence in himself will gain the confidence of others."
- Leib Lazarow

As you may know, I am an AVID sports fan (and a once upon a time athlete). I have a special AFFINITY towards soccer, the sport of my youth and continued into my adulthood. As a fan of USA Men's Soccer, I was very pleased with the victory over World Ranked #1, Spain (or España as some know them).

Over the past few days, there has been vast discussion about the QUALITY of the USA Soccer program and whether the teams recent success is a FLUKE or a sign of "making it."

I am one to CONTEST anyone that suggests that the USA team won by a fluke. This team has great quality and skill, in addition to a revived CONFIDENCE.

I believe it is their confidence that has GROWN and not their skill. Additionally, I believe that WE, as professionals, are often in the same holding pattern between success and our current standing.

As you consider your last "leap to the NEXT LEVEL," what was the primary difference from the old you to the new you?

Did you somehow become more INTELLIGENT or more SKILLED? Did you finally "flip the switch" of EXCELLENCE and then it all became EASY? Likely not.

Commonly, it is the gain of CONFIDENCE in your ability and talents that allow you to attain NEXT LEVEL status. With the APPROPRIATE confidence, you are more willing to take RISKS, which allow you to capitalize on more OPPORTUNITIES, which allow you ACCESS to great achievement.

It is not a SECRET… the more CALCULATED risk you take, the greater your chances to SUCCEED. Attain the CONFIDENCE to face those risks head on and your success will soon follow!

Have a FABULOUS weekend!!


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Morning Motivator - You Can't Choose to Change

"Change is inevitable. Growth is optional."
- Scarlett Leadership Institute Poster

Have you RECENTLY said, "I need to CHANGE (blank) in my work, life or health?" How often do you talk to YOURSELF about what you must DO to get ahead?

As I was gazing at the above quote on the wall this morning, I thought about our ABILITY to change. Really, do we EVER change? Are you a different person in thought processes, personality or your HABITS? Likely not. So what can you DO?

By RECOGNIZING that you are NOT changing your "person," you OWN the fact that you CAN better your thought processes, personality and HABITS! Through SEEKING growth to ENHANCE our best traits and MITIGATE our lesser offerings, we are able to ENHANCE your ability to MANAGE change.

Understand CLEARLY that change is NOT waiting for you, nor do you have control over it, RATHER you have the ability to LESSEN its negative effects and take advantage of the OPPORTUNITIES that are generated as a result of change.

Now we AGREE that CHANGE is not your choice and growth is... let's talk about how to do it!

I believe there are 4 Areas of Growth that can be identified to help you surf the change waves:
1. Self Education - read more, attend more seminars, write documentation about how you would do something better.
2. Structured Education - attend college classes, leadership programs, online courses
3. Leadership Development - join a leadership group, start a community project, sub-chair a fundraiser
4. Mentored Development - find someone whom you would like to mimic and pick their brain; seek professional, personal, financial, health, spiritual

When you are able to DEVELOP a process I each of the 4 areas above, you will have a DYNAMIC GROWTH PLAN that will drive you through CHANGE effectively. CHOOSE to GROW and you CHOOSE to SUCCEED!


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Morning Motivator - For Maximum Results Share Yourself

"Churchill wrote his own speeches. When a leader does that, he becomes emotionally invested with his utterances... If Churchill had had a speech writer in 1940, Britain would be speaking German today."
-James C. Humes

As I mentioned yesterday, last night was my last OVERSIGHT of the Nashville Junior Chamber Membership Meeting as President. Tearfully, I PRESENTED my final address of appreciation for others support, their collective willingness to COMMIT to a greater goal and for making me look like a STAR!

After the meeting ended, a member approached me to ask how I became such a POLISHED speaker. I didn't know I was…

I discussed with him the fact that I don't PREPARE speeches, I prepare talking points. I KNOW what message I want to get across and allow myself the LIBERTIES to get there as I see fit. Most importantly, I speak CANDIDLY and OPENLY with only sincere thoughts allowed. I allow myself to become VULNERABLE and open to RIDICULE. But… I stay TRUE to myself.

The only time I have ever had FEAR in a speech or presentation is when I felt I could FAIL in delivering it. By "scripting" your message, you become a medium of REGURGITATION and any "slip" in the presentation creates ANXIETY.

When you allow yourself the FREEDOM to speak in your "voice," making sure to address your areas of focus, you create a DYNAMIC discussion that others can relate to. You allow for stories, anecdotes and improvisation to create a wonderful BLEND of education and instruction.

Ease up a little bit… Tell your story… Have fun getting those points. THAT will help YOU become the best speaker YOU are capable of being.


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Morning Motivator - Moving On, Moving Up

"Spend 80% of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday."
- Brian Tracy

Today is my FINAL Nashville Junior Chamber membership meeting as President. I have been looking on the calendar for this day for quite a few months now… Why? Today is MY day to "Move On and Move Up."

There is an INTERESTING occurrence in business, the ability of someone to ACHIEVE more than others around them, once they have seen someone else attain it. Example: A new sales person joins the team. The prior reps were only able to GENERATE $1M in revenue per year. The new rep has past EXPERIENCE with a rep that generated $2.5M. Within the year, the new rep has generated $2.8M and the rest of the team ATTAINS $1.9M. How?

By "setting the bar" higher and KNOWING that you can accomplish greater achievements – you are able to MOVE UP and MOVE ON to the next level. As a young man that would have never taken on the Presidency of an 85 year old organization, I know stand a PROFESSIONAL that has the ABILITY and CONFIDENCE to run ANY company… very well!

As chapters in your life end, it is YOUR duty to yourself to attain more and continue to grow. With each great MILESTONE, you learn that you DO have the talent and ability to accomplish your dreams with much more ease than originally considered.

For me, I plan to help my company, Advanced Network Solutions, achieve OUR next level… and then, who knows… maybe I will run for a different PRESIDENT. =)


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Morning Motivator - What's it Gonna Take?

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero." Lat., "Seize the day, put no trust in tomorrow."
-Horace, Odes

What DREAM do you still have waiting for "something" to happen? Do you have a thought that BURDENS your mind?

Last week, I PARTICIPATED in an event which included one of my prior employers, Andy Bailey of NationLink Wireless. I was quite EXCITED to see him and be able to assist in growing his business. Additionally, on a personal level, I was very happy to share with him the GROWTH I have experienced since parting ways.

To my admission, I used to drive him NUTS! I had all the right tools to be SUCCESSFUL and was incapable of getting "over the hump." Why? Simple answer: I lacked a sense of URGENCY. Andy has always been very good at EXECUTING the most important task... immediately! He would coach me regarding PRIORITIZATION and EXECUTION, continually asking me..."what are you waiting for?"

I never was able to APPRECIATE Andy while I worked with him, as I was more frustrated and challenged by his continual "push for more growth." Now, as an older, wiser Zachary, I find that his tutelage was exceptional!

In your passionate pursuit of MORE, BETTER, FASTER, don't forget that all success starts with the FIRST STEP towards it.

At some point you have to start asking yourself, "What's it gonna take for me to finally get off my tail?" and "What am I waiting for?"

Don't let FEAR of greatness allow you to MISS your success!


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