Morning Motivator - Frustrated? Make it Simple!!

"One does not accumulate but eliminate.  It is not daily increase but daily decrease.  The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity."
- Bruce Lee

ARGGGGGHHHH!!!!  Why is this so damn difficult??  Great question!  Have you asked yourself this recently?  Are you wondering why somethings are always so difficult?

I have found in my lifetime that MOST things that fail to get completed are due to COMPLEXITY and lack of CLARITY.  What's the answer?  SIMPLIFY!  Focus on the CORE goal of your situation.  If you need to increase sales - make the process SIMPLE and identify the ONE best way of reaching the most people (hint: having your team call out of the phone book is not it).

The CHALLENGE with simplification is you must have CLARITY.  If you don't know what you want - specifically - then you won't know where to start or celebrate!  SIMPLIFY - CLARIFY - IMPLEMENT...

Goal setting is often done quickly on a scrap piece of paper and dropped to the side along with the ability to execute them.

1.  WRITE down your goals in a place that you can see them daily.

2.  DEFINE clearly the one TRUE core element of accomplishment you seek with the goal (ie. Money, power, peace of mind, time off)

3. CLARIFY the ONE, SINGLE, SIMPLE step to begin executing.  Once completed - Clarify the following step and execute immediately.

The KILLER of your success will be PROCRASTINATION - do not wait to begin.  If your SYSTEM is simple... You will have no reason to anyhow.

Have an AWESOME weekend!


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Morning Motivator - YODA Leadership: Why the Hell Am I So Scared??

"Named must your fear be before banish it you can."
- Yoda, Jedi Master

I had a discussion yesterday with someone in my office who is trying to get a sister to move to Nashville. When asked why she wouldn't move, the sister said: "I'MI JUST SCARED." She agrees there is no downside to moving to Nashville, rather a lot of upside - yet she doesn't move. Why?

FEAR is a consistent challenge for ALL persons. It is the great UNKNOWN that we are hesitant to venture into. We dream up all these ELLABORATE ideas of failure and despair - yet when we FINALLY act and take the step... What happens!? You usually say ... "WOW! That was EASY and NOTHING to fear at all.".

We OVERCOME fear daily and yet we allow fear to creep in time and time again. Ask yourself this - "What could you do if you were not afraid?" Seriously think on this... Take some time... once you understand the idea -this is POWERFUL!

To overcome a fear, you must single it out and clarify it. Here's a good step to doing this...

1. Write down the biggest challenge you are facing this week.
2. Write next to it the reasons why you are not able to complete it yet.
3. Circle the legitimate reasons preventing you fro acting (ex. The client is bankrupt, the program doesn't start until June, etc)
4. All the remaining items are FEAR items.
5. ACT on those items immediately... You really having nothing to lose!!

Don't be a chicken... Your life is waiting for you to OWN it and ACT on it!


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Morning Motivator - Pssst... Act Happy!

"Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action."
- Benjamin Disraeli, former British Prime Minister

Planning is very important to the SUCCESS of any person or organization. It is CRITICAL to have an understanding of all the opportunities and threats to achieving your goals. I highly suggest taking the time to collect, process and understand information in your ventures.

Now, if you have to make a CHOICE between spending countless hours "preparing" through planning sessions and information gathering or taking ACTION… just do it (thanks Nike)! Why? Ask yourself this… What IS planning? It is a process of preparing a best GUESS at what you believe an outcome will be. It is your attempt to CONTROL dynamics of life you cannot. It is a way of helping you feel more COMFORTABLE about the ACTION you are going to take.

As I said above – take the time to PLAN. More IMPORTANTLY – take the steps to ACT on your plans. Most GREAT plans fail at the point of EXECUTION. Will you let your next great idea flounder OR will you DRIVE your idea to the breaking point? If it fails – so be it… just make sure you pushed it far enough to know WHY.


Daily you have the ability to ACT on opportunities. The only way to be able to ACT is to be able to recognize them and know the next action step.

As you seek greater opportunities, your sensitivity to recognize them will enhance. START LOOKING

Your ability to take NEXT STEPS will become clearer. TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION

Your FOLLOW UP will become more critical. PUT REMINDERS IN YOUR BLACKBERRY.

As you IMPLEMENT the simple process of IDENTIFY, ACT, FOLLOW UP – you will see great GAINS in your successes, both personal and professional!

Make today a great day!


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Morning Motivator - What Do You Appreciate?

"Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing."
- Harper Lee

What do you APPRECIATE? A kind gesture from a colleague, a willingness to chat from a new client or maybe your brand new big screen TV. What SHOULD you appreciate?

I appreciate the people that have helped me grow the past year - I am finally becoming the QUALITY person I knew I could be (with much improvement to come). I also appreciate the LESSONS life gives, albeit sometimes difficult to understand. Let me explain...

I have a best friend that has been in ICU for a week fighting for his life. He is a young man of 28, fighting to overcome kidney failure and staph infection in his blood as a result of pneumonia. LIFE LESSON - you don't know if or when it may be "your time," make the most of every day! APPRECIATION - I have never realized how much I appreciate my buddy and his contribution to my life success.

Are you FOCUSED on learning everyday and reflecting on the gifts you are being provided?

Everyday, we are GIVEN opportunities to grow and succeed. Often, we push them away out of FEAR. My LIFE LESSON to you - don't be afraid to be uneasy, uncomfortable or even fail.

All GROWTH comes from difficult experiences. Your GREATEST appreciation will develop from your most DIFFICULT times. CAPITALIZE on each precious moment you have and make this the FULFILLING life you are entitled to!


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Morning Motivator – Want to Know MY Dream?

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."
- Stephen Covey

What is your GREATEST dream? To have $1,000,000? To retire at 40, 50, 60? To own a big car or a nice boat? Ask yourself – what is MOST important? I will share with you my DREAM.

My DREAM is to make just enough money to enjoy MY life and MY time as I see fit. To ENJOY the pleasures of the world such as travel and art on MY terms. To SHARE my passion and care with a loving wife and family. To have my HEALTH until I am a very old man and ready to pass the torch to my children. I think this to be a VERY good dream. I do want you to notice something about it – IT IS A STATE OF BEING. It is not a definition of money (i.e. I need $1M), you do not see possessions of luxury and most importantly are HEALTH and RELATIONSHIPS.

I ask you – what would you give to be HEALTHY, RICH in relationships and have the FREE time to explore all your hearts passions? Do you believe it is possible to do this on $30,000 per year? Do you believe that you have the capability to create your own PERFECT life? I KNOW you have that ability and APPRECIATE why most of us will NEVER take a step towards it. We are all FEARFUL of "the other side." The side of life we believe is not SECURE, SAFE and CONSISTENT. We believe that we MUST work for a company to ensure our future – does the OWNER think that way? Realize this – your time is LIMITED on this earth, your FUTURE is in your control and every day you let slip by is one you CANNOT get back. Don't WAIT to live YOUR life – do it today…


Your life is a series of decisions. You DECIDE your happiness and SUCCESS. You CHOOSE to allow people to make you feel a certain way or direct your future. You also have the CHOICE to be positive, productive and enact your LEADERSHIP!

Your ACTION plan here is to have a clear vision of what is IMPORTANT to your happiness and DEFINE what steps are needed to get there. FOCUS on the core of your goals and build your actions around them. Example: if your happiness is being able to spend 3 days a week with your family, find a career that allows you're the NECESSARY income and time FLEXIBILITY to accomplish your goal.

Your CHOICE to be happy is an easy one – the ACTIONS from this are challenging – the REWARDS are priceless! Make this a GREAT week … on your terms!!


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