As mentioned yesterday, I am sharing with you some of elements of my SELF DISCOVERY over the past weeks. Today, is a focus on self initiated BARRIERS to success.
I sent an email to a small group of trusted ADVISORS asking this question: "what do you believe is holding me (zach) back from achieving at the next level?" The answers I received were EXCELLENT. The one that stood out the MOST was from a mentor who responded by saying... "The key element holding you back is the BELIEF you have something holding you back." Wow!
Interestingly, I BELIEVE that we all have LIMITING thought patterns we allow to dictate our "abilities." We are all GUILTY of saying... I CAN'T do that, I am not (insert silly trite excuse here). Whether it is a belief that we need more EDUCATION, MONEY, CONFIDENCE, EXPERIENCE, ETC or simply an instilled thought passed from your parents that you have a "place" in the world - it is YOUR duty to break free of these mental traps and APPRECIATE the brilliance you are holding inside.
Many have heard me say I hate the word POTENTIAL, as it is a measurement of what you COULD achieve if you would get off you're a** and do something. By FOCUSING on our strengths and special talents, we are able to generate the internal CONFIDENCE and BELIEF that we are able to ACCOMPLISH the goals we seek out to create for ourselves.
You want a COSTA RICAN beach house - go get it! You want to OWN your own business - stop waiting! You want to get an ADVANCED degree - apply for school! Most IMPORTANTLY, don't sit around waiting for it to magically happen. REALIZE that you are the one creating all the barriers before you... now go TEAR THEM DOWN!
Have a great weekend.
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