Morning Motivator – Winning at the SIMPLEST Level

"Complexity creates a maze between you and success. Simplicity ensures a clear line of sight."
-Lee J. Colan, Power Exchange

Today is my second at a trade show in Nashville, Tennessee. We are COURTING the CPA's of this area to talk about technology and business processes. Getting a CPA to stop and chat about their internal finances, technology and workflows can be TOUGH.

Want to know how I do it? I ask them to play GOLF.

GOLF?? Yes. Golf. I have found this EASY little "scratch off" game that we use at our trade show booth. You scratch the holes, get a score and lowest overall score WINS! So what does that have to do with IT, finance or workflow… NOTHING! That's the point.

For me, I realize that NOW may not be the best time to talk about those triggers. They may not be in the right mindset, have the information, or just feel comfy enough to chat.

Instead, they are open to winning a prize, chatting lightly about the weather and blah blah blah… Thus, we FOCUS on just that!! Having fun and keeping it light.

The SIMPLEST level of access I want is just a contact and the right to follow up with you. I don't need to sell it here, nor do I EXPECT to. I just want your PERMISSION to follow up.

The lesson here is that by FOCUSING on the most simple result will YIELD the highest gains.

Now ask yourself – what do you NEED at the most simple level to get to YOUR goals?


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Morning Motivator - Are You Replaceable?

"The key to liberation is building a system to replace yourself."
- paraphrased from Timothy Ferriss, author of "The Four-Hour Work Week"

QUICK QUESTION: If you were out of work for a month, not working from home or remotely in any way, what would HAPPEN to your business? What would happen to your INCOME stream? What would happen to your LIFESTYLE?

Most people cannot miss ONE SINGLE week of work without pay before they start getting in "trouble." Many have heard that people live "month to month," whereas I CONTEST that a vast majority live "week to week," if not "day to day." So what is the SOLUTION?

The key is to be REPLACEABLE. Yes, be able to effectively REMOVE yourself from your business, your job, your role, etc and CONTINUE to generate REVENUE. Sounds GREAT doesn't it?

How do we ESTABLISH this ability to be REPLACED? PROCESSES!

A "business" is a SYSTEM of processes that generates an end product through established routine efforts. This model creates the HIGHEST potential profitability with the LOWEST possible investment.

Why not create a "business" out of your role. Use AUTOMATION, DELEGATION, and REPLICATION. Automate any processes that do NOT need human interaction, DELEGATE any low level effort that does not create the HIGHEST output and do it in a manner that can EASILY be REPLICATED by the lowest level training and compensation!

NOW THAT'S A BUSINESS... and one that can REPLACE you (or at least your need to be there do "do" it.)


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Morning Motivator - A Little is MUCH Better than NONE

"Sure, Sonny. I'll split the commission... Let's just get it done!"
- Zach Barker, Tuesday 2:12p

I had an INTERESTING moment yesterday. A moment where I had to PRACTICE what I preach.

A PROSPECTIVE client referral came to me around lunch time and needed QUICK attention. Being in Memphis at training (without web access) made fulfilling the OPPORTUNITY very challenging. What to do!?!

I am a BELIEVER that getting it done is MOST IMPORTANT. You figure out the "how" along the way. With that in mind, my team COLLABORATED to get the quote out... QUICKLY!

What was the SACRIFICE? For me, half of the CASH I would have made going alone.

The ALTERNATIVE... Quite likely, moving too SLOW for the prospective client and making 100% of ZERO DOLLARS!

So, what would you do? SHARE in success or WHOLEY own your PRIDE?

LEVERAGE your teammates and enjoy SUCCESS collectively...


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator - My BAD Attitude

"Don't play to see who can win... PLAY TO WIN!"
- Unknown

Many people know that I am an AVID "athlete." I will play ANY sport... ANYWHERE... ANYTIME! From Kickball to Soccer, Paintball to Football - I will do it ALL!

Here is the kicker... "APPARENTLY" I have a bad attitude. By "bad attitude," I mean I have an UNRULY desire to win... EVERY SINGLE TIME! I don't care if we are playing for "fun" or in a "competitive" environment. I WANT TO WIN!

I have NEVER understood the mentality of "playing to play." I am not able to "turn off" the switch when it comes to WINNING. Do you play to WIN? Do you play to PLAY? Do you have that "ON/OFF" switch for winning?

Ask yourself... Is this OBSESSIVE compulsion with WINNING bad? Possibly.

What's your ALTERNATIVE? Accepting LOSING?

When you DECIDE to begin ACCEPTING losses - you create a BUFFER in your mentality. You start an internal CULTURE of allowing yourself to accept SHORTCOMINGS.

Why SACRIFICE your dreams? PLAY TO WIN!! Otherwise, someone WILL win YOUR dreams...


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Morning Motivator – What Are You?

"When you decide to be something… you can be it."
- Jack Nicholson in "The Departed"

What do you want to BE? What are you WAITING for the "right time" to become? Why haven't you DECIDED to become that yet?

The TRAGEDY of life is that we all have DREAMS. We all SEEK to become something greater than what we ARE. And yet… MANY of us never take the steps to get there. We RATIONALIZE the reasons why we "CAN'T" do whatever it is we want. We make CONCESSIONS on our dreams and allow ourselves to ACCEPT shortcomings of our dreams.

Why SETTLE? What is it within us that allow us to ACCEPT anything less than EXACTLY what we want?

In order to achieve WHAT you want to be… you must first have an idea of what that looks like. What are your special TRAITS? Your PASSIONS? Your DESIRES? Decide what mark would you like to leave on the WORLD?

Once you have a good gauge on what it is you LIKE… then you can more EASILY determine what you want to be. You don't have to know EXACTLY… just get close and start taking the steps to get there.

The BEAUTY of figuring out what you want to be… is that no one REALLY knows until they get there. However, the MOST successful people get there FASTEST because they are not afraid to FAIL nor are they fearful to make a MISTAKE.

Take CONTROL of your future… DECIDE to be something – then be it!


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