Morning Motivator – Do It Right… It’s Faster

"If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?"
- John Wooden, Hall of Fame UCLA Basketball Coach

Like many people, I too become FRUSTRATED when things do not go as I planned or worse, when someone else is in control of my success.  I too struggle with the idea of "WAITING" to do something that could be (and should be) done NOW!  I am an IMPATIENT ass… I can live with that.

What do you do when you cannot do something the RIGHT way today, for whatever reasons?  Do you "hammer through" so that you can check it off your list or clear it off your plate?  Do you "delegate" it (like a bad manager) to someone else, hoping that person can figure it out?

What if the best solution was to WAIT?  Wait for the right time, the right conditions, and the right price.  What if it were to wait for the right people to ALLOW the right access?  Would that not serve you better, RATHER than trying to FORCE FEED your solution and potentially screwing it up while alienating your clients?

Sometimes I wonder if we are not supposed to RELAX and allow our timelines for success to grow organically.  By that, I mean, push, push, push as hard as you can to keep your timeline, but when it proves to be something that would require a COMPROMISE of quality to meet your deadline, well… maybe that is where we just "chill out."

Maybe it is the case of wanting something so bad, only to be told NO and then find 3 months later, something better was actually awaiting you. 

The question I have is "How do you balance being an ALPHA personality and a bulldog to get stuff done, with making sure it is done right… all the way right?"  It is a delicate balance of PATIENCE (not an alpha trait) and DETERMINATION, while knowing QUALITY is always most important!


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Morning Motivator – Stay Cool, Stay Focused

"…sorry, you cannot use those locations."
- Anonymous

One of the most FRUSTRATING things is when you are not privy to all the INFORMATION available.  Would you agree?  Well, get used to it!  It is how people maintain CONTROL and GENERATE revenue.  Think about a doctor or a plumber… they know more than you, you do not know what you do not know and thus, you pay a PREMIUM for THEIR information.

What can you do in order to make sure you get all the OPPORTUNITIES and ELIMINATE any chances for you to be "screwed" out of time, money or opportunity?    Well, being EDUCATED (aka "informed) is the ideal manner and the only real solution. 

Understanding that some information is not available or is PROTECTED creates a challenge point for you.  Then what?  Well, that is where the title comes into play… STAY COOL, STAY FOCUSED.

Remember that every "NO" creates a "YES" somewhere else.  You may be told that you cannot do something on a Tuesday, but that does not mean you are blocked from Wednesday.  Hmmm…

What if someone said that you were not ELIGIBLE for a contract because of your "classification?"  Does that mean you are "BLACK BALLED" from bidding?  HELL NO!  You may find that the company will change their rules if they found your service to be superior or no one else bids (think government here).  You could always re-apply under a different "classification" too.

Stay cool… stay focused.  Your CREATIVITY will kick in and a solution will present itself.  Kind of like when someone tells you there are no parks available with lights… well, maybe you just go get some lights.  (wink wink)


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Morning Motivator - Solve It or Resolve It

"If you cannot find a solution to your problem, not doing it may be the solution."
- Anonymous

*Please note that due to an information loss, you may have been added back in error.   Email me back and note "remove" if you wish to be removed. Thanks!!

Have you ever had a CHALLENGE you seemingly could not overcome? Something that you worked on and thought about CONSTANTLY to no avail?

Is it possible that the challenge you are faced with is not READY to be solved? Could it be that you are FOCUSING your efforts in an area that offers minimal gains and is causing maximum frustration?

As PROFESSIONALS, we are challenged continually with "riddles" of time and focus. We are sucked into projects that have little VALUE and GREAT emotional baggage. Understanding when to REFOCUS efforts is one of the most difficult skills for us to master. Thus, this question is posed: "when do we solve it or just resolve to do it later?"

Learning to analyze VALUE in projects is a skill that much be developed over time through experimentation. You must seek and accept opportunities to grow and learn in this area.

Realizing that your FOCUS is as limited, if not more, than your time, it becomes IMPERATIVE to maintain your efforts in the appropriate area that maximizes your returns. If you spend two days focusing on a solution that is very challenging and only yields $3000, it proves foolish when an alternative was one day of focus with a $2500 return. Less money - yes. More time and energy to duplicate - also YES!

Therefore, what makes more sense...? Two days @ $3000 or one day @ $2500? Be cautious not to allow GREED to overtake your focus and reason. If you KNOW you can execute in one day, while the two days is a "target," then the choice is simple... One day.

Analyze, evaluate, then act... And do not fear the opportunity to fail. Rather, embrace the learning experience.


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Morning Motivator – Website or FaceBook Page?

"I am not sure that many people use websites as much as FaceBook."
- Unknown

There seems to be a NEW quandary amongst business owners – website vs. FaceBook page.  They question is which one to use and which one generates better results.  I, of course, have my OWN opinion on why there is no right answer… plus how I think business owners are generally STUPID.

Here is the deal.  Websites and FaceBook pages are as useful as you make them.  As a business owner, you must realize that the "magic bullet" does NOT exist.  There is no ideal advertising spot; no savior salesperson, no formula for callbacks or whatever else you think is out there.

Which is better?  Well, to answer this question directly, we must look at how the two function. 

A website is an ideal place for hosting information and allowing potential users a place to RESEARCH your business, service and/or product.  It is the "window shoppers" tract to your business.

FaceBook is a DIRECT connection to people that already know of your business, use it and seek to INTERACT with it.  This is the information channel best used for existing clients, fans and people that support the ideas or your business. 

So which is better?  Well, which function do you need?

It would seem that both are necessary to communicate a FUNCTIONAL message.  One to potential clients, the other to existing ones. 

May I suggest that your website does not have to be as ROBUST as once believed, as the FaceBook page now allows for much deeper relationships in a virtual environment?  HOWEVER, if you do not plan to manage and update your FaceBook page frequently (and with meaningful material), then just put up a webpage that is half exciting and let it ride.

Think of it like this:  Your business card is great to introduce yourself, but a meeting over coffee is much better.


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