"I would love to do more on FaceBook, Twitter and Yelp, but I do not have time."
- Anonymous
Oh boy, am I FIRED UP today. Every so often, I call someone out in PUBLIC. Personally, I hate it when people do it to me, as I believe it to be a very RUDE practice. Today was an EXCEPTION! A worthwhile "call out" at that.
An anonymous person, disguised as being interested in learning social media practices, joined a meeting I attended today. The person listened, analyzed and engaged. Towards the end, in the organic discussion that arose from the tutorial, the above comment came forth. GRRRR… I GRITTED my teeth in frustration!
Nothing FRUSTRATES me more than someone making excuses for INEFFICIENCY. If you are too PRODUCTIVE to manage something beneficial for your business, then OUTSOURCE it. If you are too INEFFICIENT to manage it, eliminate or delegate it. If you do not APPRECIATE the value of the technology, then ABANDON it. But for God's sake… DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES!!
You ALWAYS have time for the things that are meaningful and important! No questions asked.
I do not go to the gym, not because I am too busy, rather because I am not making it a PRIORITY, hence, I am a chubb-o (I know why and how, it is simple). On the flip side, I make time to read books EVERYDAY, which is a horribly slow process of learning, but I VALUE it.
You get a lot of slack with me… but not for making excuses! If you want it, make time for it. If you do not, then shut up and move on. Do not waste others time under the guise of learning with your excuses.
Success is a matter of PRIORITIZING based on productive value… If you cannot figure out what is important, maybe you should wait a little while to start FaceBooking for your business, eh?
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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