Morning Motivator - Are Others Managing You?

"One thing you cannot recycle is wasted time."
- Anonymous

I find very interesting the discussions we have daily. I had a group of people yesterday that I spoke with about the idea of MANAGING YOUR TIME, not having it MANAGED FOR YOU.

Do you know someone that is always late, unorganized, stressed out, hurried? (I can hear some of you saying my name in your head). Typically, a person with the characteristics is a SELF allowed victim of letting OTHERS manage THEIR time! They are the ones that take on too MUCH, delegate too LITTLE and possess the inability to say NO!

You have a CHOICE - manage your time, your people (including your superiors), your clients and your personal commitments OR allow them to manage YOU! Take control of your time and you will harness control of your life.... Here's some help to get started:

Time blocking has proven over time to be a consistently successful strategy for time management. Time blocking consists of:
* Prioritizing HIGHEST VALUE activities
* Scheduling a CONSISTENT predefined time frame for those activities
* Commit and execute daily application of this time block - PROTECT IT AT ALL COSTS! (This may mean telling your boss... NO)
* Plan the blocks in times that allow BEST SUCCESS (ex. Work out in the morning before work so nothing prevents you from doing it, make cold calls from 8a-10a while you are most likely to reach your contact, answer emails immediately after lunch when your brain is at its slowest)

Managing yourself is a choice, managing others is a lifestyle....


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Morning Motivator - 2 Degrees of Change

"Most people OVERSTATE what can be done in a day and UNDERSTATE what can be done in a year."
- Andy Herzer

How many people do you know that want to CHANGE, IMPROVE or GROW? How many are AWARE but not taking ACTION? How many have TAKEN action? How many have made that huge 180degree LIFE CHANGE?

Last July, I began my most defining growth stage in my life. This change has been one that began gradually - a change in work habits, a change in personal relationships, a change in diet, a change in mind, body and soul. HOWEVER, this wasn't my first change... I had attempted the 180 degree turn many times. "I will start running today... Make 100 cold calls today... Not be late anymore today!" It didn't work...

NOW, I take my changes in 2 degree increments. Small manageable and measurable steps. If I fall back, its 2 degrees - if I progress, its 2 degrees. Its a change in personal culture and values... You can do it too!

Once you have your vision plan (If not drawn out - email me for info on how to do so), you will need to determine the magnitude of change that you desire and the current poor habits that are preventing that change.

Identify the habits, take small action steps to overcome (2 degrees at a time) and everyday increase their impact 2 degrees. (Example: if you want to run a marathon, start tomorrow running 5 minutes and increase slowly everyday)

Your change to a better life awaits you... You are only 2 degrees away!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator – The Danger of “TRY”

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself."
-Henry Ward Beecher

I sat with a colleague and former associate at NationLink Monday morning and he asked how I was doing. I responded with "Great! I'm finding great success and balance in my life." I also went on to tell him how my experience with them was INVALUABLE and what great business lessons I learned… one of the most IMPORTANT being committed to success. This means never allowing yourself to TRY – just to DO!

We often hear that the most difficult step in anything is the first step. Very fair statement. Why is that? Most often its either FEAR or lack of DIRECTION. And with those challenges follows the fatal words – "Im TRYING to (fill in your half hearted goal here)." My mentors at NationLink taught me that TRY is nothing more than giving yourself an opportunity to wiggle out of SUCCESS. It an excuse waiting to happen! Rather than TRY… DO! I WILL complete this proposal today, rather than I am trying to have it done by today.


The idea of TRYING versus DOING is simply a mind set you must adopt. Analyze your most recent shortcomings… were you "TRYING" or "DOING"? The assurance here is that when you COMMITT and FOCUS on accomplishing the task at hand – your SUCCESS RATE increases to near 100% certainty. Want to make an even STRONGER certainty – write it down, be specific, put a completion date on it. Your SUCCESS is waiting for you … it quit TRYING to find you years ago!


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator – Taking Ownership of Fear

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear."
-Brian Tracy

What is your biggest fear? Spiders, tight rooms, noises in the night? Are you fearful of you talents? Abilities? Potential to accomplish ALL of your successes? I know for many years I have not always given my best efforts – mostly out of a fear of over accomplishing my goals. Sounds silly?

What people posses in their arsenal of talents and abilities far outweighs their ability to focus and act. Most of us have many GREAT IDEAS that never make it any further than meaningless babble from our mouths. ALL TALK – NO ACTION! Interestingly, if you FOCUS on a core idea from a high level, many of the actions beneath it are a requirement to accomplish your end goal.

I share with you this: On July 21, 2008 I will turn 30 years old. I have committed to myself that I will gift myself a meaningful piece of body art (aka tattoo) to signify this great day and the journey of my life thus far. I have also made a commitment to myself that I will not allow myself this art, unless I am at or under 200lbs body weight. The body art is very important to me… the desire to been lean is too … the coupling of the two with a decided focus to accomplish these is what will ENSURE my success!

Fear is not something you can bottle up and throw away. The best away to overcome any fear is to identify it and face it head on. Most often your fear is nothing more than a psychological block you have placed to protect yourself from rejection.

DEFINE a SUCCESS you wish to accomplish in the next 90 days – write it on a piece of paper and place it on your refrigerator. Look at it every day and make 1 decided effort daily to accomplish this goal. In 90 days you WILL have accomplished it… enjoy the reward!

(I have placed a scale next to my refrigerator WITH my piece of paper… ouch!)


Morning Motivator – Focusing on Friendships: A Uhaul Story

"A man should choose a friend who is better than himself. There are plenty of acquaintances in the world; but very few real friends."
-Chinese Proverb

This weekend I moved into a new home - a critical step in the execution of my personal vision plan. Last summer, I committed to becoming a more active part of the Nashville community and knew that I must live in Nashville to do so. I was very pleased to see that my friends were more than willing, if able, to help me in fulfilling this dream.

During the move, a comment was made, "I never realized how important a good network of friends is until I moved." I thought about the comment and found myself wondering - how successful I could be without my support network? I thought the times I needed a simple favor, some helpful information, or just someone to listen and help me through a difficult decision. The I wondered – how solid are MY friends networks of trusted friends? Do you have people you KNOW you can reach out to for help? Do you have someone that will ALWAYS support you, even if they don't agree with you? I have some thoughts if you feel you are lacking…

The key to lasting bonds of friendship is the time and energy to invest into knowing someone – their personality, their goals, their dreams and even their faults. In order to get to a point of KNOWING someone, you must first MEET them. So the best coaching I can provide is to take the first step and GET INVOLVED!

You have many resources to meet people who are similar in values, ideas and passions. Here are a few places you can meet people:
- Church
- Chambers of Commerce
- Sports Leagues
- Clubs (rotary, Kiwanis, etc)

Overcome your fears of "being a stranger," say hello, ask a question, start a conversation – then enjoy YOUR network of friends!


:: past morning motivators ::