Morning Motivator – The Inefficiency of Your EGO

"The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them."
-Benjamin Jowett

Has this ever happened to you?

You: "Hey Joe – I just finished the project and we are two days ahead of schedule while $5,000 under budget."

Joe: "Thanks valiant and dedicated worker for your great work…" (while walking down to the bog boss)

Big Boss: "Attention everyone – I want to make a special note of the great work Joe was able to drive to get completed early and under budget."

How motivating is that to help out Joe again? Many times as leaders we BELIEVE it our job to press our people to complete tasks or achieve goals and that SOMEHOW those successes are our to CELEBRATE. Why the HELL would anyone think that?!

When it is a team member that ACCOMPLISHES the goal – walk them into the boss' office and let THEM make the announcement. If THEY helped YOU win the award based on THEIR work – you better put them in the car WITH you and accept the award TOGETHER. LOYALTY and DEDICATION are a measurement of RESPECT and APPRECIATION. If you do not highlight the work of others and show your appreciation for their diligence – DO NOT expect exceptional work to continue, not a great deal of committed loyalty to your team.

When you are in doubt of how best to manage a situation, always think back to your first year in the workforce. What was it that YOU wanted?
- Acknowledgment
- Respect
- Accolades
- Recognition

Give these things to your people. Note that most people are not ultimately DRIVEN by money… most are driven by APPRECIATION. It is YOUR committed goal to make sure your team members get what THEY want for a job well done. Best way to determine what they want… ASK THEM!

Remember that most employees do not quit a JOB – they quit a BOSS. Be a LEADER and you will find your success within.

Have a safe and Happy Easter weekend. Call your family that is away, Kiss the ones that are near… and save me a piece of chocolate!


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Morning Motivator - Take ACTION on Your PASSION

"There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction."
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Yesterday was quite an AMAZING day for me and made me realize a few things about myself and my work. At lunch, I spoke in front of approximately 30 Legal Administrators who serve as the operational leaders of their businesses. I realized when I was speaking that what I was doing was EXACTLY what I loved. I was able to HELP 30 people which I respect, ENGAGE them in a manner that was entertaining for all parties and provide a message that was both IMPACTFUL and ENJOYABLE. I smiled from ear to ear all day long…

Now what lesson is to be LEARNED from this? By FOCUSING on the ACTIONS that produce the best RESULTS with the LEAST "felt" effort – We can ENJOY and ACHIEVE more. Simply put – do what makes you FEEL good and PRODUCES results. How do you do that?

The best way to determine how to produce optimal results is to understand how you work OPTIMALLY. What is it you LOVE to do – not LIKE to do – LOVE to do? Speak, write, design, train, analyze? All of these ACTIONS have immense benefits to your company and your clientele. How can that skill be APPLIED to help your client/company?

Now, how do you put it into ACTION? Who cares… do anything! The key is not to have all the answers figured out and design a perfect system.

You don't know what the PERFECT system is – it's not even a system for YOU. It's for your clients and/or your company – but on YOUR terms!

SIMPLY TAKE ACTION – do the smallest thing you think would help, then ask questions about what else might help, then take that action. The system will build itself as you LISTEN and take ACTION.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator – How To Make a Tough Decision...

"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Difficult decisions are all around us and we are sometimes FORCED to make the ones we fear the most. What is the FEAR behind decision making? At the root – it's a fear of making the WRONG decision. It's also a fear of REJECTION and RIDICULE from those that are affected. Let me give you a word of advice – don't worry about the decision or if people get mad. Make the BEST decision and if others don't like – tell them to step and make it!

A LEADER is often ridiculed and second guessed for their actions. That opportunity is the benefit of not being the leader – the downside of not leading and not making decisions is YOU ARE UNABLE TO DETERMINE YOUR FUTURE. So what would you rather do? Make TOUGH decisions that in most cases can be corrected down the road if made in error OR give ABSOLUTE power to someone else to DICTATE your life and lifestyle.

Seems like those decisions aren't quite as tough anymore…


The critical key to decision making is being WELL INFORMED of all needed information. When making tough decisions – DON'T RUSH! There are very few things in this world that REQUIRE immediate attention. You may "feel" as though they do – but they don't.

It is your OBLIGATION to make a well informed, well discussed, well considered decision. In order to benefit OTHERS – you must consider their needs in conjunction with the "pressing issue." Weigh the benefits and the risks – then DECIDE and MOVE ON.

More often than not, everything works out for the best…


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator - What Does Team Mean to You?

"We would rather have one person working WITH us than three merely working FOR us."

-F. W. Woolworth, founder of the F. W. Woolworth retail chain

We all work on "teams" and we all have vendors that want to "partner" with us to improve business - but what do REALLY think a team is?

My perspective is one of SERVICE. I believe a team is a group of persons dedicated to SERVING one another to ELIMINATE obstacles to their SUCCESS. You will not find a BOSS or EMPLOYEES - you find an EQUAL investment and commitment to seeing one another ACHIEVE.

What do you think a team is? Do you feel CONFIDENT your team is as committed to you as you are to them?

When evaluating your team, you must identify the values of each member.
- Why are they working?
- What are their goals?
- What perceptions of work do they have?
- What is their value system?

Once you identify the WHY and WHAT of someones work, then you can help with the HOW. How will we get there? How will we work together?

Understand the drivers of that persons motivation, serve as a teammate in helping them accomplish their goals and DEMAND that others do the same.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator -What is Your Time Worth?

"One thing you can't recycle is wasted time."

I really love the BUSY vs PRODUCTIVE discussion and had the great fortune of having it this weekend.

The concept of being BUSY is developed through a corporate culture that values ACTIVITY over RESULTS. How many times have you heard the following? "I can do my job by noon, but I drag it out since I have to be here until 5p"

The question then must be posed: WHO believes that your compensation should be based on your "PC babysitting skills" versus your ability to EFFECTIVELY accomplish your job. It is much more INTELLIGENT to compensate based on RESULTS... If you can produce all your business working 1 day per week, aren't you still worth the money??

The challenge in this mentality is that you are battling years and years of preconceived notions of "how work works."

Expect your boss to disagree (that is unless they are playing golf today) yet show them how you can produce a full days work - better and quicker. Then ask to go home 1 hour early.

Keep producing (not taking on additional workload as this will cause burnout) and beginning asking to work "from home" 1 day per week. Keep pulling yourself away and eventually you WILL be paid based on what you PRODUCE, no longer on how many hours you sit in the office.


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