Morning Motivator – Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

"I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear."

These are the final days prior to my OFFICIAL leadership role in the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce and FEAR is the underlying theme as we move forward.

Please don't confuse FEAR with a lack of ABILITY, FOCUS or an indication of FAILURE. Rather, the fear is a motivator towards PREPARATION, DETAIL and TEAM FOCUSED effort. I have worked these past days diligently on aligning my teams, placing personalities and skill sets that COMPLIMENT together. Deriving GOALS that lend to future sustainability in an organization that often LACKS consistency in message. It is FEAR of letting down my members, as their leader, that drives me towards a pursuit of EXCELLENCE and ACCOMPLISHMENT.

What I have DISCOVERED is that as I have worked more and more on these GOALS and ACTION items – I am not as FEARFUL. I have analyzed the metrics to a point that I feel CONFIDENT in our focus and ability to SIMPLIFY our actions towards the key elements that drive our group. Much like a relationship, as you learn more of HOW a person works, feels and acts, you grow in CONFIDENCE that you are able to CARE, SUPPORT and LOVE that individual. It is through the DECISION you make that SUCCESS is the ONLY option and your COMMITMENT cannot be waivered that the FEAR diminishes and the REAL value uncovers itself.

The best way to overcome FEAR is through education. LEARN more about what you fear – understand its components – embrace the fear with a passion to squash it and rise above it.

Often people are approached by people assisting them in decision making (ie sales people) and are REJECTING of anything the person has to say… out of FEAR. Its only when you (or that person) takes the time to LISTEN, LEARN and DECIDE that the real value of the information is discovered.

Your SUCCESS is in your hands; COMMITMENT to education is a driving key and your ability to take ACTION to press through the discomfort is what will separate YOU from all the rest… be GREAT today! Have a safe weekend.


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Morning Motivator - When Will I Get Lucky?

"Ill never give up for I may have a streak of luck before I die."
- Thomas Edison, July 26, 1869

Ok ok...First of all, get your minds out of the gutter! Today's MM is all about the combination of PERSISTENCE and PATIENCE.

Many people, myself most notably, do not have a great deal of PATIENCE. I am an ACTION guy. I would rather DO than research. I would rather PARTICIPATE than wait my turn on the sidelines. Additionally, I am a CONTROL FREAK. I want to be able to control my next 5 minutes, 5 days and most of all, the next 5 years! Maybe this is a good thing...

I believe that most of us, as LEADERS, would tend to see more ACTION and less talk. I do know that PERSISTENCE in action is what often lends to what people term as their "lucky break." You hear stories of musicians that spent years playing dive bars until 3am to crowds of 25 people, then one Tuesday night, a recording rep stumbles in after a party and finds the NEXT BIG THING. It would seem that had that musician "taken a day off" or allowed themselves to become DEFEATED by the lack of progress, they would have missed their BIG BREAK. When is your big break coming? You don't know. How do you make sure you get it? That, I believe, you do know...

A common misconception is that you must be available all the time in every situation to catch your break. Hogwash! (yes, I said hogwash)

Your GOAL is to place yourself in situations that provide you with the greatest OPPORTUNITY and EXPOSURE to the end results you are seeking. If you want to know many people, become the President of a group. If you want to gain RESPECT for your ideas around finance, start a blog for other financiers to participate in. If you want to be a musician - see above.

Your "lucky break" is nothing more than your efforts, strategic placement and opportunity colliding like two run away trains... now just imagine the FORCE you will carry when you get there.


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Morning Motivator - Being Dumb and Successful

"Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible." - Doug Larson

I laughed when I saw this quote and visualized all the people the may be offended by this MM. I, not having enough SMARTS to know better, am taking ACTION and going with it.

I confess, I am an OVERANALYZER. I think things through 100x over in all the WORST case scenarios. Sometimes, I think things so far through, I FORGET the original purpose of the thoughts. Additionally, I tend to DWELL on the worst possible situation, in preparation for potential FAILURE, thus having my contingency plan in place. Maybe being "dumb" to the situation and action driven would be a BETTER solution.

The idea of IGNORANCE being a strength towards ACHIEVEMENT is not unfounded. Its often the young executive, with the least experience, that tackles the BIGGEST project using zest and passion - why? She doesn't know she is not supposed to ACCOMPLISH it. While others have failed, she is UNAWARE and thus is more DRIVEN, FOCUSED and CREATIVE.
Often you hear the comment, "there is nothing else to invent, its all been made." If so, how can we produce new drugs to save our bodies, fuels to power our vehicles or technologies to communicate more effectively?

The ability to CREATE and MAINTAIN is derived from an IGNORANCE of sorts. Either, you DON'T KNOW or you know and ACT like you don't. It is when you work with a completely OPEN MIND that the purest of ideas arise and REAL success steps are made. Do yourself a favor... dumb it down for success.


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Morning Motivator – The Greatest General of All Time

"To be really great in little things, to be truly noble and heroic in the insipid details of everyday life, is a virtue so rare as to be worthy of canonization."
-Harriet Beecher Stowe

This morning I want to share with you a story that has IMPACTED me and my fellow colleagues when considering the POSSIBILITY of what you CAN achieve in your life…if you try.

Mark Twain once described a man who died and met Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates. Knowing that St. Peter was very wise, the man asked a question that he had wondered about his entire life.

He said, "Saint Peter, I have been interested in military history for many years. Who was the greatest general of all time?" Saint Peter quickly responded, "oh that's a simple question. It's that man right over there." "You must be mistaken," responded the man, now very perplexed. "I knew that man on earth, and he was just a common laborer." "That's right, my friend," assured Saint Peter. "He would have been the greatest general of all time, if he had been a general."

This anecdote provides me with WONDERMENT of the accomplishments we are all capable of. In a past MM, I discussed the GREATNESS of Tiger Woods and alluded to the idea that we ALL have that capability. The above alludes to just that. The difference being that Mr. Tiger Woods DID find his strengths, honed his skills and has pursued it with great DISCIPLINE. Many of us will walk around HOPING for dumb luck to slap us in the face and magically make us happy with our life, career, spouse, etc… it would seem that if you EXPLORE your passions and pursue with VIGOR – you may just become the "greatest general of all time."

Every day you have an opportunity to LEARN and EXPLORE yourself. Focus 15 minutes daily to QUIET, REFLECTION time in which you allow your mind to wander, wonder and explore. Don't fear your CREATIVITY and IMAGINATION – once you learn to let go of the restrictions of your mind, you are much more likely to find the secrets you have been seeking.

Make notes of your ideas. EVERY idea is good – sometimes it's the timing that sucks. Keep a log, a file folder or binder or your thoughts and ideas. Review them monthly or quarterly to reassess their WORTH and determine if ACTION is appropriate.

Most of all – DON'T BE AFRAID to be GREAT! Many of us are afraid to chase a DREAM for fear of failing or realizing it wasn't the "right" dream. Who cares! Its only through ACTION and EXPLORATION that you are able to find your true PURPOSE. Once you have PURPOSE, aligned with PASSION – you become LEGENDARY.


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Morning Motivator - Having the Courage to Listen

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."
- Sir Winston Churchill

In the past few weeks, I have really enjoyed some AMAZING discussions (thanks Nancy!) and have found a growing inner peace I never had before. I expect that you (like myself) can occasionally become FRUSTRATED with your inability to "breakthrough" your POTENTIAL and make actionable SUCCESS. If you don't - you aren't trying hard enough.

Here is what I have come to realize from my chats: Commonly, leaders are much HARDER on themselves than others would ever be (this is your quality control). Most leaders expect much MORE of themselves than others would ever of themselves (this is your drive for growth). Lastly, most leaders are much more INSIGHTFUL than others would ever allow themselves to become (this is your creative genius). The results of these "traits" is an individual that is overwhelmed with GREAT ideas, limited time for ACTION and an expectation of PERFECTION...every time! Wow - sounds frustrating already.

The most EXCITING portion of this realization is how I came to discover it. In opposition of my natural personality, I shut my mouth and LISTENED to what someone else had to say. I asked a question and QUIETLY allowed for the response to be made, absorbed and processed. AMAZING! I have found that it takes great COURAGE to ask questions of yourself and more to ask others to critique.

The ones you care for and trust around you are TREMENDOUS resources for your development. If you are facing a challenge - ask a loved one or close friend their thoughts. If you are close with them, they likely know you BEST. If you will LISTEN to what they have to say - you will find great WISDOM in that advice.

Don't be afraid to hold yourself to higher standards, don't be afraid to ask questions of yourself and don't be afraid to LISTEN to those around you. Sometimes the GREATEST show of COURAGE is knowing when to ask others for help.


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