Morning Motivator - Why to Stop Watching the News

"If our 'trusted' sources are pushing 'their' agendas, why place value in them?"
- Zachary Barker

MSNBC pushes PERSONAL AGENDAS. Fox News FAILS to present all the facts. CNN LIES to you daily. Even NPR is JADED by the presenter.

If you KNEW I gave you FALSE truths or DELIBERATLY mislead considerations - would you read this again? If you BELIEVED that I was LEADING you to take actions I deem VALUABLE, or, if I WITHHELD information to influence your decisions - how could you recommend my blog to anyone?

Now, ask yourself, what do these "CREDIBLE" resources really provide you? What is the VALUE they add to YOUR life?

I'd love to just have you STOP watching "political" resource news sources...I'd love for you to START reading more books to aid in your "personal betterment..."

Regardless, I HOPE you will stick to YOUR beliefs, principles and values, RATHER than become a "lemming" for a SLANTED information provider, seeking to control your actions, thoughts and values.

Stand for YOURSELF! Stand for your PEOPLE! Stand for what YOU believe in... Others WILL respect you for it!!


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Morning Motivator - April Fools'

"Without a continued focus on bettering oneself, you are committed to being a fool."
- Unknown

I want to THANK YOU all as today will be the LAST Morning Motivator... April Fools!! (Cheesy, huh?)

April Fools' Day is FUN for many people as you are given a PASS to play tricks. It is a day where MANIPULATION of people who are unknowing (i.e. IGNORANT) is accepted and promoted.

Education (or a knowing of more information than others) is the ONLY way to prevent from being MANIPULATED on any other day. Just as all other goals, having a PLANNED approach to increasing your knowledge is CRITICAL in EXECUTING your intent.

Fail to continue LEARNING and you can EXPECT to be taken advantage of. It is a SAD truth... and an ABSOLUTE truth!

Defining a LEARNING PLAN is actually quite simple.

You will need to define your GOAL and TIMELINE... Then EXECUTE!

Use the tools available:
- Self Learning (books, internet)
- Structured Learning (school)
- Mentored Learning
- Shared Learning (group discussion)
- Experience Learning (get out an TRY it!!)

Regardless of your PREFERRED method of learning - the MOST important step is IMPLEMENTATION!

Just start it - try it - adjust along the way!!


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Morning Motivator - Use Your Team!

"Relationships are made in trust with hopes of speed and mutual benefit."
- Unknown

Over the past years you have met MANY people and kept a lot of relationships. Some more intense currently than others, still, all very valuable.

Ask yourself - "why am I BUILDING this vast network?"

Unless you have a deep psychological NEED for attention and take SOLICE in being surrounded by people, you are likely BUILDING a "benefit network." This is your group of TRUSTED associates that SHARE passions, vision and pursuits.

They want SIMILAR things as you... and are willing to help get you there!

UNDERSTAND that your friends are just that - YOUR FRIENDS! They are on YOUR team!!

They will and WANT to help you achieve your goals. They KNOW you want to help do the same.

You work HARD to build your relationships. You work HARDER to maintain them. Use them or lose them and NEVER be afraid to ask for help...

Your TEAM will always be there!


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Morning Motivator – Join the “Good Ol’ Boys” Club 

"If you could find out what the most successful people did in any area and then you did the same thing over and over, you'd eventually get the same results they do."
- Brian Tracy 

Have you ever noticed that SUCCESS always seems to be associated with a "good ol' boys club" type mentality?  Ever felt as if you were LEFT OUT of the club?  

Often, we do not RECOGNIZE the critical keys to success until after we have been overlooked by someone that figured it out EARLIER.  As a member of the Nashville Junior Chamber, I have taken mild RIDICULE from non-members, associates and old friends about my commitment.  The common questions circle around the group's VALIDITY, PROFESSIONALISM and VALUE.  To this day - I wonder WHY? 

In ANALYZING the successes of other leaders in my community and those I read about, I see one CONSISTENT underlying commitment – the involvement in professional associations, moreover, LEADERSHIP within the given group. 

You may be a "member" of groups and find that LITTLE success is yielding.  You may "sit" on a non-profit or social board, and yet, your ADVANCEMENT feels minimal.  It is possible… you have yet to realize the real success keys… 



PERSISTENCE: Your ability to "outlast" all other people with their short-term commitments ESTABLISHES a deep sense of trust and understanding between the highest of achievers in any group.  Ever wonder why board members seem so close knit?  They have put more into it than anyone else…  After 7 years as a Junior Chamber member, I KNOW who I can trust (and the alumni know they can trust me). 

LEADERSHIP: Your ability to "stand above" and DELIVER the focused message of your group to others that can benefit, accepting any backlash, criticism or skepticism, creates a DEFINITION of character that others can RELY upon, knowing you WILL do the right thing, at the right time. 

In a society of short-term "fixes" and a "mob mentality" (ex. Healthcare bill) of decision making – your ability and dedication to PERSIST longer and LEAD stronger will SEPARATE your being into a class of success. 

Sure, the group will be SMALL, as few are willing to sacrifice enough to get there, and the cost will be great… however, the BENEFITS are LIFELONG and IMPACTFUL! 

Want to be a member of the "good ol' boys club"?  Spend a few years establishing DEEP, MEANINGFUL relationships and you may just find that you never intended to be in the club… it just happened to happen!


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Morning Motivator - The World's Scariest Word

"The path to the necessary answer is through the most challenging and difficult questions."
- Zachary Barker

In the past weeks, I have found that I continue to ask ONE question again and again... "WHY!?"

To many people, this is the world's ScaRiEsT question (notice the fear implied in the capitalization).

"WHY" forces us to look past the shallow rationals we give for our actions. It REQUIRES that we define purpose for our actions - analyzing BUSY vs PRODUCTIVE. The question also makes us look into our SOUL to decide if what we are doing is EMPTY SUCCESS or VALID ACHIEVEMENT.

Most people do not begin seeking PURPOSE in their actions until later in life. Often, we hear this DEFINED by the phrase, "if I could go back, knowing what I know now..." and so forth.

Why let those years pass by? Why not begin CONSIDERING your path today?

The SCARIEST thought for me is to achieve a second coming of EMPTY SUCCESS. The great job, great income, nice house, car, etc... And still no FULFILLMENT.

Ask yourself WHY you are doing what you do... If the answer comes EASY, then you are getting closer. If not, change directions.


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