Morning Motivator – Learning to Overcome Your Biggest Opponent

"It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
-Sir Edmund Hillary

Who or what is the ONE thing that gets in the way of your success more than anything else? How often do you face this ANTAGONIST to find that they always undercut your passion, confidences or focus? How well you do you know this enemy of ACHIEVEMENT? Very well I imagine...

Often people will share an insight (or excuse as I call it) about what is holding them back – ECONOMY, EDUCATION, Etc… In REALTY, the most common foe to your achievement is YOU. Your thoughts of MISTRUST, UNCERTAINTY, LOW SELF VALUE, INSECURITY and FEAR. We all learn these negative traits as we GROW and share new EXPERIENCES. It is these negative responses we must learn to MASTER and CONTROL.

You have the ability to CHANGE your position against yourself to one of SUPPORT. You can become your BIGGEST fan. By learning to see the value of SELF and the unique talents you are able to offer to the world, you can exercise your specials skills into ADORATION, ACCOMPLISHMENT, LOVE and SUCCESS. When you stop and RECOGNIZE that the only person that is REALLY holding you back from achieving your desire for (fill in the blank) is YOU, then you EMPOWER yourself to face fears, insecurities and anxieties KNOWING they are a false reality made up in your mind. You have total control over your FEELINGS once you learn where they stem from.

Interestingly enough, it is not INTELLIGENCE that separates successful people from under achieving people. It is not a special GOD given talent that ONLY that one person has (even Michael Phelps can get beat).

A critical key to success most often SACRIFICE. Sacrifice of your comfort for a desired growth. Sacrifice of your anxieties for a pursuit of passion. Sacrifice of your fear for an opportunity to feel love. It is when you are willing to give up all your "false comforts" for REAL VALUE that you will find the success and accomplishments you desire in your life.

Don't beat yourself up – You are a great person and everyone around knows that. Don't be afraid to use your talents and NEVER let fear be the emotion that guides your decisions.

Have a GREAT weekend!


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Morning Motivator - Don't Run Away

"What separates winners from losers is the courage to persist long enough to win."
-- David Cottrell

Sales studies will tell you that 5-7 "touches" are REQUIRED to set an appointment. Do you know how many times the AVERAGE person will make contact with someone that they "want" to do business with? Typically, two. So, what makes the DIFFERENCE between the good and the GREAT? Persistence.

How many GREAT relationships were found by a STUBBORN participant that wouldn't take no for an answer? Many of life's BEST experiences must be EARNED by sticking to your commitments.

No on ever said work would be EASY- that's why its called WORK. No one said LOVE would be fun everyday - but its the hard times and difficult discussions that create LASTING affection. Don't RUN AWAY from something great because it looks HARD or feels UNCOMFORTABLE. Its the things you work hardest for that really mean the most...

Always keep in mind that the TOP ACHIEVERS in this world look at adversity as a challenge they are ALWAYS able to overcome.

It is their focus on the PLEASURE of achievement that drives them past the pain... Additionally, the RECOGNIZE that the common factor that separates them from the rest is that the others WON'T do the hard work.

You know what to do and the benefits... Don't be afraid... Don't run away. All the GREATNESS is just on the other side.


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Morning Motivator – What Are You So Worried About?

"If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today."

What are the things that WORRY you day in and day out? What are the FEARS you have about the future that keep you from fulfilling your daily dreams? What CONCERNS do you have about your present situation that cannot be FIXED with focus and change in ACTION?

We all are GUILTY of doing it – we worry about the things that don't matter. We are FEARFUL of the things we are unable to control and ASSUME the worst in all situations. Example: Yesterday morning, our President and I flew to Atlanta for a product demonstration. I PREPARED all last week in an effort to have all bases covered and make sure we did a "knockout" demo! We arrive in Atlanta to learn that the person we are meeting with is out of town, as well as his counterpart. Guess this was a WASTED trip! Except… the REAL person that needed our services called and said he'd pick us up to see the demo.

After 5 hours in Atlanta, we demonstrated our product, ate lunch with the buyer and his President, all while BUILDING an excellent relationship. AMAZING! So why did I freak out when we got there and our appointment seemed to be lost? Was the world going to end because I wouldn't get to demo? Was my time so damn IMPORTANT that I would never be able to change the world because of this? Was this a sign that the deal had no CHANCE of being executed? HECK NO… it was just me WORRYING about the things that I couldn't control… how much worry do you place on yourself around things you DON'T control?

Next time you start to WORRY about something – ask yourself, "Is this something I will remember in 12 months?" If it is not, let it go.

If your concerns are about control of FINANCES – look to your budgeting to see where your financial power is coming from. You may have a leak in your system, such as a daily Starbucks habit you are not considering. You can easily spend a few hundred bucks a month on wasteful coffee and such.

If your concerns are about JOB SECURITY – look at your CORE responsibility. Are you doing that daily? Are you driving the one most IMPORTANT action on a daily basis? If not, change it.

If you are worried in LOVE – speak to your significant other about your anxieties. Often, they share similar feelings. You may find that opening up will actually create a DEEPER bond and a stronger love.

Don't worry… most often, everything works out!


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Morning Motivator - A Moments Notice

"Every passing minute is a new opportunity to change the rest of your life."
- unknown

When you woke up this morning, you had a CHOICE ... Let the day own you or you own the day. It is a SIMPLE decision that you must make as to HOW you will use your day - a stepping stone towards GROWTH or an opportunity to revel in distress.

We understand that our life TODAY is the result of our prior decisions and that what we see, feel and know are due to our past life. Are you HAPPY with yourself? Would you have made DIFFERENT decisions? What would you CHANGE... And why?

For me, I do not have many REGRETS. I do wish I had passed on a relationship or two. I wish I had gone away to college and joined a fraternity. I wish I had studied a different subject in college... But for what MATTERS - my character, ability to love, my leadership - I am pleased. I UNDERSTAND that I missed some good opportunities and CHOSE some bad ones... yet, I am still here and doing well.

The reality of your life is you have more CONTROL than you will allow yourself to appreciate.

You have the CAPABILITY to execute the actions you KNOW are productive - eat well, make your sales calls, work out, stay committed in your relationship. If you CHOOSE to commit to DOING the tasks you KNOW are productive and execute in a CONSISTENT manner - your success is essentially GUARANTEED.

You know the "right things" - choose to do them today and you WILL have the life you DESIRE!


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