Morning Motivator – Commit and Go!

"…uh, well, after thinking about it, I, uh, kinda, well, maybe, I guess I will not be able to after all…"
- Anonymous

What is WORSE than someone that never commits to anything?  One that commits, then never FOLLOWS THROUGH.

Here is some STRAIGHT TALK.  You KNOW whether you want to do something from the moment you think of it.  You may have to check to see if you have the AVAILABILITY, but you know if you are interested.  You may have to check with your SPOUSE, but, again, you know if you are interested. 

You may be too WEAK or SCARED or whatever to say to someone's face that you are NOT interested, but you KNOW if you are or are not.

Here is the deal.  When you COMMIT to something, you are saying, "Yes, you can rely on me to be a part of your solution" to someone else.  They count on you; they build systems, timeframes, measurements and communications around YOU.  They make special arrangements in their manners of EXECUTION for YOU.

When you say "YES" and don't ever show up, or just quit before starting (like that is somehow noble), you are F*&%^ING up the whole system!  I assume I do not have to repeat that…

You want respect as a LEADER?  Commit or do not.  You want trust as an INDIVIDUAL?  Commit or do not.  You want to RUIN your reputation amongst others?  Commit… then bail. 

You are either IN or OUT.  Do not be a weenie – if you are out, just buck up and say it.  Otherwise, people will just STOP ASKING. 


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Morning Motivator – STOP Networking (Yeah, I said it.)

"I used to go to a lot of networking events.  I just found they didn't create much opportunity."
- Unknown (overheard at a recent event)

NETWORKING is a business "buzz word" much like leadership, diversity and multi-tasking.  It sounds great, but has no clear definitions and lacks any real "achievable goal."  It is a hole of QUICKSAND, patiently waiting to suck in and unsuspecting sucker that does not know what they are getting into.

In order for us to CLARIFY the value of networking, we must clarify the value of MEANINGFUL relationships.  In business, those are relationships yielding financial, social or political advancement.  If they do not HELP you reach your sales goals, meet someone that helps you meet your sales goals or get you strategically placed into groups that help you meet the people, that help you meet your sales goals (whew!), meeting them is a BIG FAT WASTE OF TIME.

If you want to make new FRIENDS, that is fine.  You had better network with people that share similar VALUES, etc.  Rather than a "chamber mixer" (vomit), join a social or professional group.  If you want to GROW your business, you better read the above paragraph again (and again and again until it is clear).

Should you QUIT networking?  YES.  Should you quit MEETING new people?  NO WAY!   However, if you do not do "networking," how will you meet people?

Most "networking" events are the lowest level and lowest quality sales people in any organization.  They are NOT interested in helping you, referring you, collaborating with you; rather, they are ONLY interested in selling you their (blank) and getting to your clients.  Damn, that sounds like a GREAT RELATIONSHIP, eh?

Instead of seeking to find a diamond amongst the coals, why not join a group that is both social and professional?  Seek groups that are social for professionals.  Seek groups that drive people of varying backgrounds together (like a recreational sports league).  Possibly be BRAZEN and start a group of your own (based on solving the problems of professionals) that aggregates the people you WANT to do business with in a manner that provides them a VALUE to know you, as opposed to just "knowing you."

Need help figuring out how to do this?  Email me.  I have not figured out many things in life, but this one… well, I am better than most.


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Morning Motivator – “Different” is the Same

"Yeah, I see how it is trying to be different, but it really feels the same as the old way."
- Anonymous

Warning: This is a long one.  I MUST CONFESS… I love going to presentations!  I love seeing people in front of a group or crowd, working their magic, selling their idea, service or solution.  I REALLY love it when someone hits a homerun doing it.  Alas, it does not happen very often…

Recently, I attended an event FOCUSED on aiding business professionals in more EFFECTIVELY acquiring leads and LEVERAGING their best relationships.  The concept intends to be the "anti-BNI group" or the "Chamber of Commerce 'Business After-Hours' killer."  The concepts is around acquiring top relationships with key contacts and then… well, let us just say it turns EXACTLY into the BNI concept.

Get a bunch of cards, push those people to your contacts, and then try to force-feed leads then sales on to strangers because somehow you (and your team) are the "magical best service provider in the whole world."  REALLY?!  I MEAN, REALLY?!?

I am NOT bashing the intent of the person that is PROMOTING this system, nor am I suggesting that it does not effectively work.  I am simply NOTING that it is marketed as something very UNIQUE, when, in fact, it is just a small, almost negligible, variation on a an old, tired approach.

If his "packaging" was more aligned with being known (or presented) as "a better approach to the same old system," well, that I might get behind (although I don't think general networking works at all anyhow – tomorrow's Morning Motivator).

The LESSON in all this is that your DIFFERENT is often the same, UNLESS, you can very clearly pinpoint the difference in a clear, direct fashion.  Your comment of having "better customer service" is weak.  The idea your product is "the best" sounds like a lie.

Be frank with people.  Tell them "it" is much like all the rest.  The difference is (fill in the blank).  NOTE:  You better DAMN WELL MAKE SURE that (blank) is something you can prove (or back up).

What makes the Morning Motivator different?  Not much, other than you ALWAYS get my opinion, regardless of whether it is right, wrong or at all politically correct.  Otherwise, it is just a blog.


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Morning Motivator – Stop Problems before They Start

"I am not saying anyone is cheating.  I am just saying that the opportunity is there."
- Anonymous

Last night, as a new offering in my sports and social league business, we started a competitive TEAM TRIVIA league.  It is regular trivia with teams scoring points for correct questions, as well as for what place they finish in.

Here is what happens when ANYTHING become competitive – people start to FIND ways to win!

They may train, recruit, watch film, read, etc.  On occasion, teams CUT corners.

While I do not think anyone has cut corners in our leagues, I also know that, if given the chance and the right timing, people MAY have a difficult time RESISTING opportunity. Frankly, I do not blame anyone.  I want to win and understand the "DO ANYTHING" mentality.  So what is the solution?  KILL THE OPPORTUNITY UP FRONT.

Just like in a business, if you look for the fail points UP FRONT, you find many ways to create supports or solutions to challenges before they ever arise. 

If you think people may CUT CORNERS, then find ways to eliminate the opportunity prior to the event.

If you think your competition is going to UNDERCUT your proposal, find ways to ensure you get last bid.

If you think someone else is going to get the job you want, use your political connections or personal relationships to make sure you have the "in."

By UNDERSTANDING the manners in which challenges may arise, you can immediately create COUNTERBALANCES to thwart any FAIL in the system.  You can PREEMPTIVELY attack challenges that may create discourse amongst your people, business or friends. 

Besides, would you agree that the best PROBLEMS are the ones that NEVER arise?


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Morning Motivator – The Lazy River

"Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water."
- Lao Tzu

I have been thinking a lot about all the FUN things we did as children.  Roller coaster and water parks CONTINUALLY pop to mind.

Mostly I think about how much I LOVE the Lazy River at a water park.  It is part relaxation, part revelation.  It is a great place to RACE the slower rafts, even if they do not know we are racing, by finding the jet ways that ACCELERATE the raft best.

I realized that the Lazy River is very similar to business.  It is a system of continual motion, with multiple "rafts" navigating the same small plot of area.  We are all riding the jet streams, hoping to not be bogged down or stuck in a whirlpool.  Those that are more AGGRESSIVE are "RACING" with the little pushes we can find.  Mostly, I realized, we are all going in a very SIMILAR direction on a very similar path…

So how do we DIFFERENTIATE if we are all on the same path, floating in the same streams, riding in similar "boats?"  We must find a DIFFERENT way.

At 32 years old, I FANCY myself a "child with mature responsibilities" and thus still try to HARNESS the creativity of a child in their problem solving.  Do you remember what the 8, 9 and 10 year old kids would do in the Lazy River (no, not pee in it)?  They would duck through the hole of the tube, swim QUICKLY up stream and find another tube to pop their head into before they were caught. 

They REALIZED that, in order to stay in the pool, they must be in a "float," but only when near a lifeguard.  Thus, when OPPORTUNITY was available, they would swim ahead of the slower, more "settled" riders, and find an OPEN float they could occupy.  Interesting concept, eh?

Are you swimming ahead into OPEN opportunities when they are available?  Are you PUSHING the rules of the land in order to find ways to create advantages for yourself and others?  Or, are you just along for the ride, hoping you aren't caught in a whirlpool or fall out of your raft?


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