- Barbara "BJ" Gallagher
I have often heard people say that INEGRITY is a key element to your character. Your CHARACTER is a make up of your values, beliefs and actions. It is your CHARACTER that people use to evaluate your worth as a person and professional.
So what DRIVES the formulation of character? Primarily - your words followed by your ACTIONS. When you make a comment of belief (I.e. I think all people need to vote), it is the subsequent actions that shape your worth in the eyes of others (I.e. You better get your a** out and vote!)
When we FAIL to take action on our declarations, we create a REPUTATION of being lazy, disorganized or generally unreliable. The FOLLOW THROUGH and IMPLEMENTATION of your action statements and beliefs IS the most difficult action item (as it is the work), yet IS the DEFINING elements of the value of your character.
Here is a word to the wise from a recovering "OVER TALKER/UNDER DOER"... Speak slowly- Act quickly.
When you take the extra 30 seconds to CONSIDER what you are saying and what you are CAPABLE of fulfilling, you may find that your personal resources are often limited.
Rather than be GOOD at everything, be GREAT at one or two things... People respect ACHIEVEMENT more than "how busy you are."
Have a GREAT weekend and say thanks to your military friends for their dedication to making our lives better!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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