Morning Motivator - Planning Ahead for Success (my lesson learned)

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."
- Alexander Graham Bell

Oh the lessons we must learn and the ways we have to learn them...

Let me share with you what I have learned this week. I have learned that PLANNING is the key to maintaining a SUCCESSFUL practice. Why do I say this? Because this week I have lost my Morning Motivator database and was late to send today...

My LESSON - I didn't not plan for my BlackBerry® to crash OR my time to be limited today. Does that mean I am ALLOWED to let my Morning Motivator business slip? NO!! Does that mean the inspirations that I love to share are ACCEPTABLE to delay? NEVER!! Thus, todays lesson is one that is written for you ABOUT ME. I TOO have to change my practice... Maybe just 2 Degrees!!

Todays step is an explanation of what I will be doing to make sure I am able to consistently serve my wonderful readership.

1. Morning Motivators will be researched and written at night so as to be ready for distribution every morning
2. My BlackBerry® database will be backed up every Friday afternoon at 4p so as to always have a database in case of crash
3. Quotes will be maintained on my web server folder so I have easy access to the quotes I value most.

I thank you each for your support and more importantly - your keeping me ACCOUNTABLE!! I wish you all a great weekend!! YOU control your success... Make sure you PLAN to achieve it!


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Morning Motivator – Sex, Money and What You REALLY Want

"There are two things people want more than sex and money -- recognition and praise."
-Mary Kay Ash

WOW! What a quote! I'll assume I have your attention now…

I like this quote as it details the idea that peoples motivations are always around SUPERFICIAL rewards. One of the most disturbing things I continually hear is a business owner of manager tell an employee – "Just think of how much money you will make!" The challenge I find with this is that the VALUE of the individual, their organization and their role is diminished to the MOST superficial of all REWARDS. How often have you heard the following? "They couldn't keep me if they paid me 2x as much" or "There is no amount of money to make me deal with this" or best of all "I would rather work for free than have to be in this environment."

The leadership question you need to ask is "WHAT MOTIVATES MY TEAM?" Rarely is the motivations financial. You may HEAR finances and find out that it's really a home purchase or vacation or schooling for a child. More often what people want is to feel INVESTED, have OWNERSHIP, receive PRAISE and RECOGNITION. Consider children… how many 4 year old children ask for money after helping mommy or daddy? How many want a raise when they learn to be potty trained? The POINT is from initial development, the GREATEST of all rewards is PRAISE. It's the APPRECITAION and RECOGNITION of ACCOMPLISHMENT through hard work! How are you REWARDING your team?


As a business owner, sales/operations manager or team leader – we ALL share a RESPONSIBILITY to aiding our teams success! If you seek to gain MAXIMUM productivity and effort from a team member – ASK them what they are working for. Ask them what their goals are for this year, 3 years, 10 years. INVEST in their SUCCESS inside and outside the workplace. YOUR rewards will be immeasurable.

As a word of advice to all LEADERS – implement a planned REWARD system for your team. Do not involve FINANCIAL rewards is possible. Use tools of recognition and praise. If you need assistance with these types of programs, please let me know and I will help you find the right person and make the right investments. REMEMBER: LOYALTY is built on TRUST, DEDICATION is built on SHARED ownership and SUCCESS is the natural result of PLANNED execution!!


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Morning Motivator – Do You “Want” It OR EXPECT it?!

"In life, we don't get what we want – we get what we expect."
- Chris Howard

I just listened to a speaker talk about business policy and creating the MINDSET for SUCCESS. What jumped out to me was the quote above. Often people talk about what they want… it sounds a lot like, "I wish…", "I need to…", "if only I…" yadda yadda yadda. How many people do you know that carry that sense of ENTITLEMENT though? How many EXPECT that you will speak with them or do business with them? Interestingly, that mentality seems to be a common theme amongst TOP PRODUCERS.

So why do we NOT act with expectations? Do we feel as though EXPECTING someone to do something is OFFENSIVE, PUSHY or ARROGANT? Do think that your time is less VALUABLE than that of your boss, co worker, friend, etc? Change that mentality today!! I can tell you that there are certain thing I EXPECT in my life. In the next few years I EXPECT to:
- Marry the "perfect" girl (in my eyes of course)
- Run my own successful speaking business
- Bring the Junior Chamber to Nashville prominence
- Be on pace to retire before 50 years old
- Be a civic leader in the Nashville community

Do you think I will NOT achieve any of these? What do you EXPECT for yourself?


The training of your mind is the most overlooked of all developments. Most people STOP learning once they leave high school or college (some long before that). You must understand you're yourself education is what provides you with CONFIDENCE, DIRECTION and PASSION. Your commitment to self GROWTH will be the determinant in how "well" you achieve expectations in life. Here are some ideas to help you start your GROWTH commitment:

- Read 1 book per month on self development (relationships, business models, speaking, finances, etc)

- Join Toastmasters (learn to be a great communicator of ideas)

- Participate in a mentor group (be around people smarter and more experienced than you… it rubs off)

- Spend 30 minutes at night or in the morning looking at your goals (paint a vivid picture of your accomplishments… the more details, the more likely to get them)

- Keep reading the Morning Motivator and share it with friends (I wouldn't do this if I didn't think it helps… share it, your friends will appreciate the sentiment)

Your life quality is a DECISION to GROW, LEARN & LEAD… and you only have to make those changes 2 DEGREES at a time!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator – Don’t be the BOSS – Be the LEADER

"Leaders don't force people to follow – they invite them on a journey."
- Charles S. Lauer

Leadership is quite the BUZZ WORD these days. The real BUZZ is around being a LEADER, not training to become one. The leadership challenge as CEO, Manager, President of the Board, Director, Mom/Dad –is knowing it is your role to guide and support your team in THEIR efforts to be SUCCESSFUL. Do you see yourself as a LEADER or a BOSS? A BOSS tells the team "GO!" while a LEADER tells the team "LETS GO!" A LEADER "walks the talk" while a BOSS "just talks." I'm sure you know that difference… Which are you?

This week, I began meeting with prospective Board members for my upcoming Presidency in the Nashville Area Junior Chamber which will begin in July. Why start chatting so early?? I believe that LEADERSHIP does not begin when you accept on a title or a role. It begins when you DECIDE you are willing to sacrifice your personal needs to see others be successful and relish in the accomplishments you receive as a TEAM. I believe that our group, NAJCC, is poised for huge growth in the upcoming year and that my VISION is the driving force to get there. I also know that MY vision of the group may vary from others. Hence, you must begin meeting, talking, and sharing thoughts early, so when it is "GO TIME" we are all on the same page! I do not believe that as a leader you have to AGREE with all your team mates – I DO believe you have to respect and listen to THEIR vision and plans for success… Your GROWTH as a professional and a person is dependent upon your willingness to HUMBLE yourself, ASK for help and REALIZE you are not always the BEST person for the job.


When in a position of authority, it is important that you demonstrate LEADERSHIP so you can command and maintain the respect of your team. It is very EASY to slip into the BOSS role – the position of authority that TALKS a lot about what needs to be done, yet is UNWILLING to make the same sacrifices he/she is asking the team to make.

If you seek to be a SUCCESSFUL leader – you MUST commit to being the best EXAMPLE of what you wish your team to become. This is the first step to LEADERSHIP! Additionally, your success is achieved when you possess and share the KNOWLEDGE of your craft, you live the COMMITMENT to being the best example in taking actions and unquestionably SUPPORT your team with encouragement.

Your best steps to seeing this though is to define your GOALS and work with you TEAM to gain consensus. DEFINE roles and SHARE in responsibility. As a LEADER your role is to SERVE your team – not the other way around hence you FORFEIT certain luxuries when you take your leadership role. MARVEL in the development of your team… their success is your new REWARD!


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Morning Motivator –2 Degrees of Patience

"Life is all about timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out It's all about timing."
-Stacey Charter

The most challenging aspect of life for me is PATIENCE. Like most people, I do not like to "wait" on things to happen and would rather push forward to make things happen more quickly. Many people with this nature can be seen as PUSHY, INSENSITIVE or UNCARING. Mostly, it's the GOAL of that person to OVERCOME as many challenges as possible, in the SHORTEST amount of time, to HELP the collective group most effectively. The challenge in that mentality is the appreciation one must have for the lack of true CONTROL they possess. Consider this…

In business, after just a few years of experience, many "feel" ready for leadership or top management as they watch the decisions that are made from the top. In health, many "feel" ready to run a ½ marathon without training a single day. In personal lives, many "feel" as though they can move from grossly unorganized to detailed organization with the drop of a hat. Sadly – most of us REALIZE shortly after making the 180 turn … we cannot. The TIMING of things is so important! The 2 DEGRESS of EFFORT you place up front to make something work long term is what is most CRITICAL. The 2 DEGREE change in VISION allows you to see the bigger picture. The 2 DEGREES of PATIENCE allows you to move through the steps that drive SUCCESS. A change in TIMING – just 2 DEGREES – may be what makes the entire system "click."

In order to make the small changes required to keep yourself on track, you must extend your vision out LONG TERM. The curve balls that life throws come daily and the adjustments to those changes are ALWAYS the same – they are the EXACT corrective change required to meet your goal. Let me explain.

If your goal is to make $1M in sales this year, having a weak first month is not a cause for panic. You have 11 months to spread the shortage across and make up in an easily manageable manner.

If you goal is to keep your job and that requires closing $100,000 in sales, you will find yourself panicky, frantic and stressed if you are short in the last week. You will work many additional hours, take desperate measures and likely put "everything else" on the back burner.

Both of these actions are EXACTLY proportionate to the end goal. One goal happens to be more VISIONARY and LONG TERM, where the other is very REACTIVE and SHORT TERM.

You must be willing to make frequent 2 DEGREE adjustments to ACHIEVE your long term goals. It may be you give a little more effort or a little less, a little more focus or less or maybe you reassess your end goal altogether. It is DIFFICULT to know if you are taking the right steps if you don't have a DIRECTION. Follow your heart and stay true to your vision – GOD will take care of the rest!


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