Morning Motivator - How to Make Yourself "Extraordinary"

"Never stop. One always stops as
soon as something is about to happen."
- Peter Brook

One of my mentors, Justin Morrison, is always quick to remind me that the difference between ORDINARY and EXTRAORDINARY is just a "little extra." What does that actually mean?

For me, this is the FOCUSING agent that keeps me seeking the ONE EXTRA STEP I am able to drive to grow, learn and lead. This is the EXTRA phone call that I make to a client, the breakfast meeting with a friend to talk about a leadership opportunity or even just sending the Morning Motivator on a day that I'm STRUGGLING with my own motivation.

What are you doing extra that makes your SUCCESS a reality? Are you working on making that project EXCEPTIONAL as opposed to passable? Are you helping a client solve a CHALLENGE in their business that doesn't compensate you? Better question - WHAT CAN YOU DO?

Keeping FOCUS on your desired experience is the key to success in creating EXTRAORDINARY.

When planning your approach to a task - write down the desired goal - the time frame to accomplish it AND the one thing you can do to make it special (ex. Hand deliver vs mailing, calling vs email, etc).

When you focus on the EXPERIENCE - you will ACHIEVE the "little extra" Justin always talks about.

Have a PHENOMENAL weekend!!


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Morning Motivator - Tony Robbins meets the Movie "300"

"The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck"
- Anthony Robbins

One of my favorite movies is the film "300." The premise of the film is an intense battle between the Spartans of Greece, a very small, highly motivated and highly trained (prepared) group, engaged with the great armies of Persia, millions and millions of slaves and ill prepared leaders. My enjoyment of the film is found through the idea of a committed TEAM standing and ACHIEVING against overwhelming odds through FOCUS and PREPARATION. From it, I find one my favorite quotes - "it's not fear that grips him, just a heightened sense of things."

How do we ACHIEVE the "heightened sense of things" concept? How do we OVERCOME the ever bearing FEARS that grip us daily? Simple PREPARATION. Preparation is the combination of STRATEGIC planning aligned with FOCUSED task execution – the VALUE being the strategy. Otherwise, you simply have the EXECUTION of minute, low value tasks that offer little motivation to the group and the individual. Can you think of pointless tasks you do every day? (loaded question)

How does being prepared allow for a "heightened sense of things"? It is preparedness that builds unshakable CONFIDENCE, portrays unparalleled PROFESSIONALISM and ELIMINATES fear of the unknown. Ask your self – are these traits I DESIRE to have? Now ask yourself - how much time am I spending daily to PREPARE for tomorrow, next week, next year, the rest of my life? (personally, professionally, family, physically, mentally, spiritually)


In order to optimize your ability to be productive, you must take FOCUSED time to PREPARE- daily, weekly and monthly to establish, measure and reassess your goals. By defining your goals with DEFINITIVE time tables (i.e. I WILL complete this task by July 21) you provide yourself with the ability to then quickly define the desired outcomes and the immediate tasks REQUIRED to accomplish them.

Your steps to success will include many SMALL TASKS that can be accomplished along the way with their own time tables. By establishing the next "small step" you will prevent yourself from being OVERWHELMED and become better ABLE to quickly achieve your tasked goals. Allow yourself to focus on small victories and you will find the biggest victory will be GUARANTEED!


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Morning Motivator – How Better Business is Just Like Dating

"My boyfriend used to ask his mother, 'How can I find the right woman for me?' and she would answer, 'Don't worry about finding the right woman- concentrate on becoming the right man.'"

If you want to read a great book to help IMPROVE your personal and professional life, I highly suggest "The 5 Love Languages" by Dr. Gary Chapman. I have found this reading to be one of the BEST development tools I have learned from to ENHANCE the way I communicate, look at others communication and VALUE relationships in general.

Interestingly, business is EXACTLY like dating. Think about it. When you meet a new client, you don't seal the deal day one. You must COURT the person, build TRUST, establish effective COMMUNICATION, have MUTUAL benefit and make COOPERATIVE decisions. So if you know you don't get married on the first date… why would you think a new vendor or client will want to tie themselves to you that quickly?

Don't let the misconception of the word "business" get you CONFUSED. Even when an OPPORTUNITY appears to be a SLAM DUNK – you still must work to establish your position as the TRUSTED resource that CARES about your client (as you would a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife) AND FOLLOW THROUGH WITH WHAT YOU SAY!! That is how you BUILD relationships…


In most of the "2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEPS", my goal is to give you a small simple task to help you enhance your ability to achieve. For today's 2 Degree Success Step, I make this simple comment.


This light reading will give you a perspective on WHO you are as well as who other people are… and how best to make them feel AWESOME about working/being with you. Keep achieving!


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Morning Motivator – Save Your Success: Motivate Someone

"You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics."
-Charles Bukowski

What is it that makes people DO MORE, BE HAPPIER and ACHIEVE MORE EFFICIENTLY? Answer: Motivation.

There are 2 types of motivation – POSITIVE and NEGATIVE. What type do you BEST respond to? What type do you PREFER that your team use with you? Now… what do YOU use with YOUR team? Are you basing your motivations on FEAR and DISTRUST? Do you shake the "iron fist" at your team every time you get a less than favorable report or a superior jumps your case about "the numbers"? Do you even have a gauge on what TYPE you use???

Ultimately, what do you think is the most EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT ways to help move your team to GREATNESS? Realize that your team is tremendously POWERFUL, CREATIVE and DEDICATED. It's like a good relationship with a boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse – they are ALREADY on your team and want to help you achieve … THAT'S WHY THEY ARE INVOLVED WITH YOU! Realize that they want to HELP you SUCCEED and only ask the SAME dedication of you.


One of the best ways to manage your MOTIVATION tactics is to do what your momma always said growing up – "if you have nothing nice (positive) to say, say nothing at all." Focus on positivity and growth while keeping browbeating and fear OUT OF THE FORMULA (sounds silly to even say, huh?)

We all realize that frustration and anger occasionally can set in when managing the success of others, however you must assume INNOCENCE when errors occur or tasks go incomplete. Often, it is nothing more than a general oversight and as the manager of YOUR teams SUCCESS, you have to share in that responsibility. Help your team – they will help you and you never know… the next person you inspire, might just CHANGE THE WORLD!


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Morning Motivator – Teaching Monkeys Mathematics

"Everyone has a talent. What is rare is the courage to nurture it in solitude and to follow the talent to the dark places where it leads."
-Erica Jong

In the past few days, I have been part of some great discussions around my upcoming Presidency in the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce. I have spoken with some EXCELLENT people, who are showing a dedicated interest in GROWING their success. Let me share with you what I have learned from this…

In the vast discussions I have enjoyed in the past few months I have DISCOVERED this… TALENT and CHARACTER cannot be taught. You might say, "Duh, Zach. Everyone knows that." However, how many people REALLY do know that? If the quality of talent and character were EASY to identify, would your HR teams make bad hires? Would an employee leave because they were FRUSTRATED in their role?

Here is what I DO know… you can teach monkeys mathematics, but you cannot teach them AMBITION, PASSION, RESOLVE, FOCUS, TALENT or CHARACTER. It is these traits which make YOU and YOUR TEAM so powerful and effective. Skills can be taught – LEADERSHIP is inherent and grown. Now ask yourself – "How am I GROWING my leadership?"

Learning to recognize talent is not an easy task, however recognizing quality can be. When considering someone for your team, as a client or even in personal relationships, examine the QUALITY of that person – their thought processes, their values, their interests and their goals.

Once you discover that skills are taught and quality is embedded, you will find building your teams, seeking out clients and enjoying personal relationships becomes much more effective. Focus on QUALITY… the rest will follow.


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