Morning Motivator – Break the Seal

"You cannot be wimpy out there on the dream-seeking trail.  Dare to break through barriers, to find your own path."
- Les Brown

It has been just about a month now, since moving to Lafayette, La.  From my home of Nashville, where I lived the past 15+ years, a move has proven a VALUABLE lesson in resiliency and focus.  Even more, I have learned a great LESSON in "Breaking the Seal."

Anytime one finds oneself in a NEW or UNFAMILIAR environment, I believe the most important action is simply BREAKING THROUGH the hesitations and fears held internally.  No one LIKES feeling awkward or uncomfortable or unwelcome, and yet, many of us are more PARALYZED by fear of rejection than by the pain of being an "outsider."

Interestingly, once we have the MOMENTUM of one new, powerful, hopeful and promising relationship – we find a COMFORT and CONFIDENCE that carries us back to the success we realized prior.  All we have to do is break through ONE time… and then we will carry ourselves the rest of the way!

FORCING oneself to "get out there" and be vulnerable is very challenging.  We all FEAR rejection … even though it rarely ever happens the way we see it in our minds eye.

Understanding that you only have to break the seal one time (within each area you seek to gain entry), makes OVERCOMING hesitation much easier.

Do NOT wait for the "right time" – that time is NOW!  Or wait on the "right person" – the right person is YOU!  If you want your success, BREAK THE SEAL and GO GET IT! 

Very few people will stand in your way if you approach with confidence and purpose… and if they do, PUSH them out the way.  No one can keep you from your DREAMS unless you ALLOW them to.



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Morning Motivator – Extra, Extra… Read All About It!

"Sometimes it takes an expert to point out the obvious."
- Scott Allen

I have mentioned before the IMPORTANCE of public perception as an EXPERT.  When you are an "expert," you have an advantage over all other competitors within your marketplace.

QUESTION:  How do you BECOME the expert?  Hint:  You already are…

BETTER QUESTION:  How do you become VIEWED as the expert?   Hint: It is not that difficult…

Understand that an "expert" is someone that knows more about a subject that most others.  There can be MULTIPLE experts.  You can be the expert of a subject you know VERY LITTLE about if the people you are around know even less… Get it?!

To become the EXPERT, you must share "nuggets" of your knowledge with others.  There are multiple ways that you can do this – yet ONE is more powerful than others are.

WRITE AN ARTICLE about your service and submit it to your target audience.  This works best if published within an association newsletter or on a website.  This is because when you are 'PRESENTED" by an authority as an expert, your value increases exponentially!

If you TWEET, BLOG and force-feed EMAIL NEWSLETTERS to your target market, they may not respond as positively – mostly because the efforts are viewed as direct solicitation, rather than a value added mind share.

Simply write an article, then contact the DIRECTOR of communications with the associations you target and ask them IF they publish information to help their clients gain business knowledge.  If yes, then ask what the PROCESS is to submit.  Follow directions accordingly and bask in the success of being an EXPERT!



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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication.  Use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator – Painful Signs of Good Progress

"Understand that most problems are a good sign. Problems indicate that progress is being made, wheels are turning, you are moving toward your goals. Beware when you have no problems. Then you've really got a problem... Problems are like landmarks of progress."
- Scott Alexander

Have you ever heard the phrase "Fall Forward?"  It is a DIFFICULT practice for many people to assume in their personal pursuits of success.  "Falling Forward" is the willingness and acceptance of failure (or problems) resulting from testing new waters in your discoveries.

The INTERESTING thing about "problems" (or as I call them "challenges") is that they are AVOIDED like the plague by most, while PURSUED by the few.  Ever wonder why so FEW people are successful?

Progress is CHALLENGING oneself to try new strategies and avenues of success pursuit.  It is taking was is very good and seeking to make it EXCELLENT, even if it means being POOR at it in the interim.  It is challenging the STATUS QUO just to see if you can create a NEW status quo…  sound fun eh?

To achieve SUCCESS, you must WELCOME failure.  You must SEEK problems/challenges.  You must FORCE people to be uncomfortable… mostly yourself!

The MOST successful people in our society are the ones that seek problems – then find ways to eliminate them (or at least ease their pain)!!

Seek out CHALLENGES, PROBLEMS and FAILURES.  Then seek ways to EASE or ELIMINATE them… Success is the little gremlin hiding just behind them!



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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication.  Use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator – Your Personal Responsibility

"For of those to whom much is given, much is required."
- Bible (Luke 12:48)

At first glance, the above quote may lead you to BELIEVE that this MM will be about your involvement in the community.  Being INVOLVED in your community is important… however, this Morning Motivator is about YOU!

God has given each us very SPECIAL gifts - from the ability to manipulate numbers, motivate people, to create beautiful designs and more.  You have been GIVEN a unique and powerful capability (whether you have found it or not yet may be unclear).  With that special gift, you now have a huge personal RESPONSIBILITY… to YOURSELF!

With your gift, you are now REQUIRED to use it help yourself become more successful and achieve your personal goals.  You were NOT given this gift to allow it to be wasted…

SUCCESS is a RESPONSIBILITY you have to God, your parents, your friends, your community and YOURSELF!  Your gifts were given with an EXPECTATION that you would be productive and masterful in creating greatness with them.

First, you use them to CREATE your personal gain and success.  Then take that success and share your GIFT with others to teach them how to create their success as well. 

The GREATEST gift you can give is helping someone else find THEIR gift and aiding them in realizing their personal success responsibility!  Now go live up to you RESPONSIBILITY and make something magical happen today!



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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication.  Use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator – You May Be In _____, But…

"You may be in marketing, but you are really in Sales."
- Larry Oliphant

First, I MUST wish a HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY to my lovely wife, Nancy!  I love you…

Every so often, we all need a REMINDER of what business we are really in.  My company, The BarkLoud Group, is in the business of marketing operational business services to privately held companies.  We are a MARKETING firm focused on teaching potential clients about services that may help them, then facilitating a relationship.

My sales mentor, Larry Oliphant, noted this morning, "You are really in sales!"  He is right… for ALL of us!

No matter what "business" you are in, you are always in SALES.  If you are a manager, you are SELLING your timelines to your team.  If you are in marketing, you are SELLING your clients on your message.  If you are in MEDICINE, you are selling your knowledge to the patients.

Every idea REQUIRES a champion:  Someone to SELL the idea, motivation, message… and confidence!

By IMPROVING your sales ability (the ability to motivate people to action and commitment), you will find that your "job" will also become much easier.  You will become a better COMMUNICATOR, MANAGER, GOAL SETTER and EXECUTIONER!

The PERSON that wins will always be the one that is BEST able to sell his/her idea.  How GOOD are you? 



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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication.  Use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

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