Morning Motivator - Are You a Quality Product?

"Education is the only place where students become your products."
- Anonymous

Someone asked me this week how MANY books I have read this year. We shared our numbers and discussed WHY we commit to reading so many books. I found the discussion REFRESHING as there was a shared belief- SELF EDUCATION.

Last night, I was at a meeting of the "secret society" of Leadership Nashville and OVERHEARD the above quote. I PONDERED what the meaning was as I thought about who might make such a statement. It turns out the person that made it is an EDUCATOR. The association was RELATING to schools and their "end products" - the work ready student.

Good point, I thought. Then I CONSIDERED my role in my own life as a PERPETUATOR of my own education and success. I wondered, "Am I churning out a good end product?" "Am I DEDICATING the proper amount of time and resources to my continued education, such that I am able to INCREASED the QUALITY of me, as a business, community and leadership product?" I also wonder if others are...

IF you are concerned about the QUALITY of your character, professionalism, reputation and leadership, may I suggest INCREASING your education? You will find it quite simple to do actually. Here are a few EASY ways that you can ENHANCE your education...

1. ENROLL in "Mobile University": Download audio books and training materials to your iPod or burn to a CD. There are A LOT of hours for expert training to be had while driving to and fro

2. Join a SUPPORT Group: Not a 12 step program, rather a BUDDY system. Find others that SHARE your interests and read the book together, meeting weekly to discuss. (You can learn a lot from other interpretations of the same content)

3. Find an EXPERT: If you don't have a mentor already, you may need a wet noodle BEATING... GET A MENTOR! The best education is LEARNING from someone of higher quality, success and achievement than you are (at least at this point). * Remember the worst player on the team has the most opportunity to IMPROVE; the best has very little...

You have all the tools, just take them and make them work for you. When you DEDICATE yourself to being a better "product," you will find that everything around grows in QUALITY as well!

As part of my CONTINUED commitment to accountability, today is my weight check in: 226.9lbs, Last Friday: 225.5lbs, Delta: +1.4lbs (stay away from award dinners)


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Morning Motivator - A GREAT Example...

"The problem with entrepreneurs is that they dream to small."
- Jerry Bostleman of Vaco, at the Nashville Chamber of Commerce Future 50 Awards

First, CONGRATS to my company and its leadership, Sonny Clark and Keith Maune, as well a my frined Joe White and team at NovaCopy for each groups FOURTH Future 50 Award. Only one more until the Hall of Fame!!

Every so often we get a CHANCE to learn from the best. I have been fortunate to have LEARNED from 3 of the best - Bill Long of Avenue Bank, Andy Bailey of NationLink Wireless and Sonny Clark of Advanced Network Solutions. These are my professional "MENTORS" whether the know if or not...

What makes these guys so SPECIAL? Well... to start they are all very SUCCESSFUL. They are also men of great CHARACTER. Additionally, they are all RECOGNIZED business LEADERS and WINNERS. Winners of MULTIPLE awards, accolades and recognitions... (a very impressive group of leaders)

What makes them so SPECIAL to me? They have been INSTRUMENTAL in the DEVELOPMENT of myself as a person, a professional and a leader. Do you have someone that is TRAINING you to be a SUPERSTAR?? Do you have a POSITIVE influence that is PUSHING you to be better than you are today??

When you are CONSIDERING great mentor - look at their AREA OF EXPERTISE. Consider if someone is a PHENOMENAL manager and has a masterful way of motivating like Bill Long. Look at someone that can offer EXCEPTIONAL business savvy, focus and professional EXECUTION like Andy Bailey. Or look to someone that can SHOWCASE the best of BALANCING of CHARACTER and LEADERSHIP, as with my President, Sonny Clark.

The most INTERESTING aspect of "mentorship" is that it does NOT require formalized agreement of meetings, commitments, etc. Sometimes, the best "arrangement" is to OBSERVE and MIMIC the behavior patterns, responses and business (as well as personal) values.

If you are as FORTUNATE as I am and have been in the past, CAPITALIZE on the excellence those people demonstrate. DEDICATE yourself to learning from them - directly or indirectly. MIMIC their BEST attributes and DISMISS any non-preferred ones.

Ultimately, you are PRESENTED with wonderful examples of excellent people, business owners and leaders daily... it is YOUR job to make sure you get the most out of those opportunities!


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Morning Motivator - Self Belief and Arrogance

"Its lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself."
- Muhammad Ali

I have a lot of CONFIDENCE in my capabilities. I have been ACCUSED of occasionally being arrogant or self promoting. I imagine we are all GUILTY of that. I am interested in the idea of CONFIDENCE (or OVER CONFIDENCE) as it seems to be a "bad word" for many people these days.

In a world that no longer keeps score of children's ball games and is afraid to say NO to someone for fear of hurting their feelings, I find RESOLVE in people that are not afraid to say it like it is. Consider the people you RESPECT most... why is that?

Often you find those people are very CONFIDENT in themselves and thus able to be very CANDID in discussions with you. They are not AFRAID to answer your questions with the REAL answers. They are more INTERESTED in helping become a powerful and confident person, than SUGAR COATING your poor, sweet, innocent ego. What gives them this INCREDIBLE ability to "just say it?"

Commonly, people lacking internal CONFIDENCE and personal security STRUGGLE serving as a trusted advisor to others. They are limited in the emotional CAPACITY to "potentially" damage someone's confidence. Do you know WHY?
It is called "MIRRORING." They would NOT want you to hurt their feelings, so they will do ANYTHING possible to protect yours. A very kind gesture, however, a key to our GROWTH is CANDID criticism and suggestions for improvement. If someone does not (or will not) shoot you straight - then what VALUE do they serve.

Look, I am not suggesting you go verbally BEAT PEOPLE UP in the name of "growth." What I am SUGGESTING is that if you are struggling to be frank with others, take the time to EXAMINE why and see if the challenge isn't really about YOU, not them.

Have CONFIDENCE in yourself... I do (otherwise I would share all this personal stuff with you anyhow). :)


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Morning Motivator - It's 930am. Do You Know Where Your Fear Is?

"Named must your fear be before banish it you can."
- Yoda

Its almost 9:30am (Central) - what have you NOT done this am? What IMPORTANT task have you NOT yet executed?

In my EXPERIENCE, we all have ONE TASK we know we SHOULD be doing daily... And yet, its the ONE we put off as long as possible. It may be "that" REPORT, "those" COLD CALLS, either way, its likely todays most IMPORTANT task. Would you agree?

"THAT" task is commonly the most IMPORTANT and the one we FEAR most! Sounds silly, however, its very common. And its commonly that persons PRIMARY function!! (Scary)

Understanding your FEARS is the first step to OVERCOMING them.

Have you NAMED your fear? Do you know WHAT it is? Don't worry about WHY... Just WHAT!

Once you are able to SELF-ADMIT your fear EXISTS, we can focus on WHY its there... Or better yet, create SYSTEMS to establish BEHAVIORS that will eliminate the fears!

Its EASY to overcome FEAR once you KNOW what it is. It is EASIER when you start doing it DAILY as part of your POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SYSTEMS...

*Want to know more about POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SYSTEMS? Email me for details.


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Morning Motivator - How Big is Your Success Team?

"HECK YEAH! I'd love to be a part of that!"
- Common response when asking people to support your goals

I am on a SPECIAL ADVENTURE these past weeks... I am TEAM BUILDING.

Not anything formal or highly STRUCTURED, rather laying the ground work for FUTURE success and quick ramp up! And I must ADMIT, the experience has been EXHILIRATING!!

My goal has been to speak with people SHARING my SUCCESS VISION and INTERESTS in growth. These discussions have been are intended to "weed out" people who don't fit the DEFINED model and ASSIMILATE those that do.

When you "see" your FUTURE success, do you envision yourself achieving it ALONE?

Most of us WILL need assistance or support along the way... Who will there do FILL those ROLES?

I SUGGEST that you begin IDENTIFYING the people you see as a valuable asset (future or present) and begin SHARING your SUCCESS PLAN with them. This will ENSURE they are AWARE of your goals, as well as allow for them to CONTRIBUTE if able.

Just IMAGINE what you can ACHIEVE will a loyal ARMY of supporters!

On a side note: As part of my CONTINUED commitment to accountability, today's weight is: 225.5 lbs, Last Friday: 228.6, Delta: -3.1 lbs


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