Morning Motivator - Invest in Infrastructure

"Education is not only a ladder of opportunity, but it is also an investment in our future."
- Ed Markey

In the city of Nashville, a battle is BREWING…

A discussion over INFRASTRUCTURE investment has been drawn by the growing interest in a downtown convention center. This is additional SPURRED by the bursting of 2 main water lines in the downtown district. What we have is a LESSON in infrastructure INVESTING.

People, much like a city, need GROWTH (convention center), it ALSO needs MAINTENANCE (water pipes). They are NOT mutually exclusive. You CANNOT have one without the other. They are truly a delicate BALANCE in resource development/management.

As a leader, what are you DOING to grow? To maintain? What INVESTMENTS are you making – personally, professionally, financially, spiritually?

Sometimes, we don't want to make the INVESTMENT needed to stabilize our existing systems. We OVERLOOK plumbing in our house, with dreams of a new addition. We UNDERVALUE the training class we can take, as we are doing well in our work.

A wise mentor once said to me, "chase the LEARNING opportunities and your success will follow." I couldn't AGREE more. I would add to that… "Schedule time to keep what you have learned FRESH, so you more easily know what OPPORTUNITIES to chase."

Ask yourself – what is ONE action I can take this weekend to GROW? And to MAINTAIN? Making THOSE investments, may be the best you make all year…


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Morning Motivator – Did I Communicate Well Enough?

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."
- George Bernard Shaw

These past weeks, I have INVOLVED myself in a local political struggle surrounding the City of Nashville's proposed Music City Center. I have also LEARNED that the ability to communicate your actions, quite possibly, is more important than the effects of the actions taken. Let me explain…

Let's say, hypothetically, you have CREATED the cure to the common cold. You are BRILLIANT and will change the world for millions of people. Being such a shrewd INNOVATOR you have decided to share your discovery in the most EFFICIENT way possible… EMAIL THE WORLD! You can reach millions of people, DIRECTLY to their email box, in a matter of hours. BRILLIANT!!

You fire up the servers and begin the MASS email streams. Your email title is "The New Cure for the Common Cold." After 10 hours you have reached over 20 millions email boxes. Sadly, your message has been BLACKLISTED and discarded to the "trash can." But wait… you have the cure for the common cold. You are going to REVOLUTIONIZE the way people live. What happened?!?


Communication is a made of key elements:

1. CLARITY – do people understand the message so as to take CLEAR action steps?

2. RELEVANCE – does the message pertain to the REAL interest of the individual?

3. CREDIBILITY – is your message REALISTIC and REASONABLE for the audience?

4. EFFECTIVENESS – has the message been received and processed? (If you left a voice mail, did you send an email too?)

5. CONFIRMATION – can the sender measure the success of the message?

Ultimately, we must RECOGNIZE that people LEARN and PROCESS information in varying manners. By ASKING the individual about their PREFERRED means for being communicated (and sharing yours with them), you are best able to EFFECTIVE communicate your message.

When all else fails – OVER COMMUNICATE. That means CALL, then EMAIL, then call AGAIN… and if necessary, send a carrier pigeon or smoke signals!! (Hint: once you are told to lay off the volume of messages, you will know you have done a VERY effective job!)


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Morning Motivator – Even When They Laugh at You…

"People tend to overstate my resilience, but, of course, I hope they're right."
-David Brudnoy

When I was around 23 years old, I had someone tell me, "You know you have a GREAT idea when everyone is laughing or yelling at you."

For many years, I carried that comment with me, never TRULY understanding what it meant.

Now, I understand that comment showcases the BRILLIANCE and RESILIENCE of someone that is willing to think in innovation. It's the defining INTERACTION of a "change-maker"… and the people they serve.

When you think about this, consider great ideas such as the personal computer (they likely LAUGHED at Gates), the Wright brothers as they took on human flight (I bet those were AMAZING discussions) or even something as simple as your first out of town trip (remember how your mom warned you OVER and OVER and OVER and… well, you get it).

Many other great actions and ideas have been met with the same FEAR or DISBELIEF… and yet, someone continues to create INNOVATION.

The STRENGTH to have an idea that will "ruffle some feathers" is critical in any great leader. More importantly, is the action and RESILIENCY to stay committed to your ideas and action as a leader.

As you approach meetings, look for ideas that create CONTROVERSY and DIFFICULT discussions – these are the platforms for great actions. Even if you ideas are not GRANTED legitimacy by the team, you will have created a great RESOLVE for that group of leaders to stay committed to their original ideas.

As we all know – sometime knowing what NOT to do is even BETTER than knowing what TO DO!

Stay RESILIENT and make sure your ideas are either firing someone up or making them laugh – THAT is how greatness is born!


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Morning Motivator – What a Great Leader Does Different...

"The difference between a good leader and a great leader is their willingness to take action!"
- Unknown

Face it – you ARE a leader. That is why you take the TIME to read the books, do the research and maintain relationships with the people you do.

FOLLOWERS don't take the time to read things like the Morning Motivator or watch the news. LEADERS are sought after for advice and support. They are looked to for DIRECTION and CONFIDENCE in action. Ultimately, without LEADERS… we have no FOCUS.

What is the DIFFERENCE between a good leader and a GREAT one? Some may suggest charisma, intelligence, education, connectivity or a slew of other MEANINGLESS characteristics.

There are plenty of GREAT leaders that are a**holes, ignorant, uneducated, lack political savvy and more. Some of the BEST leaders this world has seen, you have NEVER heard of.

So, what makes a GREAT leader? ACTION!

A great leader is someone that has the confidence and determination to take ACTION when others are paralyzed by fear and indecision. Do they always make the RIGHT decision or take the CORRECT action? No. Actually, they fail to make the CORRECT action or decision more often than they succeed. And still, THEY ARE GREAT.

Remember that without ACTION we have no growth, without RISK we can gain nothing and without DECISIONS we will all stand stagnant in this world. OWN your role – Be a TRUE leader – Make the DECISION and TAKE ACTION…

Because it is possible no one else will.


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Morning Motivator- Beating the Winter Blues

"Unhappiness is in not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it."
- Don Herold

I have a THEORY. I believe that the majority of the "winter blues" are DERIVED from having too much time to think about what you haven't yet achieved.

By being forced to sit indoors more than we regularly would, we are left with extra time to THINK about what we want to do – get in shape, clean up the house, start a business – whereas, during the summer we are often to "busy" to focus. The forced nature of the WINTER hibernation creates an ENVIRONMENT that prompts defeating thoughts and actions.

And yet…

For those of us that are AWARE of this opportunity and take ADVANTAGE of this time, we are able to achieve some great feats.

By UNDERSTANDING that the CAUSE of unhappiness is the psychological effect of our personal awareness of a lack of achievement, we have the OPPORTUNITY to make huge strides towards our personal joy.

When focused on the "big picture" of what we want to ACHIEVE – we are able to create a clarity of action steps. If you KNOW you won't be happy until you own your own business, then what FIRST STEPS are required to start it? If your personal fitness is a DRIVING determinate of your self-confidence and self-image, then what ACTIONS can we start today to ensure that we are attaining our goals.

Don't spend these winter months DWELLING on what you "need to do" and all the shortcomings you have up to this point! Get off your TAIL and start DOING what you "need to do," while enjoying the immediate and long-term successes of your new "winter blues understanding."

So – what can you DO today?!?


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