Morning Motivator – How We Can Learn From Great Business Leaders

"The best corporate leaders never point out the window to blame external conditions; they look in the mirror and say 'we are responsible for our results!'"
- Jim Collins, Author of "Good to Great"

Lately we are hearing a lot about the economy and how bad it is, Everyone is BLAMING any misfortune on it. If it is so bad, then how are so many people becoming WEALTHY? Are they SMARTER than us? Are they benefiting from the losses of others somehow? What is it they are doing DIFFERENTLY?

Likely, they have made a SIMPLE decision about the economy – IT DOESN'T MATTER. And why should it? People still need to buy food, clothes, homes, have financing, will still watch TV, drink a beer, yadda yadda yadda... So why do we BELIEVE the economy is so bad and what can we DO to change it?

First, get all that NEGATIVE junk out of your head. Your job is only in jeopardy if you add less value than you bring… if that's the case – work smarter. Find ways to do more with less.

Second, DECIDE what you are going to ACCOMPLISH and WRITE IT DOWN. Ideas are only DREAMS until they are physically represented – pen/paper, email, smoke signals, etc…

Lastly (and most CRITICAL)… are you ready?... this is BIG… good time for notes… ok – TAKE ACTION!! Stop talking about it and do it! Even a step in the wrong direction is better than nothing. You will find it a GREAT lesson and help in guiding you the correct way OR you will find it was the RIGHT decision and then you are ahead of the game. TAKE ACTION… you will tell yourself thank you later.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend and for those going to Steeplechase, come by and see me at spots 566/567.


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Morning Motivator - Learn from a Master

"No, a fool learns from experience. A wise man learns from the experience of others."
- Otto von Bismarck

Sometimes I stop to think about the UNCERTAINTY of tomorrow and my NEED to live for today. Since, we cannot walk around like Chicken Little waiting for the sky to fall, we must PREPARE for tomorrow so we can enjoy it most. With a finite number of days in front of you ... Best make each one AWESOME!

The PREPARATION for tomorrow is learned by either: A. Experience or B. Others experiences. One is PAINFUL and LENGTHY, the other INSIGHTFUL and BRIEF. The WISDOM of mentors is often a tremendous advantage over others in similar scenarios.

A mentor does not ensure your success, yet having a trusted EXPERT advisor will always serve well. Think about the 100 ways your mom busted you doing bad things - NEWS FLASH, its because she did them too and you will your bust your kids the same way. Hmmm, only if you had a mentor back then...

Seeking the WISDOM of others is an easy task to accomplish. Finding the RIGHT wisdom is the challenge.

When seeking EXPERT guidance, always look for someone that:
- has achieved "your" type of success
- shares your personality traits and values
- knows people you know and has a basis of your credibility
- has a willingness to teach and guide new talent

If you are able to find that special mentor to guide you in your learning, you will find your gains faster and your rewards more special. Now, get out there and find him/her!


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Morning Motivator – A New Look at Project Management

"There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Last night was the Professional Development series in the NAJCC. We had a great guest speaker, Sallie Hussey of Management Solutions Group, chat with us about the keys to SUCCESSFUL Project Management.

As I was listening and taking notes, I began to think about what PROJECTS I had been working on. BarkLoud, NAJCC, house rehab, speaking… then it occurred to me – I AM THE PROJECT and the SUCCESS is in MANAGING myself effectively. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be deep and dynamic in this thought process, rather looking at my DEVELOPMENT as a project – a special goal, with limited resources, a specific desired end result and a time frame to complete it in.

Consider this. Your life is ONGOING with no breaks or stoppages along the way to regroup. To ACHIEVE your dreams, how can you best identify the needed RESOURCES to achieve? See… you are a PROJECT. So what are you doing to ensure the QUALITY of your MOST IMPORTANT project?

All good project managers take a few CRITICAL steps to ensure the success of their project:

1. Write a plan of action – who, what, when, where, why, how

2. Identify the needed resources to complete and procure them – money, time, people, knowledge, etc

3. Schedule time to complete tasks and review along the way – if you don't block the time to do it, you will NOT complete the project on time

4. Be flexible and make changes as conditions and resources change – don't be afraid to change your goal or shut it down if it doesn't make sense

5. Review your successes and failures once the project is complete – use the intermittent reviews along with an overall review

6. CELEBRATE! - you finished on time, on budget and learned from the project… you deserve some time in the sun!

I again make note of my most favorite saying from my mentor, Andy Herzer – "We all overestimate what we can accomplish in one day, and underestimate what we can accomplish in one year." Make your life a series of manageable projects and you will find you achieve more, with less. Got get em!


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Morning Motivator - How to Please Everyone

"Work, love and play are the great balance wheels of man's being."
- Orison Swett Marden

Do you feel pulled in 10 different directions? Does it seem that EVERYONE wants a piece of you? Do you lack the TIME to give everyone the attention they need?

What is the secret to pleasing everyone? Not to try! Yes, you have heard that before, so I want to REINFORCE it for your again - DO NOT TRY TO PLEASE EVERYONE. This concept is a personal CHALLENGE as I am very insecure about how people perceive me and thus want EVERYONE to like and RESPECT me. Here's the TRUTH I (and you) have to learn - pleasing everyone will NEVER happen! Even, Barney the Purple Dinosaur has people that he (is it a he?) can't please.

The GOAL is to find a BALANCE of pleasing others and ACCOMPLISHING the tasks you need to in order to ENSURE your long term fulfillment. Think of it like this - if your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend is NOT the right person for you, yet you stay with them to "please" them, what do you expect will happen to you long term?


What should we do if we can't please ALL these people? BE TRUE to yourself. Stick to your VALUES and MORALS. Personally, I have DISCOVERED a great volume of PEACE in my life in the past 18 months and I have enjoyed it by living the following ideal:

"I can only be honest with myself. If I am honest about my desires and intentions taking action according to those values, what occurs as a result is EXACTLY what should happen - good or bad."

When you are honest with yourself and others... the RESULTS are honest too.



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Morning Motivator - Time Well Spent

"I want to live well later and has as much fun as possible now."
- Todd Shafer

As noted in the last Morning Motivator, this was a Vegas weekend with my buddies for a bachelor party.

I realized while we were on our ADVENTURE that I was living one of the BEST moments of my life. Consider this - how often do you REALLY get to take time and ENJOY your close friends? How much TIME are you spending INVESTING in your personal EXPLORATIONS? Are you allowing money to OVERSHADOW your desires to have fun?

I am becoming AWARE of the fact that my life is CHANGING rapidly. Relationships alter perspectives, friends grow closer or apart based on TIME allowances and personal ADVENTURE is often "back burnered" for more "RESPONSIBLE" decision making. Are you letting your best days slip by out of FEAR?

As a VERY conservative financial professional, I am often CHALLENGED with determining the REAL VALUE of my money spent when it comes to vacations/getaways.

Here is what I have implemented as a new SYSTEM for managing my "getaways". Once per quarter, I allow myself to take any 3 day vacation I wish. I do make efforts to recruit a friend to I can share TIME together and strengthen the relationship. By working 3-6 months in a advance, I am able to book flights and rooms inexpensively.

The TIME we have on Earth is very limited... Don't let a FEAR of security keep you from enjoying your DESIRE for adventure.



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