Morning Motivator - Late But WORTH IT! (Anniversary Edition)

"Morning Motivator 6 Year Anniversary."
- Today's Google Calendar

I know I will catch slack for this being the "Morning Motivator" which is being sent in the afternoon. I must admit that I wanted to write something special and found a writers block today.

Today, August 26, is the "birthdate" of the MM and today is the 6TH ANNIVERSARY of this "adventure." Derived out of frustration with leadership and the way business was done around me, I started this as a way to help educate others while exploring issues I needed to be clearer on.

I think it has worked fairly well.

So, what is the lesson about this 6th Anniversary? Actually, a good one!!

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: First, good things take time. I have been trying to teach, daily, via the MM for 6 years. I never set out to create a lasting tool, just help people. Now, looking back, there is a MASSIVE body of work that has been created. Some great, some forgettable, yet massive all the same.

Lesson: Small steps daily, even if perceived insignificant, will create a lasting product. You just have to take the steps.

Second, just keep pushing. You will not succeed every day over 6 years. I have been late, missed a day here and there, as well as felt the pain of epic technical failure when my phone crashes (which is how I send the MM). YET...people have stuck by. Some have come, some have gone, but many are still here...learning, sharing, exploring.

Lastly, say thank you. While this MM was a personal exploration (initially), it is because of everyone that reads it, which keeps me MOTIVATED to keep pushing to explore. I THANK YOU ALL. You motivate me to seek to motivate you. I can never repay you for what this means to me.

So... I guess since we are nearing 10 years, I might as well make it a decade of MM. Whew! Here we go...



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Morning Motivator - Make It Fun, then Funner!

"Yes, Funner is a word in MY dictionary."
- Zach Barker, Creative Wordsmith

Do you know why businesses buy from the same salespeople repeatedly? Do you know why you are not able to get into that new account that other person has been working for years? Have you ever wondered what the "trick" is?

If you said PRICE. Kick yourself, then slap your face. YOU ARE WRONG!

It is NEVER price. Businesses buy from the web for "price." They buy from people for expertise or fun. While expertise is very reassuring to have...personally, I prefer fun. I can do my own research if needed.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: You may be thinking, "Seriously Zach! Fun? No one buys for fun!" Then I may be thinking, "You must not be having any fun!"

Watch a masterful salesperson at work. When they arrive, the office lights up, the people are cheerful and the person who buys is EXCITED to see them. They know that they are going to have a pleasurable experience. Even if there is a mistake, they know (or feel) it will all be better after this meeting.

The salesperson has found a way to make the experience one that is looked forward to. One that is enjoyed and found to be entertaining on some level.

Do some people "ham it up?" Sure, but why not?! If you can make someones day a little bit better by offering some enjoyment (FUN) in their workday, well heck, that sure trumps a 5% discount ANYDAY!! Go have some fun today...and have fun with someone else!



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Morning Motivator - Win With Availability

"We were there when no one else was."
- Anonymous TShirt Production Manager

Every sales professional wants "another client" or the "big fish" in their book of business. The funny thing is that with so many pre-existing relationships, sales has become a very challenging game. It has become even less about what you know...and more of WHO. (Thanks primarily to an increase in access to info. Thanks Google)

What can you do to increase your business? Should you go out and shake hands with every person in your market, like a politician would? Should you build an army of all the sales people that know all the people in the world?

What if there were another way? A way that was more effective, efficient and allowed you the liberty to RELAX a little bit and not carry as much stress about the client you do not have (and frankly are very unlikely to get).

But Zach... HOW?! WHAT?! Funny you should ask. (wink wink)

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: There IS a better way to do more business, better business and defeat the "we work with my sisters daughters husbands partners company" syndrome. (ugh)

First, you MUST find a better way to know more people in a better way. No matter what, sales will ALWAYS be a "who ya know" game. Understanding that means you need to join social, civic, philanthropic and professional groups. Be a LEADER in the group. Make people KNOW YOU, not you trying to know them.

Second, you have to be AVAILABLE to those people when they need you. Example: They work with the cousins brothers blah blah blah when all of a sudden the order gets screwed up! Uh oh! Who can save the day?! YOU!!

By being available (and letting them know you are available when the "oops" happens) you position yourself to be the RESOURCE for taking away pain. Will you take over that relationship? Maybe not after one time, but if it happens again...well, your chances look good!

NOTE: Being available does not require you to be on call 24 hours a day. Rather, it is a CONFIDENCE built with the client that WHEN they need you, they can call on you and you WILL be there!



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Morning Motivator - YOLO

"Get after it! What are you waiting for?"
- Anonymous

YOLO is a term that has come up in my life quite a few times over the past few weeks. It is so apparent to me that a group I joined to act with in a fundraiser play this past weekend is called YOLO.

If you are not aware of what YOLO stands for, it means "You Only Live Once." You may be more familiar with the YOLO boards that people stand upon while paddling along the coastlines. Most pointedly, the term is used in regard to the fact that you MUST take advantage of opportunities today, as they may not appear again and you will not have a "do-over" later down the road.

What happens to someone when the begin to understand that they have limited opportunities in life and begin acting with urgent purpose? Why is that people only wait until they are losing something before they act with earnest?

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Sure, it is hard to "live in the moment" everyday. Yet, if you fail to live in the moment, how will you even take advantage of the countless opportunities presented to you?

Adopting a mantra such as YOLO helps to remind people that life is fleeting and that you are NOT guaranteed a long life, health or even success. You are simply guaranteed to die on day. Grim I know, yet truthful.

We must accept our time is finite. We must act with urgency and earnestness. We must begin LIVING the life we want today...for there may not have the time to do it tomorrow. I always say that there is only one decision in life you can never recover from, with all others being nothing more than an inconvenience.

Take control. Live the life you want. Skydive, start a business, learn a language, travel the world. By all means, do it all. DO NOT accept your place in a crappy job or a bad relationship. Remember YOLO... so you better take advantage!



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Morning Motivator - I Want To Buy, But...

"Damnit! Where do I place this freaking order?"
- Zach

What is the most important feature of a sales driven business? If you said "sales", then pat yourself on the back. Sales, sales and more sales. Fulfillment, operations, legal, accounting and all the rest come only AFTER A SALE!!

As much as all the people who are not in sales complain about salespeople or the sales process, it is only because of sales that any of the other jobs are present.

This is not a post on why you should love salespeople, rather, on why sales organizations should be focused on creating the most SIMPLE sales processes for clients. If I, as a client, cannot figure out how to buy from you, then you FAIL. If I must Google "how to purchase" because it is so hidden behind the 9000 things your company offers, then you FAIL.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: What makes iTunes one of the most powerful sales engines in the world? You click, listen and buy...all in one spot. There is no fancy process. You just buy, buy and then buy some more.

Why is WalMart (the evil empire that it is) so powerful in its sales? Prices are clearly marked, aligned in a manner that encourages a great deal of purchasing with price points that drive additional "well, it is only $10" purchases. They make it easy to buy...and buy a lot.

When looking at your business, your approach to business or your company's interactions with clients, ask yourself, DO WE MAKE IT EASY TO BUY? Or are you your own worst enemy in the sales game?



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