Morning Motivator - How Do You Empower Others?

"Empowerment in business today really just means allowing people to do what you already told them to do."
- Anonymous

I overheard this quote from someone in the past days and have not been able to get it off my mind. It made me begin to THINK about the ways business owners, managers and community leaders EMPOWER the people around them to ACHIEVE higher levels of success and productivity. I wonder what YOUR experience is with empowerment - giving power or being "empowered."

I find it very INTERESTING that empowerment is such a "buzz word" in the business community. To me, empowerment giving someone the FULL control of achieving the goals set before them. If you ask a manager to cut costs by 30%, if empowered, they are given the RIGHT to make what adjustments THEY deem appropriate. If empower a sales rep to achieve their goals, then you are saying, "I trust in your ability to find the best way - for you - to make this happen within this time frame."

Commonly, what we see is the word "empowerment" used by management, and then negated in EXECUTION. Why? Is it that the people asked to execute are not APPROPRIATELY placed in their role? Is it that they lack the INTELLIGENCE to complete the task? Is it that they are just not TRUSTED to do it? Remember, by CONTROLLING everything within your reach, you are LIMITED in you ability to reach farther.

If you are one that has difficulty "LETTING GO," then allow yourself an opportunity (and those around) to TEST the waters of empowerment. So often, we believe that once a DECISION is made, we are unable to ever go back and adjust it. This is NOT true.

Allow for a 30 day EMPOWERMENT session in your business. For 30 days, delegate tasks to your "trusted" partners with specific time lines and end goals - then step back and let it ride. If you CLEARLY define the end result and time frame, while placing the task with a COMPETENT and CAPABLE individual, then you should have no challenges seeing the end results you are seeking.

Oddly enough, you may even LEARN something from their execution patterns and creativity. Always REMEMBER - just because it YOUR way, does not make it the BEST way. Trust yourself and your people - you may be SURPRISED by both!

Have a great weekend!


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Morning Motivator - Bring Your People With You

"To coach" comes from the root meaning "to bring a person from where they are to where they want to be."
- David Cottrell 

I must say that I am INTRIGUED by the varying responses to yesterday's Morning Motivator. I am thankful to the people that SHARED their thoughts, regardless of what they were.

I am PROUD of these people for their willingness to SPEAK UP and lead for the people around them. As someone that is involved in an organization driven by politics, I am always PLEASED to see others "coaching" (aka developing) the people around them.

There is no GREATER service that someone can do for another person that to help them GROW from where they are to where they DESIRE to be. This is the function of LEADERSHIP and the core principle by which leaders should operate.

The TALENT you are surrounded by serves as a two-fold development group.

First, they are near for you to COACH them towards enhancing their skills by which you are already proficient. Secondly, they are near to SERVE as a coach to you in your development of the needed/desired skills you seek and they are already proficient.

Take the time DAILY to teach and learn. If you were to IMPROVE 1% daily - you would be more than 3.5 times improved upon who you are at the beginning of the year. That's a simple and dramatic progression!


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Morning Motivator - Create a Better Future for Yourself

"Perseverance is the most overrated of traits, if it is unaccompanied by talent; beating your head against a wall is more likely to produce a concussion in the head than a hole in the wall."
-Sydney J. Harris

Today we wake up with a new President-elect in the United States. I do not wish to make today's Morning Motivator one of political rhetoric, so I will yield to a lesson of PERSISTENCE. As we look to the next four years, we are likely to see a great many CHANGES – many of which may be painful personally and financially. As it has been stated, we can expect higher taxes, higher security risks and a "redistribution of wealth."

The REALITY is that a PERSISTENCE and FOCUS on continuing to grow you personally, professionally and financially WILL pay off in the end. Your dedication to LEADERSHIP will still hold value and your ability to CREATE your own opportunities; will still outweigh any program or initiative to "GIVE you a better life."

Do NOT allow yourself to become complacent. NEVER take the easy road because it is presented to you and seems to be a quick fix. Remember that your VALUE is defined by you as a person and your WILLINGNESS to work for your dreams, not by the people or things around you. Your PERSISTENCE in working towards a better future for yourself will REAP the rewards you are deserving of and INSPIRE others to follow suit. RISE above your circumstances, use CREATIVITY to seek better ways of creating your success and FOCUS your efforts on your PLANNED attack to achieve your dreams.

In order to CREATE a better future for yourself utilizing your own best talents, you must first IDENTIFY what your special talents are and the manners in which you best leverage their value.

Once you understand your best ASSETS, you then identify scenarios in which you can use those most effectively and efficiently. If you are a great speaker, find a vocation that allows you to leverage that talent to amass wealth. If you are a great teacher, seek unique situations in which your special talent will be compensated for at the rate of which you are worth.

Finally, CREATE, IMPLEMENT and EXECUTE your strategy. Define the success steps required to ATTAIN your goals and begin executing immediately. Always ask for opportunities and never accept "NO" as a legitimate answer. If you WANT something – you DESERVE IT… as long as you are willing to WORK for it.

What are you WAITING for..?


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Morning Motivator - Win Some...Learn Some.

"You win some, you learn some." -Jason Mraz

Often people say it is your ATTITUDE that is the likely determinant of your SUCCESS. When you face a CHALLENGE - how do you approach it? When the outcome is not as you HOPED - what are you next steps?

The idea of WINNING and LOSING is quite fascinating to me. Especially in business, where, frankly, most of us are learning on the job daily. If you played a new board game and did not know the rules - would you FEEL badly if you were defeated?

With the above in mind - how do you really LOSE in business? How can one BELIEVE that they FAILED, unless they KNEW what to do and simply chose not to do it?

In my mind, I BELIEVE that you either WIN or LEARN. There is no LOSING in your personal and professional development.

When you approach each OPPORTUNITY as a chance to win or learn, then you can NEVER fail. The critical key is that IF you do not win, you must find the LEARNING OPPORTUNITY.

Don't be AFRAID not to win - only fear the inability to LEARN for those missed chances.


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