Morning Motivator - For My Friend, Keith and his lovely bride, Heather

"A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it."
- John Steinbeck

This weekend, my friend and business associate, Keith Maune will Wednesday his BEAUTIFUL bride-to-be, Miss Heather Gallagher. This WONDERFUL event started me thinking about what goes into such a long term commitment.

A marriage, to me, is the most SINCERE agreement one can make to commitment, communication and compromise for the BETTERMENT of a team. Imagine how POSITIVE a workplace environment could be if those same ground rules were used. What if you were FORCED to live with the person and decisions you make as a team? Not just as an employee or employer, RATHER as PARTNERS in a long term venture. Might ALTER some of the tones and actions you take, eh?

I have personally experience ENVIRONMENTS where open discussion was encouraged and others where it was absent. I have enjoyed wonderful MUTUAL commitments to excellence and success, and still others that were just happy to stay in their routine. Ultimately, it is pretty EASY to see why GOOD companies have GREAT success - they follow the rules of a good marriage - trust, sharing, communication and compromise. Does your company SHARE the same values?

Creating a CULTURE of trust can be very challenging. It requires great PATIENCE, UNDERSTANDING and a willingness to allow FAILURE while withholding judgment. As a leader this can become FRUSTRATING as it often means repeating yourself many times, continually discussing expectations and often having an employee CHALLENGE your decision making.

The results of a TRUSTED partnership can be amazing though. Imagine the idea that you are NOT always right... it would be nice to have someone to TELL you and have your back still. Just in case you done have the BEST idea... it could be BENEFICIAL to have someone that can contribute to yours to make it GREAT. Sounds good huh?

Remember that your GOAL is SHARED, otherwise, you wouldn't be there right?? If you have a SHARED VISION and GOAL, then open discussion and a willingness to compromise for the betterment of the team should be a pretty simple agreement.

CONGRATS HEATHER AND KEITH - Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your blessed union. I look forward to watching your relationship FLOURISH!

On a side note: As part of my CONTINUED commitment to accountability, today is my weight check in: 228.6 lbs, Last Friday: 229.2, Delta: -0.6 lbs


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Morning Motivator – Keep FOCUSED!!

"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
- Brian Tracy

First, I want to thank one of my greatest teachers, Andy Bailey of NationLink Wireless, for exposing me to this video. Andy may never know his IMPACT on me as a person and professional, and I cannot thank him enough for the ways he POSITIVELY changed my life and focus years ago.

Today is a TEST of your focus. BEFORE CLICKING THE LINK, you must follow these rules:

The movie you are about watch is in the first link below. You are only allowed to watch it ONCE. In the video you will see a group of basketball players, some in white and some in black passing two balls around. Your GOAL is to count how many times the ball is passed by those wearing WHITE shirts. It's that simple.

Remember, count just the passes of the ball by those wearing white. Once the movie is over, write down the number of passes you have counted, one completed, watch the video AGAIN.

How many passes did you SEE? Did you see anything UNUSUAL?

If you are interested in discovering how FOCUSED you really are – email me. I will share with you what you may have MISSED. If you do happen to see it, let me know. I am INTERESTED in your feedback.

Remember, by keeping your FOCUS on your GOALS, you can overlook all DISTRACTIONS. When you are able to overlook distractions, your ability to ACHIEVE is heightened DRAMATICALLY!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator - You or the "System"?

"Personal responsibility is the root of all personal and professional success."
- Bud Bilanich

In another life, I think I was an ENGINEER. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE processes. You know, the "systems" that start with step 1 and then very STRICTLY follow steps 2 through 5 to create a CONSISTENT result.

I have found very FEW people follow a good system, yet, are quick to BLAME the system for their failure. They are quick to say that if THIS or THAT was different, THEN they would have been successful. But... Would they?

Do you BELIEVE that it is TRULY the system or the PERSON?

Personal RESPONSIBILTY to your role in the system IS the most critical component of the system.
Think about it - the system works for most EVERY person. Why not for that INDIVIDUAL??

When you take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for your role in life, in business and in your health - you DISCOVER the systems work!

Stay committed, dedicated and FOLLOW the steps to SUCCESS!!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator – How Your Boss Became So Brilliant (or not)

"We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself."
- Lloyd Alexander

It seems that companies place a lot of PRESSURE on perfection and success. You are hired because you are "the BEST." You were hired to ACHIEVE. FAILURE is not an option. Blah blah blah…

Do you know why most business owners are so SUCCESSFUL? They know all the best ways NOT to achieve their goals. They have found more ways to SCREW UP a deal, to blow up a RELATIONSHIP, to WASTE an investment and more. They have LEARNED the best ways not to do business, thus providing the FOCUS on the limited number of ways remaining to TRY.

In the past, I placed a lot of pressure on MYSELF. I CARRIED the pressure to be perfect and have all the ANSWERS up front. I felt like my job was to be excellent every day and never FALTER. REALITY CHECK: That is NOT possible. You WILL fail. Sometimes… MISERABLY!

I have uncovered my personal SECRET to limiting the FEAR of FAILURE, as well as the act of FAILING itself. I PURSUE the educational opportunity.

I have decided that there are NO bad articles to read as long as they are relevant. All books OFFER value – good or bad. Each discussion has the ability to PROVIDE insight. I have become a SPONGE of INFORMATION.

By knowing more than the "other guy," you have the ability to more EASILY decipher the garbage from the gold. You will still have to listen to the same SPEECHES, read the same white papers and watch the same demonstrations; HOWEVER, because you know what works and what don't… you WILL be able to find the answer!

REMEMBER: Being intelligent is not that you KNOW all the answers; rather, it is that you know which ANSWERS cannot be right, and then choose from the few left over.

Read a book – gain an ADVANTAGE!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

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