- Nathaniel Braden
Special thanks to Sonny and Christy for inspiring this Morning Motivator. I appreciate your confidences and support!
In a political and economic time where we are hearing a continuous emphasis on "CHANGE," one must wonder what is the BEST change available to us as individuals. In an effort to better understand what we want to change, we must first IDENTIFY what areas of our life need changing...
In many discussions, I hear people often PROCLAIM what they want from life... big house, fancy car, lots of money, etc. Within this discussion there are 2 key elements - 1. WHY do you want those things? 2. WHAT is keeping you from them now?
Most commonly, people DREAM about what they want without a FOUNDATION of awareness of what they need. I would suggest starting here. WHY do you work in your chosen career? WHAT is the VALUE you bring to the table and what value is given in return? WHY do you SEEK certain goals, possessions or accomplishments? WHAT actions are PREVENTING you from ACHIEVING them?
Once you are AWARE of the "WHY" in your actions, you can ACCEPT the results of those actions and then make POSITIVE change by correcting or enhancing them. If you want to make more money so you can spend more QUALITY time with someone you LOVE, then identify what actions must be taken to achieve the end goal and GET TO WORK!
In the past 3 years, I have grown more as a man, a professional and a caring human being than any other time in my life. What happened? I finally DECIDED that my life would be MY LIFE!
I began to reflect internally and see what made me happy, sad, frustrated, joyful, etc... Once I was AWARE of WHAT made me tick - it was easy to see WHY I did things a certain way. Once I knew what needed to be done, I ACCEPTED myself as a PERFECT (yet imperfect) person and began playing to the JOYS of my life. It has affected my job, my personal relationships, my family and myself perception.
Some actions HURT, some feel GREAT and some are just the RISKS you must take to see what you are made of... but at the end of the day, when you know what you want and finally have the AWARENESS to pursue it - you find the people around SUPPORT you, your CONFIDENCE increases and the HAPPINESS you are seeking was always there.
Don't be AFRAID of change in YOUR life... just make sure you know WHY you want to change - then DO IT! Have a great weekend!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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