Morning Motivator - Who Knows Success?

"You are the only one who knows whether you have won." - John Wooden, UCLA Coach Emeritus

This morning, I began reading "Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success" and within in the first few pages, I am already finding myself challenged.

A base principle for success, as described by Coach Wooden, is the idea that you are NOT competing against anyone in your lifetime, only seeking to do your best at all times. Interesting... It makes me wonder how many people are basing all their success and achievement on a bar raised by others. Do people really gauge success by their STATUS against that of someone else?

Sure, we all get envious of others. We want the cool car, the boat, the trips, etc. Yet, success is not an achievable goal. There is no amount of predefined wealth that, once achieved, makes one "successful." I read a study once that stated when people were asked how much money would they need to be wealthy, regardless of their existing wealth ($10,000/year or $10,000,000/year), ALL parties said they sought "double" what they have now. Hmmm...

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: For today to be successful, what will you need to do? Truthfully, YOU are the only person that will know if you did EVERYTHING you could and should have today to be successful. Did you work hard enough? Did you make enough calls? Did you follow up on that client that was not happy last time you spoke? Did you take that training class or at least look at the book? Did you go to the gym? I could do this forever...

SUCCESS, as I see it, is when you have given everything you can, as hard as you could and got the most out of it. If that means you studied your ass off and got a B, well, then that is success! Maybe a B is the best you would ever get.

Measure your success against your self and your expectations. No one else will be able to AFFIRM your success at your end of days... only you will know if you were TRULY successful!

Cheers, Zach

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Morning Motivator - Is Today the Day?

"Go for it now. The future is promised to no one." - Wayne Dyer

Getting out of your comfort zone is very challenging. It makes us squirmy, anxious, nervous and riddled with self-doubt. This is the reason why we stay in bad jobs, relationships or just "settle" for a life we can tolerate.

The question must be asked though... ARE YOU HAPPY? Are you please with your position in the world? Are you accepting of the limited successes you have achieved up until now? Do you feel that you have maximized your potential and realized your talents?

Many people never try harder than is required to keep from feeling discomfort. They will stay on welfare, rather than get a job that may be difficult. They will stay with a spouse that abuses them, rather than face the fear of being alone. They will never make the call to that new prospect, rather accepting their place as a "just good enough" professional.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: What will it take for you to decide TODAY IS THE DAY? The day of reckoning for you and your place in the world. The day you no longer accept your place, even if one of early success, and push to do more and be better. They day you start living the life you choose, not the one you have been given.

This may sound like a motivation speech, a half time rant from a coach or a sermon from a preacher, yet, it is more a discussion with yourself. It is about reflection and self understanding. It is about your willingness to have the most difficult discussion possible - the one with yourself.

Is today the day? Will you choose success or acceptance? Will you fulfill your potential or fall victim to its promises of "tomorrow?"

TODAY IS YOUR DAY... just go take it!



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Morning Motivator - I Will Get You Eventually

"I will have to see if that is possible.  We just do the same thing each month."
- Unnamed business owner

I love a good fight. I look forward to someone trying to tell me no and why I cannot do something. I like nothing more than when someone puts a chip on my shoulder... IT IS GAME TIME!

Various people react to situations in a multitude of manners. Some immediately move on to alternative solutions, dropping the original idea. Some pout and cry, devastated that they did not get their way. Then there are those like me... The ones that get PISSED off, take it personal and make it my personal mission to prove you wrong.

Other than the pouting, the first and last option are both agreeable amongst most professionals. I find the latter to be more a trait of a leader. Agree?

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: What is your reaction when you are told "no?" What do you do when someone challenges your success path? Are you the type that takes it or fights back?

When assessing the possible options, be mindful not to become focused on the wrong things. You must recognize when you need to stay and fight because you have a great opportunity vs. when to move on because you are fighting from a prideful position lacking any logic.

The bottom line is that, as a leader and a successful professional, you will be told no time and time again. Sometimes for good reasons, often for not and even worse, sometimes, because "that is the way it has always been done."

Regardless, you must find a way to achieve... and if so inclined, flip a finger at them when you get it! Ha ha!!



*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –http://grow-learn-lead.

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Morning Motivator - Enough Compromise Already!

"Save the whole house or it will all burn down."
- Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida

As leaders, we are continually be asked to make DIFFICULT decisions. As many have watched in our US government, the "leadership" has been SQUABBLING over how to keep our country from default. I must admit, I do not remember being more FRUSTRATED with people than I have watching this unfold.

What is LEADERSHIP? Is it an elected position that ENTITLES you to make decisions based on your feelings or party lines? When you elected the President, did you hope he would only vote for Democratic issues? When you elected your congress person, was your wish that they would only do what was in the best interest of their Republican party buddies?

Leadership is about making DIFFICULT decisions on behalf of the betterment of the many. It means SELF-SACRIFICE of personal interests and biases. It means REPRESENTING the masses that elected you, not the party that you are associated with. It means NOT compromising on issues of importance in order to make sure you do not cross some IMAGINARY political line.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: COMPROMISE is the "buzz word" of the moment in Washington, DC, however, what is compromise? To me, it is when you try to RATIONALIZE doing something you know does not belong in an agreement, due to the fact you cannot give up your position for some reason (ie pride, ego, the fact you are a moron).

So what does COMPROMISE achieve? Do ALL parties find themselves pleased with compromise or does it create a shortfall of appreciation on both sides, thus sparking a feeling of regret and distrust as well. What if, instead of compromise, we did what was RIGHT?

What if we SQUASHED our egos, eliminated our meaningless PRIDE and used LOGIC to find a best solution for the people we represent? What if that meant our personal INTERESTS might be lessened? What if that meant that the few would be upset, while we empowered the many?

Ask yourself... what is LEADERSHIP? Then ask yourself... where can we find it now?



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Morning Motivator - Are You Too Tight?

"The miracle is this; the more we share, the more we have." - Leonard Nimoy

What have you SHARED lately? Have you helped a co-worker with a client? Have you EXPLAINED the inner workings of social media to a mentor? Are you the person that "believes" giving is good, but find that you are only TAKING from others? It happens... to all of us.

When you examine success and the commonalities of those who are successful, you will find that many are GIVERS by nature. They share OPPORTUNITY, IDEAS and CONNECTIONS with people they meet and know. They find ways to GIVE to others, such that their problems become lesser and their successes become greater, in turn creating LOYALTY and TRUST amongst their peers. What if someone helped you land that BIG client through one of their connections? How MOTIVATED would you be to help them solve an issue?

It is the person that PROVIDES gifts of success that find success being GIVEN back to them. When you wonder how that "one guy" always seems to land on his feet or how "that girl" always gets the big deal, consider what they are GIVING to their clients that you are not. What value do they offer? What is it that they are PROVIDING that you are not (but should)?


GIVING is actually very easy and does not require a great deal of time or talent. There are many ways to give and many which are VALUABLE beyond your belief. Here are a few ways you can be a giver to your clients, coworkers, friends or family:
- Provide connection and access to a person that others seek to meet (be the connector)
- Supply unique information that pertains to your people (be the supplier)
- Prevent time wasting activities from others by serving as the guinea pig (be the preventer)
- Offer to serve in others time of need (be the servant)
- Educate with your special skills and experiences (be the educator)

Most of these "gives" are that of time or information. No one is saying you have to COMPROMISE your morals, values or finances in order to win a relationship. What you will have to GIVE UP is your ego, pride and self-belief that you are better than doing X, Y or Z. Others are willing to do the "little things" that show RESPECT, INTEREST and VALUE. If you are not, then do not be surprised when you find yourself CHASING success, while others seem to sit back and have it hand delivered to them.



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