Morning Motivator – Show Up Early…

"When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self."
-  Confucius

Something funny happens when you show up EARLY to an event… you meet all the go-getters. Something also INTERESTING also happens when you stay late… you meet all the social superstars!

People tend to be HESITANT to be the first to a party or the last to leave.  As humans, we want to be ACCEPTED and thus we like to "blend into the crowd" when we go to events, parties, socials, mixers, etc.  The CHALLENGE, of course, is who remembers the person that showed up late and left early??

FEAR in social settings is EASILY overcome by increasing the number of friends and associates that you have.  The more people you know… the easier it is to BLEND into any crowd.

Remember that is it more DIFFICULT to create meaningful bonds and have worthwhile discussion amongst large groups of people.  The DISTRACTIONS are unlimited and the focus in very limited.

By arriving early and staying late, you are able to FOCUS discussions and build bonds with people during those pre- and post-event periods.  The few people at the event will be easy to meet, chat with, and learn more about.  Additionally, you will create an ALLY during the mass rush of the event and be able to use the new contact to make connections with THEIR circle of influence.

Becoming a "networking ninja" is not DIFFICULT, rather strategic.  Plan to BUILD strong relationships in the early and late stages of the events, and in the middle, just enjoy it.  See your friends, have light chats about sports, business and weather, while preparing yourself to put you game face on for later!


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Morning Motivator – Who Knows You?

"Position yourself as a center of influence - the one who knows the movers and shakers. People will respond to that, and you'll soon become what you project."
-   Bob Burg

Who KNOWS you?  Quick.  Name the five most INFLUENTIAL people in your community that know YOU…

Did you get to five?  If so, CONGRATS!  Now, how INFLUENTIAL are those people?  Are they the type of people that will be a CHAMPION for your cause?  The types that RUN in circles you want to in?  The type of people can make CHANGED in the community with a few phone calls?

If you did not get to five or your five are not THAT influential (yet), no worries.  Just know that your network IS your limitation.  How can you meet and befriend people of a higher INFLUENCE?

No one wants to be friends with people just because of who "they" are or who they know, but most SUCCESSFUL people have diversified their friends/associates in a manner that makes THEM the key to multiple groups. 

This person is RARELY the "ring leader" of any particular group.  Commonly, they are the one that easily SHIFTS from group to group with good relationships across each.  They are also the one that serves as the "CONNECTOR" across multiple groups.  (These are your "go to" people when you need something done – quick and correctly).

What can you DO to meet more people that are influential?  What can you then do FURTHER to ensure that you can keep contact with them and become the "CONNECTOR" so many people hope to know, yet so few people want to be?  The one with the most friends wins… are you WINNING?


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Morning Motivator – How’s Your Training?

"The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle."
- Motto of U.S. Navy Seals

What are you doing to ENSURE your success?  Reading, attending classes, pushing your public speaking skills, going to events and making uncomfortable introductions to expand your network?  Any?  None?

TRAINING is not a 3-day course that you attend at some fancy resort.  It is not the "paid vacation" that people make out of a trade show conference.  Training is EVERYTHING you are doing when you are not engaged in your "battle," whether that is sales negotiation, contract writing or office administration.

About 30% of our day is truly FOCUSED on the execution of our trade.  The remainder is spent socializing, checking emails, "on break," or on the phones playing "tag."  What you RARELY see is dedicated time to training, thus, everything OUTSIDE of focused trade engagement IS your training…

Daily, we train for unproductive behaviors.  Spending an hour in the morning checking email, "preparing yourself" to work is a well-trained and well-documented process.  You have worked hard to create that system and RATIONALIZE that it is what works best.

What we are not doing is DEDICATING time to training.  We are not dedicated one full workday a week to CREATIVE INNOVATION, such as Google does.  We are not dedicating one hour of daily trade information reading as many financial companies require.  We are not spending 5 hours a week working on our phone sales/engagement skills like the best sales companies in the world do.

What PREPARATIONS (ie TRAINING) are you doing daily to ensure you will be successful?  What SHOULD you being doing? 


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Morning Motivator – Feed Me!!

"Champions know that success is inevitable; that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. They know that the best way to forecast the future is to create it."
-  Michael J. Gelb

What am I doing WELL?  What can I do BETTER?  What would you like to see CHANGE?  These are quite possibly the most POWERFUL 3 questions a business person can ask… and many WILL NOT!

The TRUE professional knows that they are not "A+" superstars every day.  They RECOGNIZE the need to improve and most WANT to.  Sadly, most do not know where to begin.

We all LOVE a good shot to the ego.  You know, that glowing compliment that you get from a boss, a client or to your boss from a client.  It feels good and makes the day cruise by.  Yet, what about the feedback that says, "I care about you and want you to be successful so please change 'X?'"  Where do you get that FEEDBACK?  Do you even want it?  I mean REALLY want it!?

The problem people have with FEEDBACK is that they do not know what to do with it.  The solution is a pretty simple process actually…

Step 1:  Say THANK YOU.  (they just saved your tail with that feedback – good or bad)
Step 2:  Analyze what the feedback is (positive or negative)
Step 3:  Make an adjustment to drive or correct the behavior (what action? ANY!  Just do something!!)
Step 4:  EXECUTE the effort to change or enhance.
Step 5:  Go back the feedback provider, say THANK YOU again, then demonstrate to them the change or enhancement you have made.

Feedback is a GIFT.  Doing something with and showing the person you have made the effort is an even GREATER gift and one that will eternally solidify a relationship…

With that said… What am I doing WELL?  What can I do BETTER?  What would you like to see CHANGE? 


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Morning Motivator – What a Letdown!

"Ones best success comes after their greatest disappointments."
- Henry Ward Beecher

With the exception of the last years' Super Bowl, which, for me, was only exciting due to the Saints appearance, the "most exciting game in sports" has proven to be an annual let down.

I concede that there are some GREAT games, notably NY Giants vs. New England Patriots and New Orleans Saints vs. Indianapolis Colts.  However, even games as great as these have DIFFICULTY living up to the unending HYPE of the "Super Bowl."  The commercials are typically a letdown, the game less exciting than anticipated and, oh my, the HORROR that is called the "half-time show."

The CHALLENGE with HYPING something up so much is that it RARELY lives up to its own hype.  Often similar to what sales people do when detailing the GREATNESS of their product or service.  Don't you agree?

The "SALES GAME" has changed over time.  In the past, the sales person was an order taker, with limited competition, providing a more service than education.  As competition FLOURISHED over time, the sales person became more AGGRESSIVE, requiring varied tactics and a new "reputation" for telling clients what they want to hear to win the OPPORTUNITY.  This often causes a DISAPPOINTMENT for the client after purchase…

The new, successful sales person has LEARNED that their role is to PROVIDE education.  To allow the client access to information and provide insight into the "process" they are about to undertake.  The PROFESSIONAL salesperson is an advocate for the client and seeks to deliver a solution that does not FAIL to meet expectations.

The SUPER BOWL feels like the salesperson of the 80's - fast-talking, lots of hype and little delivery.  Can you IMAGINE how amazing the game could be if it just lived up to half the hype it promises?  Can you imagine how AMAZING your clients would feel if YOU did too?


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