Morning Motivator- Get off the Fence…

"It doesn't matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off. You cannot make progress without making decisions."
- Jim Rohn

POLITICS are very funny. They often are the BEST and WORST of the human experience. You have TWO sides, equally passionate about what THEY feel is the best for the community. But who is right..? Moreover, what are WE supposed to do about it?


All too often the OPPONENTS to major projects are not seeking to have you decide NOT to do the project. Rather, they are HOPING to encourage you to NOT take any ACTION.

Ask yourself, "What is the single, most dangerous activity to PROGRESS?" (If you said "inactivity" you scored 10 million points). Now, ask yourself, "What is the most DANGEROUS decision I am capable of making?" (If you said, "indecision" you win another 10 million points).


Leadership REQUIRES difficult decision making, hence the reason why many people don't want the role. Sometimes, the decisions being made are UNPOPULAR. Commonly, there are RIVAL thoughts about any decision and a "belief" that there is always a "better alternative."

As a LEADER you are looked to for guidance, encouragement and education. If you are "wishy – washy" about your decision making, what can you EXPECT of your team? If you are INCAPABLE of making decisions and seeing them through, then what EXAMPLE are you setting for your supporters?

Keep in mind that literally, all but one decision in life, CAN be RECOVERED from. You can go BANKRUPT and make more money. You can LOSE a relationship and gain it back. You can MOVE and move back. The point here is…

Don't sit on the fence and watch the world fly by... Get involved, pick a side and help others get ENGAGED!


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Morning Motivator – 60 Minutes to the Sky, Trees or Ground...

"It's ok if you aim for the sky and hit in the trees, but it's not ok to aim for the trees and hit the ground."
- Patrick Thean, author of "Execute Without Drama"

It is 9:17am. At 10:17am – how many minutes will have passed? This is a SILLY question and a very CRITICAL one to understand.

You, I, Bill Gates, Oprah, Peyton Manning and everyone else will have EXPERIENCED 60 minutes in that time frame. Bill Gates doesn't get 65, not does Oprah get 73. We ALL get 60 minutes to do what we see best suited. The varying DIFFERENCE between TOP ACHIEVERS and people still seeking "their success," is simply the use of their time and the way in which they set their goals.

Do we understand how to ESTABLISH goals? How to MEASURE them? How to CELEBRATE them?

In speaking with TOP LEVEL PRODUCERS, many of them have developed VALUE SYSTEMS that drive their behavior. Often they:

1. Have GOALS which are attainable, but not easily achievable (ie. they aim very high)

2. KNOW and have IDENTIFIED the "best daily activities" for attaining their end results

3. STRICTLY execute their daily activities to assure they are completed

4. MEASURE their efficiency and effectiveness of these activities daily and adjust as needed

5. CELEBRATE their successes – they don't seek to OVER ACHIEVE their goals… why? Because they are so high to start, it would be near IMPOSSIBLE to over achieve them.

6. SHARE their success and knowledge with others to create LOYALTY and LEVERAGE

7. CONTINUALLY educate themselves for growth, creativity and perspective.

Are we, as leaders, doing these things? What is ONE action item you could do for each of the above 7 items to make sure you know?


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Morning Motivator - What Do You See?

"It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem."
- GK Chesterton

I have a BRILLIANT idea! It is a SIMPLE and EASY way to control variable IT expenses and enhance business operations.

Funny thing... Every business owner is town has NOT yet called me begging for the solution.

The CHALLENGE, for me, is I know the solution to "their" business concerns - budgeting, data security and expert service. Recently, however, I am starting to UNDERSTAND, that I don't fully know what the PROBLEM is...

My team is still seeking the key to IDENTIFYING the "pain."

All too often, we come across people that "KNOW" they can make our life faster, cheaper, better...

Rarely, do those people "KNOW" anything about our "real problems."

UNDERSTANDING the "problem," is the most important step to solving it. Understanding your solution and RELATING it to people's needs will help you in formulating the questions needed to see the problem.

Prove you see the problem, then ask...

... "What questions need to be asked of YOURSELF to do that?"


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Morning Motivator - Right Things, Right Time

"The right questions would lead us to the right things to measure at the right time."
- Patrick Thean, Author of "Execute Without Drama™"

How often has someone, out of FRUSTRATION, asked you, "What am I doing wrong?" Often this is a question DRIVEN from consistent LACKLUSTER results derived from HIGH efforts. We have all been there...

A GOOD response to this question is, "What are you SEEKING to achieve?"

The BEST response is, "Are you asking the RIGHT questions of yourself to achieve that goal?"

Consistently, COMPLAINTS are a request for relief. The person asking is NOT looking for you to help, rather, your SOLUTION. It is becoming less COMMON that people are requesting candid advice, as opposed to seeking a "bail out" through your EXPERTISE.

Learning WHAT questions to ask to measure the results you are SEEKING is critical. Knowing WHY you are seeking those results may be even more...

As we seek SUCCESS in our personal and professional lives, we often STUMBLE through challenging times of growth and frustration. We have 2 choices on how to get beyond the "sticking point":
1. Power through it by continuing to output high level ACTIVITY. You don't have to do any analysis... just keep HUSTLING!
2. EXAMINE your actions and results. Seek inefficiencies and gaps in "expected results" from "given efforts."

If you decide on #2 - do NOT expect that the "magic bullet" will be easy to find. HOWEVER, if you do decide to spend the TIME to better your processes by asking and examining the right QUESTIONS, you can EXPECT to see great returns once you determine the "best path."



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Morning Motivator - Lacking Motivation?

"It is challenging to be your best daily. Do you ever just accept 'pretty good?'"
- unknown

We SHOULD be our best and give the optimal effort daily. We SHOULD also let the guy driving in the emergency lane get by without a SCATHING temper tantrum... And that doesn't happen either!

Expecting that you will be your BEST everyday assumes that you have CONTROL over every aspect of your life - thoughts, feelings, health, spirit. LIKELY, you will have an off day now and again. Its OKAY!!

I look at daily PERFORMANCE as a MAXIMIZATION of available capacity and resources. If your "best" tomorrow is 80% of what your CAPABLE of in an IDEAL day... Then make sure you are 100% of that 80%. Make sense??

Michael Jordan had "LESS than spectacular" days during his ILLUSTRIOUS career. Einstein wasn't a GENIUS every day. Even Nelson Mandela isn't an INSPIRATION daily.

We are all SUBJECT to less than 100% performance. As ACHIEVERS and LEADERS of the future, we are NOT allowed to give less than 100% of our ability for that day.

We are OBLIGATED to serve as the role models for others around us. Those people that look to us for their daily HOPE, SUPPORT and INSTRUCTION. We must DEMONSTRATE the resilience and dedication to our success, even when we aren't up to the CHALLENGE, so that the people we are leading understand that they WILL be expected to do the same when their time comes!



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