Morning Motivator – Fueling Your Success Machine

"You would not put regular fuel in a F1 Racing Machine.  Why would I put regular fuel in my body?"
- Georges St. Pierre, MMA Fighter

Last night I found myself ABSORBED into a fight promotion program.  One of the fighters, Georges St. Pierre, discussing his workout regimen and the types of food he consumes.  He made the above comment and my mind was ABLAZE with ideas about today's Morning Motivator.

What is it you are putting into your body?  Your business?  Your mind?  Are you putting in the fuel of "regular people" or are you putting in the highest quality fuels possible?

In considering how SUCCESS is "developed" and not just handed to individuals, we also RECOGNIZE that SUCCESS is a process of consumption and digestion generating varying production results.  Put low QUALITY inputs into your system and generate low quality outputs… make sense huh??

As we seek to become (or enhance) ourselves as TOP PRODUCERS and ACHIEVERS, we must discriminate the types of fuel we put into our system.

If you read garbage magazines, silly blog sites as opposed to challenging periodicals and thought stimulating books, then you should not EXPECT to generate high quality, fresh ideas.  If you eat Twinkies and hot dogs, you probably should not expect six-pack abs.  If you hang out with people that are of low CHARACTER, you should not fully expect that you will be sought after in a community/political setting.

Be VERY SELECTIVE about what fuels you are consuming… CHOOSE better and find better results.  Settle for less and do not be SURPRISED if you breakdown prior to achieving your success goals!


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Morning Motivator – Ask Your Way to the Top!

"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever."
-Chinese Proverbs

I must admit, SIMILAR to when I moved from San Diego to Nashville many years ago, this move top Lafayette has helped me take the next LEAP to success.  Let me explain how you can do it without UPROOTING yourself to get there.

The funny thing about moving is that when you get where you are going, you know NO ONE and NOTHING about the community.  Thus, you are FORCED to ask questions.  From who is Mayor to how do I get to the coolest bar in town?  You are REQUIRED to ask question after question to LEARN about your surroundings.

SUCCESS is the result of asking more questions and getting better answers.  When you are FORCED into a situation that the only manner of survival is in questioning everyone and everything, you find that you are more informed, better connected and well-liked within your new community.

What if you could meet the leaders of your community?  What if you had relationships with the business leaders in your local area?  What could you do?

Here is my secret: "Ask questions about the stuff you REALLY want.  Don't ask about anything else."

It seems silly to say that, but many people are INDIRECT in their requests for opportunity and/or information. 

If you want to be a LEADER in your political community, go to the top of the ladder (as you know it) and ask to be involved.  If you want to meet business leaders, go to the person or group that ORGANIZES these leaders and ask to serve on a committee.  If you want people to LIKE you, ask their name. 

ASKING QUESTIONS is easy to do.  Getting over the FEAR of being judged is not.  When you HESITATE to ask the next question, ask yourself this one first, "Would I treat this person poorly if they asked the same question of me?"


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Morning Motivator – Bringing Your “B” Game

"I am just not feeling it today.  I know I have things to do, but how well?"
- Anonymous

I have been thinking this morning about being on TOP of your game and what happens when you are not.  Sure, we all want to bring our "A Game" everyday.  Reality says that is just not possible.

Have you ever been in a meeting with someone that was OBVIOUSLY having a rough day?  Whether from being tired, distracted, unfocused or whatever, they just are not as SHARP as usual.  What are your thoughts during that meeting? 

Now consider it is your FIRST time to meet someone.  You have your "B Game" in hand, knowingly struggling to deliver your best.  What to do?  Do you suck it up and try to bring a rock SOLID proposal?  Would you ever consider RESCHEDULING with the person?  Look to the paragraph above… wouldn't you hope that person would have rescheduled with you?!

No one wants to ADMIT not being an 800-pound bulletproof monster.  We all like to ACT as though we are bringing our best every day.  Yet, we ALL have those days when we are not.  It is those days that get us in the most TROUBLE too.

When you know you are off your game, consider rescheduling or finding an ALTERNATIVE person to fill your role for that activity.  Be UPFRONT with yourself about your ability to deliver at the level you seek.  If you KNOW you are not able to do so, why not have someone else do it or just find another time.

For me, personally, I would much rather someone reschedule with me as opposed to WASTING my time with a half-hearted effort.  It is like going to the gym only to drink a few sips of water and leave.  Frankly, that was much WORSE than going in the morning and cranking out an extra 15 minutes on the treadmill.  Agree?


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Morning Motivator – Stay Away From My FaceBook!

"We are blocking FaceBook and other personal sites to improve productivity."
- Corporate Policy

You have to LOVE corporate policy.  You know, the idea that a company somehow benefits from the single-minded OPINION of someone that the rules do not apply to anyhow.

Do you think FaceBook is just a FAD?  Do you believe that social media is a TOY for a new generation of computer users?  Have you been ENGAGING in the "new world" enough to notice that entire businesses and strategic marketing campaigns run EFFECTIVELY through FaceBook?

While this is only my personal opinion, I feel that FaceBook and other web based media platforms are an ADVANTAGE that corporations should seek to exploit, rather than block out.

A true PROFESSIONAL will quickly tell you that business is made based on RELATIONSHIPS.  The people at FaceBook will tell you that the 'book is a collection of social relationships in a single source.  It would then seem that a social aggregation tool, such as FaceBook, would be an ADVANTAGE for business that is based on relationships.  Are you listening Mr. CEO??

Secondarily, let us be REALISTIC.  When was the last time you witnessed anyone put in eight totally PRODUCTIVE hours of work?  Uh, Never!  People need breaks.  We will ALLOW a smoker to go shorten their life span for ten minutes five or more times a day, but get pissed off when someone spends their lunch hour on FaceBook.  (News Flash – FaceBook has not been proven to give you cancer).

Maybe it is time we ACCEPT the world as it is – social media and all.  We EMBRACE the new ways in which we can leverage our RELATIONSHIPS to better our business and personal life.  Or maybe just take a CHILL PILL and realize that a little time on the 'book isn't going to kill anyone.

Be my friend on FaceBook –



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Morning Motivator – Pen, Paper and MY Great Idea

"I had this great idea last night… but I forgot it after I slept."
- Anonymous author of the Morning Motivator

At approximately 2:00am overnight, I awoke with a wonderful idea for a Morning Motivator.  It was HUMOROUS and ENLIGHTENING (at least in my mind).  I sat up to make a quick note, but did not find a pen and paper (nor did I just make a note in my phone).  I thought it was so GOOD that I would REMEMBER it overnight.

At 6:35am, I rose from the bed, still PONDERING the humor of my overnight idea.  The only ISSUE – I could not remember any of the details.  (Damnit!)

What GREAT ideas are we losing because we are simply NOT prepared??

PREPARATION is an underlying element of sustained success.  An individual that has the foresight and makes the EFFORT initially to be prepared often finds that their "LUCK" is much greater than that of others.

What is a great idea WORTH?  It depends.  It may be worth a day of INSPIRATION to someone that needs it, it may be the FOCUS you need to push beyond a roadblock in your way or it may even be the idea that makes you a MILLIONAIRE! 

Do you think a pen and paper near the bed, along with a little more PREPAREDNESS in the other areas of your life are worth whatever little extra effort needed to CAPTURE your greatness?  Now if I could only remember where I keep the pens…


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