Morning Motivator – In Today’s Economy…

"…With the economy being what it is… blah blah blah"
- Darn near every media outlet

OK, it's REALITY CHECK Friday with the Morning Motivator. How BAD is the economy really? Every news station and other media outlet will have you believe that it's the worst thing since World War II. The only station not promoting this message of FEAR is E!, which is too hung up on Jessica Simpson gaining 15 lbs to care.

Seriously, do you BELIEVE that the economy is so POOR that no one is making money? Do you believe that the world is SLOWLY grinding to a halt? Is it POSSIBLE that everyone will be broke, homeless and hungry? Doubtful.

The fact of the matter is that for the people that are WORKING hard to make more and better connections, will find themselves on top in the next 24 months. The companies that are cutting back on RELATIONSHIP people, marketing budgets and promotions will find that they are FAR behind the companies that suck it up and INVEST in their future success. It is the VISIONARY leader that understands that the OPPORTUNITY to catapult past the competition by planting the seeds of future relationships. The money and time INVESTED today will be the efforts that pull this "horrible" economy out of the gutter. So what do you do?

First, the next time you hear some start to say "blah blah blah, the economy is so blah blah blah," tell them you have decided NOT TO PARTICIPATE in the recession.

Secondly, spend your time WISELY meeting, greeting, educating and sharing your story with others that may not YET need your services. Remember, everyone else is HIDING in the corner, crying and waiting for the economy to turn. You are ONE of very few that is out beating the bushes to help others better their business!

Lastly, don't measure your success in "YES's"… rather measure in "NO's." The more people that tell you NO, or better yet, "not right now," the GREATER your long term success will be. REMEMBER, you are the farmer and cultivator of business relationships. Just as a good farmer knows – you must plant your seeds, tend to the land, monitor its changes and when the time is right, go back to the field and REAP the fruits of your labor.

Make the INVESTMENT in people, relationships, marketing and education… you will find that YOUR economy will flourish. Once we all take personal RESPONSIBILITY, we find that we actually CONTROL our own destiny! Have a great weekend.


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Morning Motivator – WHY?

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

When you think about what you are doing… do you come to the question "WHY"? Why am I in this role? Why do I CONTINUE to pursue these goals? Why do I spend MY time with this person? Why do I have such PASSION around this cause? WHY?

If you don't know the WHY of what you are doing… Why are you not taking time to figure it out? WHY are you AFRAID? WHY are you not asking questions of others that appear to be SUCCESSFUL in your eyes? WHY are you not seeking to connect with others that are seeking similar goals? Why are you not asking them… WHY?

I have found in my PERSONAL exploration that WHY is the most difficult question I have asked. Why am I SCARED? I am scared of failure and even more scared of SUCCESS. WHY am I so outgoing? I am CONFIDENTLY self conscious. WHY I am as accomplished as I am at this point? I am more successful than I deserve to be, yet untapped in the MAJORITY of talent I have to offer. WHY I am working so hard to build a network of excellent relationships? That I am laser FOCUSED on a goal which changes daily. WHY do I write the Morning Motivator? I am trying to FULFILL my destiny… even though I don't know what it is. WHY?

When you consider your "WHY" make sure you are being HONEST with yourself. Don't be afraid to say the things that you don't want other people to know. Embrace the fact that you may be in the wrong place, with the wrong person, doing the wrong things… it will be your LIBERATION!

Ask yourself WHY you went to college (or not), why you love the person you are with, why you seek to attain more money and why you are going to work every morning. Understand your WHY and you will give your life PURPOSE. Find PURPOSE and your will find MOTIVATION. Find MOTIVATION and you will find SUCCESS. Once you attain your success… ask yourself… WHY?


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Morning Motivator - A Great Tip for Better Listening

"Listen with your eyes."
- Deb Varallo

Last evening was our monthly meeting with the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce. We had an OUTSTANDING meeting that included Nashville business leader, Deb Varallo of Varallo Public Relations.

During her presentation, she told a story of her daughter (age 3 at the time) seeking to gain her attention. Deb mentioned she was typing on the computer and her daughter said, "mommy, I want to tell you something." Of course Deb was doing her best to listen and continue typing (as most of us do).

Her daughter continued to declare to her mother that she had something to say. Finally, her daughter grabbed her cheeks, turned her face directly eye to eye and said, "mommy, listen to me with your eyes."

Often we "listen" while multitasking in an effort to continue our duties and "not be rude" to the person speaking to us. What happens when we do that?

Commonly, your brain is still focused on the task and not the discussion. When you stop and look someone in the eyes to listen, your brain is stimulated visually as well, which allows you to focus better and comprehend more effectively.

Want to be a better professional? Take a lesson from a 3 year old and learn to "listen with your eyes!"


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Morning Motivator - Listen to the Wise...

"Those with maturity must guide those with strong nature."
- unknown

What is the value of AGE? Young professionals commonly say seasoned professionals SLOW the process. Seasoned professionals say their value is to guide youthful enthusiasm with KNOWLEDGE. Which is TRUE?

BOTH. Yes, both are VERY accurate. After a discussion last night with an individual many years my senior, I realized that in our RELATIONAL process it is my duty to PUSH him as hard as possible to take action, quickly and decisively. It is his role to TAME my enthusiasm with wisdom based on experience and knowledge. With our COMBINED roles, we are able to PUSH at the most REASONABLE pace for success and accomplishment.

What does this mean to you as a professional? Well, regardless of your age, you are always near to someone that has WISDOM you are able to tap. As the less experienced in that relationship, your AGGRESSIVE goals and motivations (remember this is relative always when speaking to age differences) are INSPIRATION and HOPE for the more experienced member. When two people COMBINE appropriately, both persons BENEFIT from the relationship!

In a discussion this morning, I spoke with a person of greater business EXPERIENCE and time investment than myself. I was given these words of WISDOM...

"Make a goal to meet ONE (1) new person every day, not to sell them anything, rather to know them personally. Know their name and something about them. Find out what they like and want. Once you UNDERSTAND them and make the INVESTMENT into them as a person, they will understand your SINCERITY and QUALITY.

Once you have DEVELOPED friendship and trust, you will find all the other things you deem "important" will begin to FULFILL themselves. By truly investing in KNOWING people, you will build your personal brand and the success you are seeking."

That seems fairly wise to me. What a GREAT lift from my one new person of the day... Have you met your new person today?


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Morning Motivator – How to Break the Mold…

"Habits are safer than rules; you don't have to watch them. And you don't have to keep them either. They keep you."
-Frank Crane, Essays

As a professional, what is your annual GOAL? To achieve more, make more, get promoted, etc..? All are ADMIRABLE visions. Each very similar in thought to the ones I SHARE with you. What is it that is keeping US from attaining the next level… from BREAKING THE MOLD!?

Some may believe it's a lack of EDUCATION. Others mention a lack of FOCUS. Some may even just say you are LAZY and lack the proper MOTIVATION to achieve those goals… maybe it is YOU that says that to yourself. Sound familiar?

In reality, OUR flaw is that we are rooted into poor HABITS. We execute the same or similar actions daily. You awake and arise on the same side of the bed. Shower, shave, brush teeth, blah blah blah… always the same, everyday, every time. Guess what? You do the same things at work too! Get in at 8"ish"... check your email... look at the web... get coffee... talk to co-workers... blah blah blah… all of a SUDDEN its 11:15am and what have you accomplished? EXACTLY!!

The BEAUTY of habits is that they are formed out of repetition. What does this mean for you?

It means you can EXPECT it will be very challenging to BREAK old, poor habits and EASY to keep the good ones. Once you IDENTIFY the poor habits, you can begin a process of changing those such that you are REPEATEDLY executing the GOOD ones and replacing the old.

Once you are FULFILLING your daily tasks through POSITIVE, HIGH YIELD habits, you will find that SUCCESS and ACHIEVEMENT are not goals, rather a way of life… just like brushing your teeth (at least 2x per day)!


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