Morning Motivator – When Will You Learn?

"Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Admit it.  You are a STUBBORN mule when it comes to what you believe is best for you.  No matter what anyone else says, or have experienced, you STILL believe that YOUR way is the BEST way. 

I, KING of the Stubborn a$$holes, continually am REMINDED that I am NOT the smartest, most talented, nor most experienced "whatever it is" that I believe I am.  Admittedly, my instincts have not led me down to many paths, but the WISDOM of mentors, family and trusted friends that has kept me on the right path, most often.

Why is it that we CONTINUALLY seek the most difficult path?  PRIDE?  FEAR?  MISTRUST?  Sure, that and more I am confident.

What LESSON is to learn?  (Speaking to myself here)  Damn Zach, just ask the dang question and simplify the whole process!

ASKING QUESTIONS, magically, allows you access to a world of information, experience and insight.  Your head is full of ideas, shaped by your experiences and education, limited at the least.  However, asking a question OPENS the mind of others and allows you a FREE PASS into their information, experience and insight.

It sure seems a lot easier to use your brain, AND, someone else's, would you agree?  Just ASK.  It takes 3 seconds to do and the GAINS are immeasurable.


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Morning Motivator – It’s Time to Be a “Doer”

"The secret of getting things done is to act."
- Dante Alighieri

The most ANNOYING thing in life, next to standing in line, is listening to people talk and never "do."  I can CONFIDENTLY speak on this subject as I am a recovering "idea guy." You know the type of person that has all the great ideas, but expects everyone else to do them.  OBNOXIOUS!

Success is a PROCESS of executing the RIGHT tasks effectively and efficiently in repetition.  The astute reader will notice no references to TALKING, IDEAS, or DETAILED DISCUSSION.  It is purely about DOING THINGS, THE RIGHT WAY.

Does that make "idea people" worthless?  Well, YES.  It does.  Sorry, but it is true.

If you were building a business, would you rather have a team of EXCEPTIONAL task "doers" or a bunch of "idea people?" 

I concede that CREATIVITY will be required, thus someone will have to come up with the ideas.  However, one MEDIOCRE idea EXECUTED with exceptional precision and effort will ALWAYS outperform a BRILLIANT, LIFE-CHANGING, half-done, poorly executed idea. 

With this in mind, ACT immediately on brilliant ideas and disregard any idea that does not have structure.  For it is the STRUCTURE and DEFINITIONS of "doing" that will see the successful execution is fulfilled. 

Think about it:  the cure to cancer is as valuable as a kick in the teeth if you cannot get it to people.  Go be a "DOER" and change the world…


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Morning Motivator - Absolutely Convinced

"It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities."
- Josiah Charles Stamp

Thank you to my good friend, Josh Anderson, of Josh Anderson Real Estate|Keller Williams in Nashville, TN for this submission.  Besides being one of Nashville's Top Agents, he is also one of the most promising Young Leaders.  Thanks bro!!

The way to get yourself to do anything is, first, to accept that you must do it. Until you stop fighting against yourself, you'll never get much done.

It is common and natural to avoid difficult, challenging effort. Even so, you can always choose to allow yourself to make the effort.  Understand, you absolutely have the ability to do the necessary work and reach whatever goal you set for yourself.  To fully unleash that ability, you just have to fully and sincerely buy into the goal.

It is essential that you completely convince yourself of the worthiness and desirability of what you intend to do. Once you are absolutely convinced, you'll be absolutely committed.

The most important person to have on your side is you. Once you are truly convinced and committed, you'll be able to get other people convinced and committed.

When it means everything to you, you'll make the commitment to do whatever it takes. And with that total commitment, you'll get it done.

What are you NOT capable of accomplishing when you do not allow yourself any alternatives?  Fight or die, will motivate a soldier to fight with much GREATER intensity.


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Morning Motivator – Pushy or Persistent?

"I am not being pushy.  I am just following up on the commitment you have not made yet."
- Anonymous

There is a thin red line between being PUSHY and being PERSISTENT.  The most successful of people are able to toe that line and even step across, softly, on occasion.  So, What's the DIFFERENCE?

In my perspective, the DIFFERENCE is associated with the follow up agreement between individuals.  If there is NO agreement, thus no reason for continual reengagement, or no INITIAL agreement to allow for engagement, then you have stepped into the "PUSHY ZONE."  A GREAT example of this is the hand lotion people at the mall kiosks or the "consultant" you met at a recent networking event.

How does one know how to "toe the line" then?  Do so by creating "next steps of engagement" and CONTROLLING the step personally by taking the accountability to do the follow up.

An example of this may be the follow up you schedule after meeting a prospective client.  They have noted their INTEREST, in addition to a barrier to moving forward, such as a contract or a Board approval.  At this point, when you realize the CLOSE is not possible yet, you SCHEDULE the follow up. 

Follow up should be a SPECIFIC date, time and medium (phone, email, personal visit).  You then EXECUTE that follow up on time as agreed.  If there is not contact made, you PERSIST with your follow up (I suggest every 48- 72 hours) as part of fulfilling YOUR commitment to reengage (as agreed).  If the client continues to set a barrier, REESTABLISH the follow up, with persistence, and begin the process again.

As long as there is an AGREEMENT to the next steps, you have the RIGHT to engage until the other party fulfills their agreement.  If not AGREEMENT, then don't be a PUSHY ass… just move on!


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Morning Motivator – The Education “System” (Final Dose)

"The children are poorly behaved and the money is lacking.  The teachers are the savior of our systems."
- Unknown

In the past Morning Motivator installments, we have reviewed the Education "System" from money to students… now onto Teachers.

Understandingly, this is a very TOUCHY subject.  The challenge here is that the poor teachers and their "sacred" unions are undermining the good teachers.  The good teachers are DEFEATED week in and week out by the arrogance of poor teachers, many of whom have tenure, undeservingly.

The reality is that ANY OTHER JOB is based on productivity and results based work.  If business professionals FAIL to deliver a good service or product, they are fired or forced out of business.  If a physician performs poor practice, they are released from the hospital at which they work.  Crappy teachers, however, are PROTECTED by their tenure, and GOOD ones are held down by a system that does not allow performance based funding…

Education, like most other government run institutions, is a pool of MEDIOCRITY and LOW STANDARDS.  Driven by individuals too liberal and fearful of ALIENATING anyone that is, in fact, of lesser quality or lesser ambition. 

What is the CURE for better teachers?  Is it more money?  YES, it is!!

For teachers that execute efficiently and perform WELL, more money, ultimately based on the results and achievements of their students.  LESS money and FIRINGS for teachers that fail to execute or achieve results – just like a REAL business!

We must ELIMINATE this sacred cow mentality of protecting people that UNDERPERFORM, provide RECOURSE for tenured professionals that show INEPTITUDE after achieving tenure, and begin REWARDING excellence.  Besides, as a GOOD teacher, what about that makes you afraid?


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