Morning Motivator- Are You Saying “Hello” or “Go Away?”

"The disability in life is a bad attitude."
- Scott Hamilton

This morning, at breakfast, I enjoyed a discussion with one of my mentors, Mr. Tandy Rice.  He mentioned an EXPERIENCE he had with a local PR firm… it was not good. 

In our conversation, he noted calling the OWNER of a firm and asking her if he could speak with her about a need he has.  Her response was, "I am very busy.  What do you want?"  He mentioned being a bit turned off, yet WILLING to push through, asking, "I would like to discuss using your group and prefer to meet in person."  Her response, "I am very busy.  Why don't you speak with my assistant." 

Possibly, she was just having a BAD day and did not APPRECIATE the opportunity in front of her.  Also, it could be that she didn't WANT the business.  If it is the latter, then why even pick up the phone??  

Is her business message, "Yes, we are here to help" or 'Go away.  We are more important than you are?" 

Yes, we ALL get busy.  At times, we become OVERWHELMED with the number of tasks that we have.  Yet, that does NOT mean that the people seeking to spend money with your company should have to feel that. 

Examine your SYSTEMS.  Is your team BUILT to handle unexpected business increases?  Do you have a capacity LIMIT?  If not, what will you do?? 

May I suggest, should you not be able to handle the business load, that you STOP answering the phone and leave a voice mail that says, "Hi, thank you for your call.  We are too busy to help you.  Please call our competition at 555-555-5555." 

At least that way you don't have to spend the 5 minutes on the phone pissing off a potential client. 

Rather, you can spend it working on the project that is "more important" anyhow.

(Note:  If you do decide to do the above. Have them call BarkLoud... We will take 'em!)

Morning Motivator - Building Success on Relationships

"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget."
- Unknown

Spending time with FRIENDS is an immeasurable joy. You get a chance to SHARE in ideas, experiences and deepen your relationships.

Building a good business is FOUNDED on relationships. Building a GREAT business is founded on trusted friendships.

The BETTER you know and trust someone, the easier it is to put your success in their hands. You become reliant upon those friends for ideas, support and affirmation.

YOUR success is tied DIRECTLY to your friends...

Consider that most business TRANSACTIONS are "one and done."

Lots of promises of "service and delivery" are made up front, only to find that person bail on you 3 months later.

If you need to know who you SHOULD be doing business with... Look around! Who has been standing by you? Investing in you? Delivering BEFORE the deal was ever made?

Now THAT is the person I want to do business with...


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Morning Motivator - Eating the Stress Burger (w/ cheese)

"In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive."
- Lee Iacocca

Stress is an UNDENIABLE part of everyone's life. Until you are able to CONTROL everything in the world, you had better LEARN to best manage stress.

Understand that STRESS comes from many areas of life - financial, relational, professional, religious, etc. Also, REALIZE that stress can be HEALTHY, when serving as a motivator for POSITIVE change/action.

Let's agree you CANNOT control everything, thus, what can we do to better MANAGE our STRESS?

What is the best way to eat a huge hamburger? One bite at a time!

Managing stress is an act of PLANNED EXECUTION.

First part: HAVE A PLAN (and stick to it). If you know what your end goal is, then you will ELIMINATE distractions. Focus = Success

Second Part: EXECUTE. Keep it simple. Stay focused - keep on task. Execute the small tasks that are needed to get beyond your stalling point.

If you keep to YOUR PLAN and EXECUTE... You will be able to eat that STRESSBURGER (even with the cheese).


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator - Are You an Enabler?

"Orders are nobody can see the Great Oz! Not nobody, not nohow!"
- Guardian of the Emerald City Gates, 'The Wizard of Oz'

I have been working with a very close friend on decidedly IMPROVING our businesses over the past 45 days. We have FOCUSED on ways to increase efficiency, while better meeting our clients "real" needs.

The first question I CHALLENGED him with was: "ARE YOU AN ENABLER?"

As an "enabler," you are a repeat offender of ENCOURAGING negative or non-productive behavior. (See "Intervention" if you want to see some good examples)

In business, we all have been GUILTY of enabling. We are "on call" all the time, responding to emails every 5 minutes and rushing over every time a client asks. Ever wonder why you cannot get anything FINISHED?

Being "client-driven" and being their "b*tch" are two VERY different things.

When you are "client-driven," you PRIORITIZE your actions to help as many as possible in the least amount of time.

When you are "client-driven," you are PROACTIVE in solving challenges and forward about expecting compensation.

When you are "client-driven," you RESPECT your client, their business, their time... and they do the same of you.

When you are their
"B*TCH"... Well, you pretty much already know if you are or not, right? It is just a matter of OWNING that fact!

Stop ENABLING! Take back CONTROL! If you are GOOD, they will still love you...


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Morning Motivator – Getting to Your ‘HAPPY’ Place

"The first rule of focus is ''Wherever you are be there.''"
- Unknown 

For those that have been reading the Morning Motivator for a good while KNOW that I love to breakdown the idea of "being happy."  I have a NEW theory… 

First, let us be reminded that HAPPY is not a place or an achievement, rather a passing emotional state that is fleeting at best. 

Second, let us AGREE that everyone (and I mean everyone) is seemingly "seeking" to "be" happy. 

With that said, my NEW theory is that HAPPY is having CONTROL in your life.  When you are in CONTROL – you are happy.  When you KNOW what is about to happen next – you are happy.  When you become TOTALLY focused in your work, life, sport, etc – you are happy. 

How do we get there though? 

One word can help EXPEDITE your repeated attainment of the "happiness state of being" – FOCUS! 

FOCUSING on the small, attainable, specific, time bound tasks of TODAY will provide you:

- CONTROL over your time and environment
- PREDICTABILITY of actions and results generated from said actions
- PEACE OF MIND in knowing that you are working on the single, most important tasks of the day
- PRIDE resulting from the accomplishment of selecting, tasking and executing an important duty.

If you want to be HAPPY, try FOCUSING a little more on what is important this morning, then this afternoon, then this evening.  As a RESULT, when something REALLY important comes up (like a date, an opportunity to meet with a friend or travel the world), you will have FOCUSED on all the "other things" that needed completed in order to "be happy" doing what YOU want! 

Ask yourself: What is MY #1 focus for this morning?  (then go knock it out by 10am!)


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