Morning Motivator- A Trip to the “Cannery”

"Success comes in cans, not cant's."
-Brian Tracy

When I began my term as President of the Nashville Junior Chamber, I made one comment that I still hold dear to my heart – "Don't tell me you 'can't' do anything!"

Can't is one of those words that drives me NUTS. It is an EXCUSE for not working harder, smarter or collaboratively. Can't is the FOUR LETTER WORD your mom should have washed your mouth out for saying. Can't IS what keeps you from SUCCESS…

And yet, so many people are ADDICTED to "Can't"… why? Could it be that we often SETTLE for results that are defined by "can't?" Is this a result of our "give it to me now" mentality that says either I can or I can't, but I won't work to see if you are WRONG?

If you want to be SUCCESSFUL… better yet, if you EXPECT to be successful – ABOLISH the word "Can't."

When you begin working in the mindset of a PROBLEM SOLVER, you will see that can't is where the losers quit and winners get CREATIVE. Often, people don't know what they want; they have an idea of it. They WILL ask for a specific of what they BELIEVE that "want" is. If you say "can't" then you have missed the OPPORTUNITY…

Winners, creative thinkers, problem solvers make SUGGESTIONS and expert RECOMMENDATIONS of what CAN be done to achieve the clients need. The client is likely OPEN MINDED to alternatives if they achieve the same end goal.

So, the next time you hear someone say CAN'T – slap them – then make them give you alternatives… they will thank you later. Have a GREAT WEEKEND!!


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Morning Motivator – A Secret to GREAT Management

"Manage by objectives. Tell people what you want them to do and then get out of their way."
-Brian Tracy

Ever wondered what makes a GREAT manager GREAT? Ever wonder why the BEST salespeople tend to be LESS than excellent managers? What is the SECRET to excellent management?

I would love to tell you there is ONE golden tip… but there is not. There are quite a few really good ones though and if you learn to mesh them, you will be EXCELLENT. The one I think is GROSSLY overlooked is the IDEA of EMPOWERED management. (what the h*ll is that?)


With EMPOWERED management you are setting target goals, dates and benchmarks… then providing the SPACE and CONTROL for achievement to your teammates. You will schedule predetermined REPORTING so you are able to assist as needed, but you DO NOT get in their way.

You may not like their STYLE or TIME MANAGEMENT, but (and it's a big but) IF you TRUST them in their abilities… it is not NECESSARY for them to work "your way." Frankly, your way may be INFERIOR.

By allowing people the INDEPENDENCE and CREATIVE leeway to plan, execute and accomplish in their BEST way with the UNDERSTANDING of expectations and time lines – you provide the teammate an OWNERSHIP in their project.

This increased RESPONSIBILITY and "positive pressure" will most frequently produce best work and results…

Try it – let someone prove you RIGHT!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator - Saying THANK YOU

"Success is the combination of your limited efforts and significant commitments from others."
- unknown

Last night was my FINAL board meeting to lead as President of the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce ( As President, I have learned one of the most IMPORTANT life lessons ever - Saying THANK YOU!

Our group has enjoyed a very SUCCESSFUL year, while overcoming surprising challenges. We never had a CONSISTENT meeting location. We had some BATTLES over power and responsibility. We have be CHALLENGED by strained partnerships... And yet...

We were SUCCESSFUL. How? Why? ANSWER: Through OTHER peoples actions.

How successful would you be if it weren't for those AROUND you? Have you considered how much someone else's EFFORTS are the cause of your achievement?

A select few people in your life are the MAIN REASON you are successful - like it or not. A mentor, a client, a friend... Someone.

Here is the best advice I can give once you know who they are: TELL THEM THANK YOU! This should ensure they will continue to be a supporter... Besides, you NEED them!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator - Creating the Brand of "ME"

"What do you want to be known for? This is the brand you seek to be."
- Zachary Barker

Occasionally, someone comes to me for ADVICE (suckers!) about how to become better CONNECTED. I always ask, "what do you do?" Their response helps define the ANSWER to THEIR question of me.

I am not the WIZARD OF CONNECTIVITY. I am AWARE of what makes people attracted to other people though. Its quite simple actually... Be someone people NEED to know. Know the question is: WHY SHOULD PEOPLE KNOW YOU?

This is the question of YOUR brand. Who ARE you? What do you DO? Why are you more IMPORTANT to know than someone else?

To create your BRAND, you simply need to determine what you want to be known for.

If you enjoy knowing people and seeing others do the same - become a CONNECTOR by helping people get to the "right" people quickly.

If you enjoy helping people become better at their job - become the EDUCATOR by helping them learn the processes for success.

If your enjoyment is in organizing groups - become the PLANNER by arranging the needs organizations with the desire of people to congregate.

Determine what it is you ARE.. and make sure EVERYONE knows it.


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator - The Secret to Getting More Time

"With 24 hours in a day... How do I make more time?"
- unknown

We have all said it. We all feel it. We all need it. MORE TIME! How does one get "more time?"

I admit, I am not the best ORGANIZED person in the world. Additionally, I am not the most LASER FOCUSED day-to-day. I tend to WASTE time by losing it to INEFFICIENCIES.

It is not that there is a LACK of sufficient time in a day... Rather, its that we LACK the ability to sufficiently UTILIZE the time we have.

How does one BETTER use their time? By creating PROCESS driven activities.

By IDENTIFYING the most valuable tasks, activities, meetings, etc and the PATTERNS in which they arrive, you are able to schedule a CYCLE of activity. Once you have defined the time line, you can easily define the ACTIONS commonly required following each occurrence.

Detail these steps, next meetings and any follow up ACTIONS with time lines and you will find that your SUCCESS is as simple as following the directions of a cookbook!

Go cook up some SUCCESS today!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

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