Morning Motivator – The Great Secret of Success

"The great secret of success is that there are no secrets of success; there are only timeless principles that have proven effective throughout the centuries."
- Brian Tracy

I had a WONDERFUL meeting yesterday with two business leaders in Nashville – Joe White, President of NovaCopy and Sonny Clark, President of Advanced Network Solutions. Now I get to see Sonny often, but RARELY with other leaders… and Joe is one of those guys that you "just want to know!"

What made this meeting so SPECIAL? Interestingly, we talked a bit about business, a bit about life and a bit about SUCCESS. Not quite what I expected. However, I was SLAPPED in the face with an insight about how successful people "become" successful. It is a HABIT, a CHOICE to achieve, a DISCIPLE of "best efforts" towards a pointed goal. Why is this so SURPRISING? It's not… it is REAFFIRMING!

While people are out trying to figure out the next SUCCESS SCHEME… the real stars are working on meeting new people, solving challenges, seeking education, setting next steps and FOLLOWING THROUGH ON THEIR WORD!

Success is a HABIT. When you decide it is time to achieve the next level… you must look yourself in the face and ask – "What could I be doing BETTER?" and "What should I STOP doing immediately?"

Be VERY VERY VERY honest with yourself… for once you answer these questions, you will have drawn the road map to achievement. It may have stops for improving SKILLS, enhancing EDUCATION, or even a COMPLETE turnaround, BUT (and yes this is another BIG BUT) once you KNOW the path… all you have to do is WALK.

While you are in a 5 minute down time today – write down ONE thing you SHOULD be doing and ONE thing you should STOP. Focus on those 2 for the next 2 weeks. Apply yourself 100% and report back to me the results you discover. I would love to hear about your SUCCESS and share it with all the other "Morning Motivator's."

Have a TREMENDOUS weekend. Tell someone you LOVE that you love them and spend an EXTRA 5 minutes appreciating the beautiful weather.


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Morning Motivator – A President’s Lesson Learned

"Make sure to know all the rules, so you know how to break them."
- Tim Ferriss, author of "The Four Hour Work Week"

If you haven't figured it out by now… INSPIRATION hits me at odd times, in crazy ways. Last night, while watching "House" (my new FAVORITE TV show), I was forced to reflect on a discussion I had earlier in the day. I was asked by a fellow young leader what was the most POIGNANT lesson I have learned in my Presidency… Simple answer: I didn't know the RULES well enough to BREAK them… properly.

How does this relate to HOUSE? If you have never viewed the show, the simple plot is – a brilliant doctor who knows more than anyone else, facing cases that others cannot solve. He is also a MAJOR jerk and ALWAYS is breaking protocol at the hospital… Why? Because he CAN! He KNOWS ALL THE RULES – and HOW TO BREAK THEM… properly.

We have all heard that "rules are made to be broken," which MAY be true. However, thinking there is NOT repercussion to be answered for is silly. KNOWING those repercussions and being able to MANAGE the damage, limit the effect and/or eliminate the backlash gives you TREMENDOUS power.


How does one become so POWERFUL? Obtain an advanced EDUCATION (aka knowing more than the other guy/gal).

Know the rules, the process, the loopholes, the repercussions and be PREPARED to demonstrate your masterful knowledge in a discussion. Often, you don't need ALL of the knowledge to WIN your battle… just 10% more than the other person.

As soon as you have demonstrated a GREATER (not an ABSOLUTE) knowledge than your challenger, commonly, they will back down for FEAR of looking foolish, etc.

Master your space. Know your stuff. Be willing to unleash when needed. Be quiet until then… its more EFFECTIVE that way!


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Morning Motivator – The Understanding of Ignorance

"Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune."
- Italian Proverb

I spoke yesterday about my REVELATION of my ignorance. In thought of this new "enlightenment" and pursuit of self IMPROVEMENT, I began to think about HOW someone accepts their lack of knowledge.

I enjoyed the above quote, as I felt it SUMMARIZED the concept of IGNORANCE very well. By CHOOSING to remain ignorant, you are ACCEPTING lesser success and limited growth. The idea is the same as when you tell someone you KNOW how to help them with a project… and the tell you NO. They share their IGNORANT WISDOM and MISPLACED CONFIDENCES in their innate ability to "do it their way."

How does that usually end up? Usually, they come back to ask for HELP in the end. How many times have YOU done that? How many times have you allowed a COLLISION of pride and ignorance to waste your time, limit your success and maximize your inefficiency? More often than you'd like to ADMIT.

By know you may have "read between the lines" that I am a PROPONENT for education and personal development. I BELIEVE with the deepest parts of my soul that EDUCATING ourselves, our youth and our communities IS the answer to eliminating the FAILURES of our society.

As a success step, let me share with you the BEST lesson I have learned over the past 2 years as President of the Nashville Junior Chamber. WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER… SEEK THE ANSWER!

Read a book, an article, seek a mentor or look up a blog. Do ANYTHING to find the answer to your question. The most EFFICIENT method of finding the information in MEANINGFUL and FUNCTIONAL message, ready for application, is by speaking with someone that has EXPERTISE (a leader, teacher, etc) and EXPERIENCE (a few years of maturity on you).

When you know WHAT to ask, WHO to ask and HOW to ask… You IMMEDIATELY change your VOLUNTARY MISFORTUNE to STRATEGIC SUCCESS!


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator – A Choice to Grow...

"It is self-evident that businesses, like people, are supposed to grow; and with growth, comes change."
- Michael E. Gerber, Author of "The E-Myth"

I have gone through an outstanding personal REVELATION – I realized I am quite IGNORANT! Seriously, I don't know half the stuff I thought I did… and the other half is GARBAGE. So what am I going to DO to change that?

I have realized that the ONLY action I can take to change my ignorance level is SELF –EDUCATION (or in other words, READING). Yes, I AM suggesting an INCREASE in reading and studies. As I have begun this TRANSFORMATION of value, I have observed and learned a few things immediately. First, most people are "just spinning their wheels", never SEEKING much more in life than they have; or if they are, it is only if it requires LITTLE effort. Secondly, most businesses are EXACTLY the same… because of the people running them!

Fortunately, I work with VISIONARIES. They see the need to EXPLORE, CHALLENGE and GROW as people and as a business. I wonder why more companies don't SEEK the same. Many want simply to achieve a GOAL. They seek to cross some finish line and then go into MAINTENANCE mode. Think of a young person GRADUATING from college and going into the "real world." What a SLAP in the face when they realize that the easy work was getting out of school. Ironically, the business leader BELIEVES that achieving a sales number is the GOAL. Once achieved, what happens when you get there? How do you MAINTAIN without pushing your limits, knowledge or general comfort zone?

Do you want to be SUCCESSFUL? Do you want to LIVE your dreams? Are you SEEKING a life of fulfillment and purpose?

Here is the SECRET most people don't know (or don't care to recognize)… your personal GROWTH is directly proportionate to your overall SUCCESS. When you STOP learning, trying, pushing yourself, setting goals, and so on… you begin DYING (the simple opposite of growth).

Most psychologists and physicians will AGREE that you are in one of two states at any given time – GROWING or DYING. Just like your muscles, if you are not working on making them STRONGER, they are working on becoming WEAKER. So is your MIND and SUCCESS. IMPORTANT FACT: You have a choice of SUCCESS (growth) or FAILURE (apathy).

So, when you are CHALLENGED today… what will you choose?


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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

Morning Motivator - Who You ARE & Who You Are

"They intoxicate themselves with work so they won't see how they really are."
- Aldous Huxley

This weekend, my group, the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce (, ran their MARQUEE event - the Ragin' Cajun Crawfish Boil. For me, this is a very REWARDING event as a co-founder and the current President of the NAJCC.

I must say that I find it AMAZING what young talent is capable of when provided OPPORTUNITY.

This event is run ENTIRELY by volunteers and led by young professionals under the age of 30. This is a group that has been in existence for 88 years... SUCCESSFULLY. And yet, people refer to the group as "kids," a "drinking club" or other such derogatory names.

Here is what I KNOW - These "kids" are the talent that runs companies today, will make the POSITIVE community changes of tomorrow and H*LL yes, they like to have a GOOD TIME!

Rather than DENY what you really are by covering it in "work" and other "important" (yet unfulfilling) activities... ACCEPT who or what you are.

Yes, my group IS young, lacks some experience and likes to party. They also KNOW how to fund raise efficiently, organize momentum through relationships and generate revenues through ENTERTAINING events.

That is what WE are... And we are GREAT at it. We make a DIFFERENCE in our community through it.

Just IMAGINE if these same YOUNG PROFESSIONALS had the same opportunities to showcase their talents at work... IMAGINE if we ALL had the chance to be ourselves and use our REAL skills.

So question yourself - are you being the BEST you... Or are you HIDING behind how "important and busy" you are??


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