Morning Motivator – Losing is for Winners

"I love winning, I can take the losing, but most of all I love to play."
- Boris Becker

"DAMN!  Lost a huge deal… what a loser!"  NOTE:  DO NOT EVER SAY THAT TO YOURSELF.

Losing is INEVITABLE in any game – sports, love or business.  Losing is a GUISE for what really occurs within a loss.  Yes, there is LEARNING.  Yet more importantly, there is a WIN one step closer.

The best of the best understand something that many others do not… LOSING is the key to WINNING.

While you would love to win every time you go to work or step on the field, it is not only unlikely, but truly impossible.  Even fighters with perfect records have lost in the lifetime.  Even Charlie Sheen has lost before he started "Bi-Winning."  So who cares if you lost one…?

True PROFESSIONALS love the battle.  The win is a sign of their exceptional preparation and a mix of luck.  The loss is the DRIVER for future success – no matter the situation.

Personally, I may be the world's WORST loser.  I pout, I bitch, I moan and I complain… then I go home, get fired up and start plotting how to WIN next time.  I have accepted that I will have to lose more than I WIN, but I will NEVER accept a loss with celebration.  (ask my wife, she will gladly tell you)

LOSING is part of WINNING.  It hurts, but it happens.  Use it to FUEL your fire, then go out and WIN, WIN, WIN!!!


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Morning Motivator – Everyone Can Be Beat

"Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is everything."
- Vince Lombardi

Over the next weeks, we will witness one of the GREATEST spectacles in America - The NCAA March Madness basketball tournament. 

Teams, small and large, are pitted against one another in a "winner take all" format to see who will rein SUPREME in American sport.  What makes this tournament so great?  EVERYONE CAN BE BEAT!

Just as in business and in life, the BIG guys do not always win.  Often, the underdog, the one you never saw coming, the "no-namer," RISES to the occasion and strips the 800lb gorilla of their forethought success.

What does that mean to you?  It is the IDEAL example of how to approach your daily activities…

Sure, there is always someone else at the top of the food chain and on the rare occasion YOU are at the top of the food chain, you have the most people attacking you.

Having a SUCCESS MENTALITY and the WILL TO WIN can overcome any amount of budgeting, history, marketing, etc that a company may have in excess over you.  By having an EXPECTATION of success, for example walking into a meeting with the mindset you have already won it, you are just closing up details, is what will positively OVERWHELM others into action.

Act with SUPREME confidence.  OWN your best skills and share them openly with others.  Never, REPEAT NEVER; be afraid to toot your own horn.  If you are awesome – SHARE IT!

Besides, when was the last time a WINNER was afraid to talk about success??


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Morning Motivator – Build It, Delegate It

"Ultimately, yes, it is our responsibility.  Someone has to make sure it gets done, right?"
- Anonymous

The only downside with LEADERSHIP is that it is not a 9 to 5 job.  You do not get "days off," nor do you get to "pass the buck."  Leaders lead all the time…

On occasion, the RESPONSIBILITIES of execution fall into your lap.  Sure, it is NOT your area and not your responsibility.  However, what good leader looks the OTHER way when something important needs done?  EXACTLY!!

Here is the key to MAINTAINING your sanity in these situations - DELEGATION.  Just because you "lead the charge" does not mean you are the executioner of the process.  Sometimes, all that is need is a good start, a jumping point, someone to get the ball rolling.  That is YOU! 

Once things are in motion – DELEGATE, DELEGATE, and DELEGATE!

Learn to set up items, especially those that you are tackling although not responsible for, and give them IMMEDIATELY away with timeframes and expectations of completion. 

Do not take on the PRESSURE of another responsibility when someone else is the manager or responsible party from the beginning.  It is THEIR job – not yours.  Take the LEAD, then be a LEADER and manage the successful completion from there.

LETTING GO is a challenge of most high producing individuals.  Many high producers are looked to as LEADERS.  Be WARY not to allow your need to be a high producer to overcome your LEADERSHIP responsibility – teaching others to do for their selves! 


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Morning Motivator – It Is All About Timing

"We have so much business we don't even know what we can do yet."
- Anonymous

Yes, it is about WHOM you know.  It is about WHAT you know.  In addition, of course, WHEN you know whom you know that knows what you know.  WOWZA!!

TIMING is a key to any good joke, business arrangement, relationship, etc.  Many successful people attest their SUCCESS is about being in the right place at the right time.  However, when is the right time?

The RIGHT TIME is about being around consistently.  About asking the questions with timeliness and reliability for the person that is not yet ready to engage you.  It is about being TOP OF MIND when the time does become right and having PLACED YOURSELF in the right place for the opportunity!

How do you know when it is the RIGHT time?  Well, uh, ASK!

People, if interested, will gladly tell you that now is not the right time.  If followed up properly, the appropriate question is, "When would be better?"  Let them tell you.  If they do not know – PICK A DATE for them!  Make it easy because for them it is difficult now.

If you CONTINUE to show up in the right places, frequently enough, you will find that for all the WRONG TIMES you were there and ready, the RIGHT TIME will come available.

And when it does?!?  BOY OH BOY… It will be "PARTY TIME!"


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Morning Motivator – Mistakes are Acceptable

"Making mistakes is okay as long as you are learning from them."
- Anonymous

How many MISTAKES did you make yesterday?  How many failures occur in your DAILY executions?  If you said none, then I am very excited to know that Jesus Christ has finally been added to my email list!!

For the rest of us, we have to admit it – WE SCREWED UP!

Sure, everyone does.  We do often as well.  Yet, it is OK.  Rarely does anything TRAGIC happen from simple mistakes.  Rarely does anyone lose their life SAVINGS in their error.  Usually, it is nothing more than an EXCEPTIONAL learning opportunity!!

The question is whether you are taking the time to LEARN.

LEARNING for mistakes is more about your awareness to grow than it is your intelligence to comprehend. 

While a great many INTELLIGENT people have the capacity to learn, grow and lead, it is a few that have the AWARENESS and DESIRE to do so.  As leaders, an understanding of failure and shortcoming is critical to creating the environment to allow yourself rights and passages through the errors that you make.

Will you ever be PERFECT?  HECK NO!  So chill the heck out and start using the mistakes to learn, not to gripe about later.  Every better, if you have LEARNED a lesson and can help someone to lessen the pain in HIS OR HER learning – do us all a favor and go share you wisdom!

Now THAT would be leadership…


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