Morning Motivator - Tomorrow's Expectations

"What is your probable almost certain future?"
- Craig Mueller, Landmark Education

Last night, I was INTRODUCED to Landmark Education by a new friend, Craig Mueller. The idea is to CREATE a future for yourself that is different from your past. Specifically, learning to allow past EXPERIENCES to be in the past and focus on the development of your goals moving forward.

Interesting to me was the idea of your "probable almost certain future." Not an INDEFINITE, just a strong likelihood of what is to come tomorrow, the next day and so on. Consider, if you are someone that is seeking to LOSE weight for the summer - what is your probable almost certain future? It is probably almost certain that WON'T lose the 20 lbs you are looking to by tomorrow. However, if you are able to ALTER your daily behaviors to achieve that goal with simple, manageable steps... what does that probable almost certain future become?

You can CHANGE your future by understanding your past. If you know that you have a TENDENCY eat too many cookies... you may have to change that. If you are seeking to do better at work, yet always want to LEAVE early, you may have to change that. If you are seeking to ATTRACT a special someone, yet you are afraid to speak to strangers... guess what? That MAY have to change as well.

Oddly enough, YOU decide what your expectations are for tomorrow. Want to do more, better, faster, etc? JUST DO IT. What's holding you back?

Likely it is something an old boss said or your mom did or even something you read about. Yet, how many "bad" things have happened to you in life thus far?? And... you are STILL here! Amazing!

You already KNOW your bad habits that are holding you back. Maybe not all, but at least ONE. Write it down. Put it over your desk. Think about what life would be like WHEN you change it...

Now... what are YOU going to do?!


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Morning Motivator - Just Be

"In the race to be better and best, we sometimes lose sight of just being."
- M. Anderson

What did you NOTICE on your drive into work today? Did you see flowers BLOOMING along the interstate? How about the NEW paint on that old building? Did you see the flock of birds SOARING overhead?

Want to know what I NOTICED? Nothing. I watched the road BEFORE me, the cars NEAR me for danger and occasionally "glanced" at my BlackBerry®.

I BELIEVE this to be a metaphor for life in general. What OPPORTUNITIES are we missing out on because we are always working at BREAK NECK speed? Family, friends, new experiences, etc. What are we REALLY losing?

If you were able to FIND 1 extra hour per week to "Just Be" - what would you do with it?

Write that down on a piece of paper. Post that paper above your desk.

This upcoming week, pick a day, come to work early and leave early... Then go "Just Be." Sure, you have to come in early, but let me know how you FEEL when you get to "Just Be" for an hour.


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Morning Motivator - Walking the Right Path

"Sometimes in the winds of change, we find our true direction."
- Unknown

Failure, disappointment, indecision - all APPEAR to be bad words. Yet consider what they really are in your life. They are GUIDEPOSTS.

When you FAIL what are the next steps? Typically, you make a CORRECTION in behavior or direction. When you find DISAPPOINTMENT... who do you turn to? Often, you speak to a MENTOR for reflection and support. Finally, when you are having CHALLENGES making a decision... what do you do? Commonly, you seek addition EDUCATION. ALL are POSITIVE changes in your path. ALL are "auto-corrections" to aid you in ACHIEVING your end goal.

Are you able to look back at a moment that you THOUGHT was a monumental failure? Consider a firing, breakup, accident, financial crisis, etc. How are you doing today? I assume, if you are reading this, that you have come out of if OK. Not to say it didn't STING or doesn't still hurt a little, yet, you are here, now and still kicking!

We live in a time where most people, especially younger talent, are not used to LOSING. We have SHELTERED ourselves from the PAIN of disappointment by no longer keeping score in some games, giving everyone acknowledgments, or promoting individuals based on tenure not excellence!

You should LOOK FORWARD to the pain of failure and disappointment. Why? You think I have gone INSANE? No! When you are stumbling over failures and disappointments, you are CERTAIN that you are on a success and growth path. The only TRUE indication of ACHIEVEMENT is the failures that are earmarked along the way.

You have to take the test and MISS the questions to really learn. You must lose a game to understand HOW to win next time. So, to BELIEVE that you will be successful without failures... well, THAT is the insanity.

Don't be afraid... when you fail, you are just making sure you walking the RIGHT path.


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Morning Motivator - How Committed Are You?

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor."
- Vince Lombardi

We all STRUGGLE with our work on occasion. Most of us REALIZE we are not performing at our best, yet lack some innate ability to understand..."why?"

I like to look at the people AROUND me and see who has that SPECIAL talent, the ability to find SUCCESS easily. I like to EXAMINE their characteristics and see if there is a "SPECIAL SAUCE" they use that others don't know of. What is it that makes these few people so especially ACCOMPLISHED?

When I look at the people around me IMMEDIATELY - Sonny, Kerry, Nancy, Andy, Jason - and see that each of them have DEDICATED and COMMITTED to excellence. They focus on how they can do their job BETTER than others. The BEST ways to help people in the way they BEST are able. They are putting in the EFFORT today to enjoy the spoils tomorrow. How COMMITTED are you?

When you CONSIDER what you want to become, regardless of age, what do you see as the BIGGEST hurdle? Commonly, we see it as EDUCATION. You "don't know" what to do or how to get enough skills to change your SITUATION. Yet, there are more potential outlets for education than ever before - internet, public library, reading books in Borders late at night rather than buying them (I know some of you do this).

I would CONTEST anyone's comment that it is a LACK of education. Rather, it is a lack of COMMITMENT. A uncontrollable willingness to commit time, energy, metal and financial resources or more to ENSURE that you get what you want. Simply... most people that the willingness to FULLY commit to their own excellence.

So, I ask you again... HOW COMMITTED ARE YOU?


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Morning Motivator - A Hard Way To Grow Up

"I sold myself short and punished everyone because of it."
- Zachary Barker

This is not a MOTIVATOR as much as a learning lesson I have UNCOVERED and finally KNOW it is going to STICK.

I am writing this on Sunday, March 22 at 5:40pm. My flag football team is playing as the #2 seed in the CHAMPIONSHIP tournament... minus one player - me.

I must SHARE with you, as POSITIVE as I can be, my COMPETITIVE spirit sometimes brings the worst out of me. My friends, teammates and fellow "Mudbugs" are playing in a game I have been waiting weeks to play in... alas, I am not. I am sitting in my truck bed after being EJECTED from the game for "FIGHTING" (no punches thrown).

I must admit, I am EMBARRASSED at how I carried myself. I allowed someone's ACTIONS to affect my behavior in a NEGATIVE manner. As a result of my INABILITY to show STRENGTH in character, I am now feeling empty and cheated... And know it is MY fault.

I wanted to SHARE this story as a way of TEACHING. Every day someone CHALLENGES your character, patience and strength.
How do you REACT? Do you throw a stack of papers down in FRUSTRATIONS? Do you use your best SIGN LANGUAGE to the guy that cut you off on 65South? Or do you let the moment pass by and KNOW that there is a BETTER way?

I for one SUGGEST letting the moment pass... Let yourself COOL DOWN... THINK and then REACT. You may find that you have more enjoyment and opportunities to WIN that way.


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