Morning Motivator – February Reading

"Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
- Oscar Wilde

Education is a lifelong commitment to excellence.  Many people believe that their formal learning is COMPLETE upon finishing high school, college or post-graduate work.  The reality is that the TRULY SUCCESSFUL people continue to learn day in and day out in a focused manner.

Formal "self-education" is the IDEAL way of ensuring your success.  A FOCUSED effort towards growing specific areas of knowledge is necessary to beat your competition in the world.

What books are you reading?  What is on your FEBRUARY reading list?  In what areas are you needing IMPROVEMENT?

Since I am working on physical well-being, atop my February reading list is the "4 Hour Body" by Timothy Ferriss.  Oft referred to in my Morning Motivator, Ferriss is the author of the "4 Hour Work Week" and provides insight into creating strength and endurance in his new book.

I also am re-reading "REWORK" by Jason Fried of, as I am FOCUSING in on creating efficient structures and processes in my business and non-profit Board accountabilities.

What are you reading?  In what areas are you learning?  Don't you think having these answers would help your SUCCESS in the next 90 days??


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Morning Motivator – Don’t Fight Them… Expose Them!

"Never be afraid of your critics. Reveal them and let everyone make up their own mind."
- Jason Fried of 37signals

There is a lot of competition out there.  It is INTENSE and often cutthroat.  You have to be ready to face your ADVERSARIES head on whenever required. 

One of the best ways to OVERCOME competitive struggles is to expose the weaknesses in someone else's service or program.  I do NOT suggest ever attacking the character of a person, unless you have well documented evidence as which time it is still a WEAK move.

What are the WEAKNESSES you see in someone else's system?  The process, follow up, support, ability for clients to interface and give comments?  There is a MULTITUDE of systems to review and EXPOSED…

Exposing a business' weakness' is an EXCELLENT way of showcasing your strengths.  The PROPER and ACCEPTED way to go about doing this would be to, FIRST, discuss your strengths, THEN, ask the client if they recognize a variance between services/products.

Let them find it if they can…

If not, EXPOSE it to them.  Don't grind it into their soul, just expose it, let it sit out there and watch the clients mind work the magic you are seeking!

What makes my companies better?  We have FEEDBACK systems, encouraging client influence, and implement changes immediately.  We may be weak elsewhere, but that we do WELL!


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Morning Motivator – Show Your Appreciation

"The only two words you can never say enough are 'Thank You'."
- Unknown

Have you noticed that people are more willing and even DESIRE to help someone that is sincerely appreciative?  Why do you think that is?

I have a THEORY.  It is a very complicated theory that has a deep, dynamic context.  Here ya go… "Most people are assh*les!"

While maybe not on purpose, most people consistently act POORLY towards one another.  From cutting line at a store, to flipping you off in traffic because you will not let them over (like putting your blinker on entitles you to come over) or even just being passé about good service in a restaurant. 

We are ALL guilty…

Becoming more AWARE of your tendencies to be dismissive, assumptive and generally crappy to people will help you REALIZE that a SINCERE thank you is your the key to getting people to help you!!

Sending a small card that just says "thank you" to someone that has helped you is very EFFECTIVE.  Sending a gift card to a local hot spot for someone that you DISAPPOINTED (with a note that says THANK YOU) often helps ease the pain.  Even just calling someone on the phone and sharing with them the positive EFFECT they had on you can work WONDERS!

Think about how much more WILLING you would be to help others if they were just a little more OUTWARDLY appreciative.  So, who you THANKING today??


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“Morning” (or afternoon) Motivator – Let It Come To You

"Ok ok… It is more like AFTERNOON MOTIVATOR.  I get it!!"
- Zach

Well, I have now been late three times (that I remember) since starting this Morning Motivator years back.  Sorry everyone… here is your AFTERNOON MOTIVATOR!

STRESS is a part of everyday life.  We stress about work, love, friends, money, money and money…   Funny about all our "stressing" is that most of what we are CONCERNED with either does NOT matter or does not happen.  Seriously, when did the "worst thing" ever happen?

One of the keys to success is learning to CHILL THE HECK OUT.  Let your success come to you. 

I am not ALLUDING to the idea that you should just sit on your butt playing PlayStation eating Cheetos waiting for God to send you a check, rather, I am SUGGESTING that you go about your days doing the RIGHT THINGS the RIGHT WAY.  Make your calls, follow up with your clients, read the books you purchased, etc.  Be disciplined in your EXECUTION and stress less about "when" the results will appear.

Sales goals, management meetings, etc ALWAYS are a concern for people when discussing this type of mentality.  I RECOGNIZE the need to sustain success in a consistent fashion in order to appease others in your business, etc…

… BUT (yes that is a big but!), if you are CONSISTENTLY doing the right things, day in and day out, you will find that there is a momentum curve.  Lots of work with little result in the BEGINNING, followed by a balance of work and results, followed by TREMENDOUS results with diminishing efforts required.

The question you have to ask is, "Will I do the right thing long enough to get to the point where my efforts being producing?"  Otherwise, you can just watch the guy (or girl) behind you snatch up all your hard work and benefit from it.

HAPPY AFTERNOON EVERYONE!  Go make it count today… and I will do better tomorrow!


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Morning Motivator – Someone’s Got a Case of the “Monday’s”

"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same."
~Francesca Reigler

Ah yes, Monday!  It is again wonderful to be back at work – making magic happen – focusing diligently towards our collective goals, overlooking the fun of the past weekend? (Sarcasm is free on Mondays).

Today, let us ANALYZE our ATTITUDE, specifically, our MONDAY attitude. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being a kick in the teeth, 10 being your best day yet) – how would you rate this morning's attitude? 

Understand that when you AWAKE, you set the tone for the entire day.  The way you approach doing your hair, brushing your teeth and dressing yourself, DEFINE the successes you will have throughout the remainder of the 18 hours you will be awake.  From the drive in to work, riddled with STUPID drivers, making the same idiot driving mistakes every single working day, to the first steps into the office and sitting at your workspace, YOUR attitude is creating the limits and barriers to today's achievements.

Your attitude is a DECISION that you make when you awake.  It is your defensive shield, set up to thwart away the "roadblocks" of the day. Your attitude begins its shape immediately upon waking… so start here:

* Wake up quickly – hitting the snooze bar is just hiding from the day
* Get active – do 25 sit ups, push-ups or walk around your block
* Smile in the mirror – see the inner beauty and value of yourself
* Eat well – eat within the first hour so you fuel your body properly
* Rock out – crank up the music that you enjoy on the way to work (sing LOUDLY with the music…)
* Set your daily goals – either first thing or last thing of the day and be consistent
* Stay positive – if something negative or someone negative approaches, quickly move to a positive idea or story
* Stay focused – your day is full of traps and pitfalls. Keep your eyes on your end goal and be relentless in getting there
* Be confident – if you fall short of a goal- analyze why and bust tail tomorrow to make up the slack.
* Finish strong – if you have one more task at 10 minutes until 5pm… knock it out! You will feel TREMENDOUS afterwards.

A great mentor Justin Morrison always said to me, "the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just a little 'extra.'"  The little things you do WILL make all the difference… GO DOMINATE THIS MONDAY!!


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