Morning Motivator – Who Will Lead in Social Media?

"It is no coincidence that FourSquare uses the term 'mayor' for the leader of its local groups.  It is still politics, only more technical."
- Zachary Barker (that's me!}

The enthusiasm people have for "social media" FASCINATES me.  The advent of FaceBook, Twitter, FourSquare, and other "social" apps, has created a BUZZ unlike any other.  People can now "check in" at their local hot spots, "tweet" about what they are eating for dinner or post every picture ever taken into a shared folder for others to view.

And still, we have the question… What is it social media "DOES?"

Social media has created an EASY way of creating POLITICAL interest groups.  Members are able to LEVERAGE their interests with others (often without knowing one another), also creating an EASY interface to communicate and aggregate data. 

Again… What is it social media "DOES?"

I SUGGEST that social media is in its "developmental" stages for real application.  HOWEVER, I believe that it has the capacity for LEADERSHIP to direct efforts to improve communications, increase business revenues, enhance customer experiences and leverage purchasing power together.

The REAL QUESTION we should be asking is… Who will lead these GROUPS?

Currently, most people are "following" ideas, people who represent ideas, even inanimate objects (Facebook "pickle" to see what I mean).   Still, no one is LEADING these groups.  Will you accept the challenge?  Will you FIND ways to create ACTIONABLE items for these groups?

What if you were able to CREATE an ACTIONABLE solution for people that "Hate Standing in Lines"?  By creating a SOLUTION for standing in line – you become the LEADER of the people that "Hate" it (and you know exactly where to find them… they already tagged themselves!!)

Groups are QUICK to identify themselves with labels and beliefs.  Leaders are ASKED to accept the challenge to helping these people solve their need.  Are you a "member" of those groups, or are you going to be a LEADER of them?



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Morning Motivator – The “Backup Rule”

"Do whatever you can to prevent injury, but if you do get hurt, fight through whatever you can.  Never give your backup the opportunity to see the field because you might not get back out there again."
- Doug Flutie to Drew Brees in "Coming Back Stronger" by Drew Brees

If you are an athlete (or play one on television), you have heard the COUNTLESS stories of the guy that twisted an ankle and never played again.  The tales of some "unknown" like Kurt Warner coming along and stealing the spotlight from Trent Green, the teams "franchise guy."  In case you aren't aware, the Rams won the Super Bowl that year…

So, how does this RELATE to business?  How does it RELATE to your personal life?  How does it RELATE to your spirituality?

"Putting first things first" is a common phrase in business.  It is very simple and appropriate when considering the "Backup Rule."

If your WIFE or HUSBAND truly is the most important person in your life, NEVER allow anyone else to fill your role (emotionally, physically, etc). 

If your CLIENTS are "most important" (as most businesses tout), then NEVER treat the new ones better and never let them sit long enough for a competitor to come knocking on their door.

If your GOD is the most important guidance in your daily life, NEVER let money, fame or lust take His place.  You may have trouble finding your way back…

Things happen and you will take the occasional "bump and bruise."  Yet, NEVER let the person waiting in the background to take your spot see the opportunity to steal your glory.  You earned it – KEEP IT!!



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Morning Motivator – The Sword Fishing Business

"There are two types of fisherman – those that fish for sport and those that fish for fish."
- Unknown

This morning, I ENJOYED a challenging discussion with a new strategic partner and mentor, Mr. Larry Oliphant.  Larry and I had a chat about FOCUS and becoming an EXPERT as part of our development planning.  He CHALLENGED me to define my SPECIFIC area of focus and expertise… WHOA!  (It is not quite as easy as you think.)

He made mention of the concept of FISHING.  A YOUNG angler may be more willing to bait many hooks and thrown many lines in, waiting for one to hit more often than others.  The WISE angler is more likely to test his rods, reels, bait, tackle and spots… then fish CONSISTENTLY in the same manner.

This may me WONDER – am I a fisher working my lake of contacts?  ALTERNATIVELY, am I a sword fisher, baiting a 50-mile line with multiple hooks all across the ocean, HOPING something will bite?

I don't have a BEST ANSWER for you all yet.  I will spend the next few days considering which I am… and hope you will too.

Ask:  Am I SPECIALIZED in my trade?  Do I have a NICHE market that I am pursuing?  Do the GROUPS I chase have a very specific makeup?


Am I chasing the LATEST trend?  Do I continually chase the hottest areas?  Am I changing focus month to month HOPING I find something that sticks?

Being a fisher who KNOWS his craft and pushes his productivity sounds GREAT… Maybe we can do that with a 50-Mile line too!  J



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Morning Motivator – Get into a Success Groove

"Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress."  
- Bruce Barton

How does your SUCCESS start daily?  Do you START work at the same time each day?  Do you spend the FIRST hour opening emails?  Do you start by REACTING to voice mails?  What is your "SUCCESS GROOVE"?

A great MENTOR of mine, Andy Bailey of NationLink Wireless, has CONSISTENTLY preached the gospel of rhythm – a dedicated effort to replicate successful actions in a pattern.  Utilizing focused organizational meetings, task prioritization and delegation – you can CREATE your own "groove."

Does this mean that you have to create a BORING, REPETITIVE schedule, where you do the same exact things every single day for the rest of your uneventful life??  OF COURSE NOT!!  It just means you have a DEFINED system of execution.

A few very simple tasks can assist you in creating YOUR success groove…

Put the most important tasks at the front of the day.  By eliminating the nasty things first, you often open up your afternoons for creative thought, idea testing and even a round of golf on occasion.

Create "blocks" of time to execute tasks.  You DO NOT have to use the same blocks day after day, yet you need use the same blocks daily.  Let me explain.  If you choose to do cold calls from 8-11am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - do it every MWF.  The 8-10a on Tuesday, Thursday can be used for FOLLOW UP calls – every T,Th at the same time.  Make sense??

Create time in the week for you to REWARD yourself for sticking to your SCHEDULE.  Fridays 12pm-4pm can be used to play golf with a client IF (and only IF) you stick to the schedule during the week and CREATE the time to do it.  Play golf and use it for business – how cool is that!?

Find YOUR groove – Test your groove – Then STICK to your groove.  You will find yourself GROOVING to the bank more often too!


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Morning Motivator – Choosing to be More than Average

"Leadership is the challenge to be something more than average."
- Jim Rohn

I have begun reading Drew Brees' Autobiography, Coming Back Stronger, and am finding a CONSISTENT personality trait amongst leaders and winners – they EXPECT to be more than average.

Years ago, I thought I was afflicted with a case of ENTITLEMENT syndrome – that feeling EXPECTING greatness although you have not yet earned it.  I am starting to ACCEPT it may not be a bad thing.

Looking at my friends, colleagues and other community leaders, I have DISCOVERED that the ones that are rapidly SUCCEEDING also seem to share this "expectation of excellence."  You EXPECT to be great and do not fully understand why others do not expect (or accept less) the same.

Leadership and success START in the mind.  It is by holding yourself to a STANDARD that does not "settle" that creates a higher level of achievement.  You don't have a "B Game," it is "A Game" or a lackluster performance in your mind.

You are willingness to PERSEVERE and EXECUTE in the times of challenging conditions is what SEPARATES the ones that FEEL "more than average" and the ones that CHOOSE to be more than average.

Difficulty will show true character and leadership.  If you FEEL that you are meant to be more than average and that God has a plan for you greater than your mind can understand – ACCEPT the difficult times and show you DESERVE the entitlement you feel by showing the world you will do the work to EARN IT!!



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